Top 5 Beste speelmuis vir groot hande 2022

Jy bekyk tans Top 5 Beste speelmuis vir groot hande 2022

In hierdie skrywe het ons die beste gebring speel muis vir groot hande. 'n Briljante speletjiemuis is nodig as jy 'n ernstige rekenaarspeler is, maar om die beste speletjiemuis te vind, is meer uitdagend as sy voorkoms. Deesdae hoef ons spelers nie net op tegniese aspekte van speelmuis te fokus nie, maar ons moet ook aandag gee aan hul grootte en vorm. Ons moet ook 'n keuse maak tussen 'n bedrade en 'n draadlose speelmuis.

As jy groot hande het, kan dit 'n bietjie moeilik wees om die beste speletjiemuis vir groot hande te vind, wat 'n gemaklike greep gee tydens intense spelsessies. So I have decided to make things easier for you and come up with some exciting options of the best gaming mouse for large hands. You can see the best option of gaming mouse for large hands in this list.

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande:

Beeld Produk Kenmerk Prys
Prys: $102.23

BenQ Zowie EC1

The first mouse I have selected for you is BenQ Zowie EC1 which is one of the best gaming mouse for large hands. Our team has personally tested this mouse in the lab and after testing, we are here to share our opinion with you. Kyk op Amazon
Prys: $84.59

Logitech G604

The second mouse selected by my team is Logitech G604. This mouse is also included in the list of the best gaming mouse for large hands. We have personal experience of using this mouse. Kyk op Amazon
Prys: $49.99

SteelSeries mededinger 310

The third mouse we have selected for you is SteelSeries Rival 310 speel muis. This gaming mouse is also one of the best gaming mouse for large hands. We have selected all these gaming mice after testing them in our lab. Kyk op Amazon
Prys: $96.99

Logitech G903

The fourth mouse my team has tested and chosen for you is the Logitech G903 gaming mouse. Our team wants to make things easy for gamers and other computer users, after reading this you can able to easily choose a mouse for you. Kyk op Amazon
Prys: $53.98

Logitech G502

Logitech G502 gaming mouse is one of the best gaming mouse for large hands with high-class performance. Logitech G502 gaming mouse is the fifth mouse that we have included in the write-up of the best gaming mouse for large hands. Kyk op Amazon

BenQ Zowie EC1:

Prys: $102.23

BenQ Zowie EC1

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande

The first mouse I have selected for you is BenQ Zowie EC1 which is one of the best gaming mouse for large hands. Our team has personally tested this mouse in the lab and after testing, we are here to share our opinion with you.

Koop op Amazon

The first mouse I have selected for you is BenQ Zowie EC1 which is one of the best speel muis vir groot hande. Our team has personally tested this mouse in the lab and after testing, we are here to share our opinion with you.

We found this mouse itself very much comfortable and it comes with a sniper button. It comes with an ergonomics design and moves very smoothly at set DPI. If you have large hands then you need this mouse for intense gaming sessions. It comes in two different sizes and designs which provides two different grip styles. It offers a palm grip and claws grip, both of the grips are comfortable.

We have used it with palm grip to experience how much it is comfortable or not comfortable, but we found its top shell with a natural curve which gives maximum comfort to your palm and fingers. Our team has also experienced it with claw grip which is also a comfortable grip and keeps your movement of palm and fingers flexible. Its dual grip style makes this mouse the best speel muis vir groot hande.

While testing this device we found a curve on its right side, which helps our fourth little finger to hold it tightly and effortlessly. Die vervaardiger het die regterkant van die muis van voor gelig om meer spasie aan die vierde en pinkie te gee. Ons sê hierdie muis is die beste speelmuis vir groot hande, want hierdie muis hou homself fiks in jou hand en gee jou 'n gemaklike greep met sy kurwe.

Ons het sy syknoppies gevind wat doelbewus ontwerp en geposisioneer is om toevallige klikke te vermy en jou duim te laat rus.  Om toevallige klik te vermy, is iets wat ons nodig het tydens intense spel. Byvoorbeeld, jy speel 'n Battle Royale en wou nie jou ligging uitlek nie, maar jy het per ongeluk op die vuurknoppie geklik en word deur die vyand doodgemaak. Om hierdie toestand te vermy, kan hierdie muis help om toevallige klikke te vermy.

Tydens speelsessies gee dit troos, jy sal geen ongemak ervaar wat met rande verband hou nie. Dit is ontwerp deur ergonomiese navorsing en samewerking van die esports-spelers. Sy vorm is na die regterkant afgerond en bied meer ruimte vir die beweging van die pols. Sy grootte en ontwerp maak hierdie toestel die beste speelmuis vir groot hande.

