Kako povezati Beats sa Windowsom na laptopu 10?

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Are you struggling to connect Beats to Laptop Windows 10? Many users need to connect their Beats wireless headphones to Laptop Windows 10. If you are one of them, then you are on the right place. Evo, we are going to discuss detailed guideline on how to connect Beats to Laptop Windows 10.
Dakle, let’s start to dive into detail……

Step-By-Step Guideline to Connect Beats to Laptop Windows 10

To connect Beats to laptop Windows 10, you have to ensure that your Beats wireless headphone is turned off and then you have to follow this step-by-step guideline:

  • Kao prvo, you have to hold the Power button placed on the Beats wireless headphone just for about 10 seconds until the indicator light of the Beats starts to flash, which will make the Beats wireless be detected.
  • Nakon toga, to open the Windows Settings application, you have to press the Win + I keys, and then you have to navigate to the Devices section.
  • Sad, from the left side pane, you have to choose the Bluetooth & drugim uređajima, and then from the right side you have to toggle on the Bluetoothswitch.
  • Sljedeći, you have to click on thePlusicon afterAdd Bluetooth or other devices”.
  • Onda, morate odabrati ”bluetooth” in the Add a device window. And now, you can be able to select the Beat wireless headphone from the discovered devices list and then you have to follow the on-screen prompts to finalize the process.

Windows Can’t Find Your Beats Wireless

Following are a few ways of fixing if your PC can’t be able to discover your Beats wireless. You don’t need to try to do them all; you just work your way down the list until you discover the one that operates well for you.

  • You have to turn off Bluetooth in each device the Beats Wireless has connected to
  • You have to hold down the power button of your Beats for a longer time
  • You have to allow or enable your Bluetooth driver with the help of Device Manager
  • You have to update your Bluetooth driver

Reset Beats Wireless Headphones

To reset your Beats Wireless Headphones, morate slijediti ove korake:
Kao prvo, you have to hold down both the volume down button and power button just for 15 seconds. When you see that the LED indicator light has started to flash, then you have to release the buttons. Sad, your earphones are reset and they are prepared to be put up with your devices again.

Pair Your Beats With Bluetooth

To pair your Beats with Bluetooth, you have to follow the below-mentioned instructions:
Prvo, you have to press and hold down the system button which is placed on the charging case until the LED starts to blink. Sad, na vašem uređaju, you have to Open the Bluetooth menu. In the discovered Bluetooth devices list, you have to click or tap on Beats Studio Buds or your Beats Studio Buds +.


Are Beats Wireless Compatible with Laptops?

You have to turn on pairing mode to connect your Beats wireless to a laptop or PC. If your earbuds are Beats, onda, firstly you have to open the lid first. Nakon toga, you have to press and hold the connect button or power button until the LED indicator begins to flash. Sad, you can proceed to your computer and then you have to go into the Bluetooth settings to connect them.

How to Connect a USB to Beats Wireless?

You have to plug the USB end of the cable into a port that is located on your computer or PC which you need to use. You have to plug the cable’s other end into the underside of Beats Wireless Solo Pro. You have to turn on Beats Solo Pro. Za ovo, you have to press and hold down its power button just for a few seconds till the time you see the option “Power On” appears in blue notes or letters on its screen.

Does Beats Wireless have a PC App?

By the following steps, you can use your Beats on your PC: firstly, you will download MEmu, and then you have to install and launch it. Onda, you will log in to Google Play Store, and install the application. Sad, you are free to enjoy using the app on a PC with MEmu.

How to Download Beats App?

To download the Beats App, you have to go to the Play Store (or go to the Google Play website) on your Phone. Nakon toga, you have to search for the Beats application. Onda, you have to tap Install. Nakon toga, you will follow the onscreen instructions.


We have illustrated a detailed guideline on how to connect Beats to Laptop Windows 10. Nadam se, you will get a lot of help from this article. Just follow up on the above-mentioned steps and solve your issue!

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