كيفية توصيل مكبر صوت بلوتوث Lbastek?

You are currently viewing How to Connect Lbastek Bluetooth Speaker?

Are you looking for a way to Connect Lbastek Bluetooth Speaker, then you are on the right way to get your search. As in this article, all instructions about your Ibastek speakers are available for you!

Ibastek are portable Bluetooth Speaker with Subwoofers, Wireless Speakers with Booming Bass, EQ, FM Radio, 10H Playtime, أضواء RGB, Stereo Sound, and 30W Loud Speaker for Home, Outdoor, Travel, Camping, حزب.

لذا, without wasting time let’s go towards the instructions about how to Connect Lbastek Bluetooth Speaker.

The process to Connect Lbastek Bluetooth Speaker

أولاً, you have to turn on your hand’s free device. Then you have to discoverconnectivityin the settings on your phone. Then findBluetooth linkand thenhands-free”. Now you have to turn on Bluetooth.

Look before you begin operating your Canz speaker, you have to fully charge its built-in battery. التالي, you have to simplify Bluetooth on your smartphone or your additional device. You have to ensure that the PAIR light which is located on the front of the speaker is flashing rapidly.

If this does not happen, then you have to press and hold the PAIR switch until the speaker starts to beep. علاوة على ذلك, to resolve this issue over your هاتف in just a minute or two, a 6ya expert can help.

Ibastek Bluetooth Speakers Pairing

To pair your ibastek speakers you have to turn on your hand’s free device. Then you have to discoverconnectivityin the settings on your phone. بعد ذلك,ب”Bluetooth link”. التالي, “hands-free”. الآن, عليك تشغيل البلوتوث والبحث عن الأجهزة أو الأجهزة. حسنًا, زوج من هناك.

Ibastek Speakers Not Working Issue

إذا كان جهاز Ibastek Spearkers الخاص بك لا يعمل، فهذا يعني أن هناك مشكلة في البطارية أو مشكلة في الشحن. لذا, يجب عليك اختبار محول التيار المتردد الخاص بك بمقياس متعدد للحصول على جهد معقول ومفيد.

بعد ذلك, يجب عليك التحقق من منفذ الشحن الخاص بك بحثًا عن أي خردة, حطام, دبابيس عازمة أو مكسورة, أو إذا كان هناك أي صدع وأضرار أخرى. ولكن إذا كان كل شيء على ما يرام ولم تجد أي ضرر، فهذا يعني أنه يتعين عليك تغيير البطارية.

Changing Ibastek Speakers

إذا كنت لا تفهم كيفية شحن مكبرات الصوت الخاصة بك، فإليك الحل المناسب لك. لهذا, عليك أن تنظر إلى الجانب السفلي أو الخلفي للمتكلم, and you have to search for a group of ridiculous-looking letters or numbers. When you find them, you have to look for something that says the Model Number like (XXXX).

After finding it, you have to go to Google and then you will typeiBastek (Model Number) manual pdf”. When you type this, you will get a manual for that same product modal. لذا, just look through this manual to see how to charge it.

How Long Does the Battery of the Ibastek Speaker Last?

Battery timing always depends on the product’s type, commonness of use, and last but not least. You should ensure that you use brand-new batteries for your Supersonic outcomes or products. For a particular model, you must guide to the development specs which can be established on the website.

How Do You Connect Your USB Bluetooth Speaker?

Following are the methods to Set up Your Bluetooth Dongle on Windows

أولاً, you have to insert the Bluetooth dongle into the USB port of your computer. ثم, you have to open the Device Manager and Bluetooth will occur. بعد ذلك, عليك أن تذهب إلى “إعدادات”, then you will click onBluetooth and click on other devices”. الآن, you have to choose the option ofAdd Bluetooth or another device”. التالي, you have to select the device of your option and simply pair up!

Can You Use a USB Speaker With Your Mobile Phone?

نعم, by utilizing your iPhone or smartphone, you can choose/play music files on a device that is connected to the USB A port ( أ) of your speaker. The design and the specification of the app may transform without announcement. لذا, you have to connect the device to the USB A port ( أ) of your speaker.

How to Your Bluetooth Speaker Functions?

Radio waves are used by Bluetooth technology, a sort of electromagnetic wave, to communicate data. It is practically a two-way radio communication system. جهاز الإرسال أو الجهاز مثل هاتفك المحمول, ينقل البيانات الصوتية إلى جهاز استقبال Bluetooth في مكبر الصوت اللاسلكي الخاص بك باستخدام هذه الموجات.


Ibastek Speakers are good to use but they are useless for you if you don’t know how to Connect Lbastek Bluetooth Speaker. But hopefully, لقد أصلحت هذه المقالة مشكلتك المتعلقة بالاتصال بهم. لذا, كل ما عليك فعله هو اتباع التعليمات المذكورة أعلاه بعناية للتخلص من أي مشكلة!

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