Ons het opgemerk dat die vervaardiger al die kenmerke noukeurig gekies het om die gemak en betroubaarheid vir die prestasie van die FPS-speletjies te verhoog. Dit het vier verskillende DPI-vlakke 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200, om betroubare en aanpasbare spelprestasie sonder enige sagteware te verskaf. Nog 'n kenmerk is dat jy geen addisionele sagteware nodig het nie, net plug and play.

Nadat ons hierdie muis in die laboratorium getoets het, kan ons span sê dat die algehele kwaliteit van hierdie muis aan u verwagtinge sal voldoen. Gesamentlik is dit al die kenmerke, grootte, en ontwerp maak hierdie muis die beste speel muis vir groot hande.


  • Puik vorm
  • Gerieflik
  • Glad
  • Twee greepstyle
  • Hoë-end sensor


  • Glad na lang sessies

Logitech G604:

Prys: $84.59

Logitech G604

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande

The second mouse selected by my team is Logitech G604. This mouse is also included in the list of the best gaming mouse for large hands. We have personal experience of using this mouse.

Koop op Amazon

The second mouse selected by my team is Logitech G604. This mouse is also included in the list of the best gaming mouse for large hands. We have personal experience of using this mouse. My span wil ons mening met jou deel, want as jy op soek is na 'n nuwe speel muis dan help ons opskrif jou sekerlik om jou nuwe speletjiemuis te kies.

Die Logitech G604 is die beste draadlose speletjiemuis vir groot hande, maar dit sal dieselfde reaksie as ander bedrade speelmuise toon. Hierdie muis kom met 'n held 25k sensor en dit kan opgaan tot 25,600 DPI met 'n dopspoed van 400 IPS. Dit kom saam met 15 programmeerbare knoppies en het dubbele konneksie.

Ons het meer krag en beheer ervaar in ons spel met Logitech G604. Deur hierdie krag en beheer in jou hand te kry tydens spel, oorwin jy beslis Battle Royale, MMO, en MOBA-spel met 'n takties ontwerpte Logitech G604-speletjiemuis. Dit is 'n gevegswapen wat gebruik word om langer en beter spelsessies met meer opwinding en misterie te speel.

Ons het gevind 15 programmeerbare knoppies in hierdie speelmuis insluitend 6 ses duimknoppies en hierdie almal volledig programmeerbare knoppies kan met G-hub-sagteware geprogrammeer word. Jy kan funksies aan hierdie knoppies toewys volgens jou spelstyl om meer beheer oor jou spel te kry.

Ons het die dubbele verbinding van hierdie speletjiemuis getoets. Dit kan verbind word met ultra-vinnige 1ms LIGHTSPEED draadlose tegnologie en Bluetooth. LIGHTSPEED is 'n draadlose tegnologie wat die reaksietempo verminder.

Dit bevat 'n hero 25k sensor, en sy DPI kan bereik tot 25,600 DPI en sy dopspoed bereik tot 400 IPS. Dit kan gee 240 ure se hoëprestasie-speletjiesessies op 'n enkele AA-battery. Ons het die hoë akkuraatheid en akkuraatheid daarvan ervaar in spelsessies wat deur die held 25k-sensor verskaf kan word.

In Logitech G604 kry ons 'n duursame rolwiel wat geskakel kan word tussen hipervinnige en ratche-blaai. Ratchet-blaai is soortgelyk aan outomatiese blaai-vlak, maar blaai vind nie vanself plaas nie. Met programmeerbare blaai kan jy sleutelbinding toepas wat jou in jou spelstyl help. Sy dubbele funksionaliteit bied meer akkuraatheid, akkuraatheid en dit is iets wat hierdie muis apart van die kompetisie hou.

Ons het 'n AA-battery in hierdie speletjiemuis gevind as die kragbron, jy kan langer daarmee speel, sy battery sal geen hindernis maak nie, want dit bied 240 uur lange batterylewe in LIGHTSPEED-modus. Maar dit bied 'n selfs langer batterylewe op Bluetooth-modus tot 5.5 maande. Hierdie batterylewe is net wow vir gamers wat daarvan hou om intense lang speletjiesessies te speel. Kom met 'n waarborg van twee jaar.

Nadat ons al sy kenmerke ervaar het, wil ons span hul mening oor hierdie muis deel. Ons probeer om al die kenmerke aan jou te verduidelik met ons ervaring met hierdie muis. Ons het gevind dat hierdie muis een van die beste speelmuise vir groot hande is. Sy dubbele verbinding en dubbele rolwiel-funksie maak hierdie muis spesiaal. Ons hoop so hierdie skrywe sal jou help om jou te kies speel muis.


  • AA battery (maklik om te ruil wanneer nodig)
  • Perfekte greep
  • Dubbele konnektiwiteit
  • Puik vorm


  • Effens swaarder as normaalweg as gevolg van AA-battery

SteelSeries mededinger 310:

Prys: $49.99

SteelSeries mededinger 310

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande

The third mouse we have selected for you is SteelSeries Rival 310 speel muis. This gaming mouse is also one of the best gaming mouse for large hands. We have selected all these gaming mice after testing them in our lab.

Koop op Amazon

The third mouse we have selected for you is SteelSeries Rival 310 speel muis. Hierdie speel muis is ook een van die beste speelmuise vir groot hande. We have selected all these gaming mice after testing them in our lab. Alle muise het 'n paar kenmerke wat hulle van mekaar onderskei het. Al hierdie speelmuise maak jou spel meer effektief en help jou om die spel te oorwin.

Ek het reeds vir jou gesê hierdie muis is een van die beste speletjiemuise vir groot hande, As jy groot hande het en op soek is na 'n nuwe speletjiemuis in die mark, sal hierdie muis een van die beste keuses wees. SteelSeries het die vermoë om speelmuise van gehalte te produseer met uitstekende komponente en kenmerke. SteelSeries mededinger 310 speelmuis gee topprestasie en oor die algemeen is dit 'n fantastiese muis vir gamers.

Ons voel dit volg baie glad en vinnig met sy TrueMove3-sensor kan voorsien. Die vinnige reaksie dop bied die mees natuurlike en akkurate beweging met uiters lae latensie, that’s all this sensor can provide this gaming mouse. This is one of the smoothest, and side grips will helps your sweaty hands. This is a very affordable mouse in the terms of price. This sensor offers 1-to-1 tracking with 12,000 CPI and 350 IPS, collectively it delivers the top tier esports performance.

While using this mouse we were able to know that it did not slow down response time. Its CPI level range is from 3,500 aan 12,000 CPI, and the TrueMove3 uses advanced jitter reduction which did not slow down the response time while delivering natural mouse movement.

I get a comfortable feel while using this speel muis. It has a comfortable right-hand design which ensures speed and balance with all the grips. Its sides are made up of ultra-durable pure silicon which delivers a solid feel and long life use. Ek kan langer speletjiesessies speel en my Battle Royale-spel oorwin met hierdie speletjiewapen. Die ergonomiese ontwerp maak hierdie muis die beste speelmuis vir groot hande.

Hierdie speelmuis kenmerke 50 miljoen klik meganiese skakelaars en sy gesplete snellerknoppie bied langdurige duursaamheid en 'n konsekwente klikgevoel. Hierdie muis is regtig liggewig en dit is bewys om te wen met sy perfekte prestasie. Hierdie SteelSeries-mededinger 310 speelmuis wat een van die beste speelmuise vir groot hande is, het reeds groot esport-toernooie gewen, wêreldwyd.

Dit kom met RGB-beligting, jy kan kies uit 16.8 miljoen kleure. Ons kan verskeie instellings op SteelSeries Rival stoor 310 wat die beste speelmuis vir groot hande is. Die beligtingseffek daarvan maak my spel meer interessant deur te reageer op in-game gebeure soos gesondheid, kills, low ammo, en baie meer. We can save our performance and lighting settings direct to the mouse.

After holding this SteelSeries Rival 310 gaming mouse in my hand I am able to say that this is really a lightweight gaming mouse. Its durable material reduces its weight to 88.3 g. I have gone through all the features of this gaming mouse I found this mouse amazingly good for gamers. Its all features and its lightweight make this mouse the best speel muis vir groot hande.


  • Affordable price
  • Truemove3 sensor
  • Comfortable grip
  • Light weight


  • Only two dpi settings
  • No braided cord

Logitech G903:

Prys: $96.99

Logitech G903

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande

The fourth mouse my team has tested and chosen for you is the Logitech G903 gaming mouse. Our team wants to make things easy for gamers and other computer users, after reading this you can able to easily choose a mouse for you.

Koop op Amazon

The fourth mouse my team has tested and chosen for you is the Logitech G903 gaming mouse. Our team wants to make things easy for gamers and other computer users, after reading this you can easily choose a mouse for you. Logitech G903 speel muis is one of the best gaming mouse for large hands which we brought for you.

Let’s see what we get in the Logitech G903 gaming mouse. This is a cordless and lightweight mouse which makes it the best gaming mouse for large hands. It comes with the ability to convert it from left-handed to right-handed, this feature is really sweet. It has good battery life as well. Everything in this mouse is superior to any other thing I have used in past.

We get LIGHTSPEED wireless technology in this gaming mouse. This LIGHTSPEED wireless technology delivers incredible responsiveness for competition-level twitch targeting. We believe latency can play an important role in winning and losing, but the LIGHTSPEED wireless technology of the Logitech G903 gaming mouse can overcome it.

We found this gaming weapon is equipped with an advanced PMW3366 optical sensor. Logitech G903 gaming mouse delivers superior tracking accuracy and consistency even at a speed over 400 IPS. Logitech G903 allows you to play with extreme accuracy and makes sure with your expertise and its features that you will be the last man standing and conquer your battle royale, MMO, and MOBA games.

We observed that the Logitech G903 speel muis provides exceptionally clean and crisp button texture which feels really good. So its advanced mechanical buttons responded without any delay and they did not compromise on consistency as well.

Logitech G903 gaming mouse has a battery life of 24 hours on default lighting, and without lighting, it has a battery life of up to 32 ure. It has good battery life and I have to charge this mouse every after 2 aan 3 days according to my usage.

Logitech G903 gaming mouse is really lightweight, its weight is only 170 g. With its ambidextrous design, its users are able to use it with both left and right hands equally. It is lightweight and ambidextrous design this mouse is the best gaming mouse for large hands.

We feel with its configurable buttons and ambidextrous design allows you to use this gaming device with any grip including palm, claw, and fingertips grip. After analyzing and experiencing all its features we can say that this device is the best speel muis vir groot hande.


  • Wireless charging
  • Feel pleasant touch
  • Clean and Crisp Buttons
  • High accuracy
  • Solid performance


  • Pretty similar to previous version
  • Seems a bit inconvenient with ambidextrous shape

Logitech G502:

Prys: $53.98

Logitech G502

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande

Logitech G502 gaming mouse is one of the best gaming mouse for large hands with high-class performance. Logitech G502 gaming mouse is the fifth mouse that we have included in the write-up of the best gaming mouse for large hands.

Koop op Amazon

Logitech G502 gaming mouse is one of the best gaming mouse for large hands with high-class performance. Logitech G502 speel muis is the fifth mouse that we have included in the write-up of the best gaming mouse for large hands. This mouse is a beast in the terms of size, having a huge size frame, offers precision tracking up to 16,000 DPI. The huge size and top performance make it the best gaming mouse for large hands.

We have found an optical sensor that provides a tracking speed of 400 IPS in the Logitech G502 gaming mouse. G502 has a weight of 121 grams in the absence of the cable. Dit het 11 programmable buttons that make it the best choice for gaming. The sensors of this gaming mouse are considered the most advanced sensors. If you are looking for top performance in competitive gaming, then G502 is the best choice for that purpose.

We got a chance to experience the latest hero mouse gaming sensor in the Logitech G502 gaming mouse, which offers precision tracking up to 16000 DPI with zero smoothings, versnelling, or filtering. All these features make this mouse the best speel muis which is also the best gaming mouse for large hands.

I experienced my gameplay with its 11 programmable buttons, which can be assigned commands according to my gameplay style. We can assign commands to these buttons according to our gameplay style. It offers onboard memory to store five profiles directly to the mouse. These profiles are ready to play next time once it saved to the mouse.

Its custom color RGB lighting makes this mouse the best gaming mouse for large hands. RGB lighting makes your gameplay more excited and interesting. It allows you to choose any color from 16.8 million colors for your profile. I feel with the RGB lighting effect in the gaming mouse that something is giving motivation to me to conquer and get control all over the gameplay.

Logitech G502 gaming mouse allows modifying five different settings in Logitech gaming software. Active or change setting with the single push of the button. It has a dual-mode hyper-fast scroll wheel. Unlock scroll wheel offers hyper-fast scrolling to spin quickly, and lock scroll wheel provides click to click precision scrolling.

Logitech G502 speel muis has an innovative optical sensor that offers maximum tracking accuracy. Its inertia button is silent and offers an excellent scroll wheel. Collectively it’s all its features make this mouse the best gaming mouse for gamers long sessions. If you are looking for a gaming mouse that is suitable for your large hands then this mouse is the best gaming mouse for large hands. It comes with a 1-year warranty.

Many of you may be familiar with Logitech MX518, which is famous to provide a comfortable grip. People who like its design will be happy to hear that Logitech has revived for those large hands. they added some more features such as they have included a better sensor to make this mouse a great all-rounder, the design makes it the best speel muis for large hands just like MX518.


  • Advanced gaming sensor
  • Adjustable weight
  • Great performance
  • Dual mode scroll wheel
  • Slides fine


  • Not suitable for different grips
  • Start double clicking

Beste speelmuis vir groot hande Video:

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