InShot per PC | Windows 7/8/10/11 & Mac- Scarica gratis

You are currently viewing InShot For PC | Windows 7/8/10/11 & Mac- Scarica gratis

Vulete scaricà Inshot per pc per u vostru urdinatore? Quì avemu spartutu u metudu passu-da-passu à scaricà Inshot.

Inshot hè una applicazione di editore video. here you can make great videos for slideshows, reels, and YouTube, ecc. Inshot offers you cool new effects, glitch, tagliatu, copy, cultura, slideshow template, testu, musica, ecc. With Video Cutter and Video Splitter application, you can split multiple videos on-screen simultaneously. These applications can compress files by merging multiple videos together. The quality of the video also does not lose once it is compressed.

Inshot also provides a music library. Here you will also be provided with a free music library. You can add any music to the video for free. Cù sta applicazione, you can also add your own song. There are many features of Inshot application that I am going to share with you below.


Inshot Features :

Crop ToolYou can crop the video in custom size. You can also crop any watermark icon and resize the video. this will help you to zoom in and zoom out the video.

Video MergeYou can merge multiple videos together to make a single video. You can also create a slideshow by merging multi photos.

Video Cutter & Move -move any part by cutting video. You can also remove the waste part of the video.

Music Libraryadd your own cuddly voice to the video. Inshot also provides a free music collection.

Video Filters and Effectsapply many video filters to the video like Old Movies, Black and White, Gulch, Nature, ecc.

Video transitionsThe app allows video transitions between two video clips. Which you can make the video like a cinematic look. Inshot provides 55+ video transitions.

Testu & EmojisIf you want to add text to the video, then you can also add text in different formats. there are also so many emojis stickers available.

Check out a similar app for video editing

You can access Inshot through the website and app. Ùn ci hè micca una versione ufficiale liberata per Windows è Mac. Sè vo vulete stallà una app Android nant'à un urdinatore, ùn pudete micca stallà direttamente. Per questu, duvete aduprà l'emulatore. Un emulatore Android crea un sistema operatore virtuale nantu à l'urdinatore. Eppo, vi ponu stallà ogni App Android nant'à u vostru urdinatore.

Prima di principià u metudu, avemu a cuntrollà qualchi esigenze in u nostru urdinatore cusì chì vo ùn affruntà ogni prublema più.


  • Windows XP o versioni più tardi
  • Microsoft 4.5 Framework
  • Ultimi Drivers
  • 2 GB RAM cunsigliatu
  • 4 GB Spaziu Liberu (20 Spaziu GB per un megliu rendimentu)

Cume vi dicu. In più, we have to install an Android emulator first to install the Inshot app. Ci sò parechji emulatori Android dispunibili oghje. Ma ùn sapemu chì emulatore hè bonu. Vi cunsigliu Bluesteak Player, Knox Player, è Memu Player. Sti trè sò arnesi pupulari chì sustene a maiò parte di l'applicazioni Android è arnesi faciuli d'utilizazione.

We will talk about the Inshot app for pc windows and Mac methods. Avete à seguità tutti i passi cun cura.

Download and Install Inshot app for PC -Windows 7/8/10 Utilizà Bluestack Player

  1. Scaricate Bluestakes Player da u situ originale. Pudete ancu scaricà da questu ligame.
  2. Dopu à scaricà, stallà lu in u vostru urdinatore. A stallazione hè ancu un prucessu abbastanza faciule. Segui l'istruzzioni di stallazione nantu à u screnu.
    scaricate Bluestack
  3. Una volta installatu, poi aperta Bluestakes player da un doppiu cliccà nantu à ellu.
  4. Avà accede à cun Account Google. Pudete ancu log in da Google Play Store andendu à Settings.
  5. Dopu, apre Google Play Store. Truverete Google Play Store nantu à a homepage stessu.
    Open Google play store
  6. Avete da type Inshot app in l'opzione di ricerca è appughjà entre.
  7. Dopu avè ottene risultati, you have to install it by visiting the page of the Inshot app. U prucessu di scaricamentu di l'app principia automaticamente.
  8. L'app hè stallata immediatamente dopu a scaricamentu.
  9. Infine, you have installed Inshot for pc. Avà vi ponu aduprà nant'à u vostru urdinatore.

Download and Install Inshot app for Mac

Per utilizatori Mac, useremu l'emulatore Nox. Nox Player pò ancu eseguisce app d'altu livellu in modu efficiente. Una app hè ancu un strumentu sicuru. Allora cuminciamu u metudu di stallazione.

  1. Scaricate Nox Player da questu ligame.
  2. Dopu à scaricà, installate Nox Player cù u metudu di stallazione standard. U metudu di stallazione hè simplice.
  3. Dopu à a stallazione, apre Nox Player è cunfigurate tutte l'opzioni.
  4. Dopu, login cù un contu Google. Pudete truvà u login opzione seguendu Settings > contu.
  5. Avà apre u Google Play Store and search the Inshot app.
  6. Dopu avè l'app, Appughjà u buttone d'installazione. Stu prucessu hà da piglià qualchi tempu.
  7. Felicitazioni! Avete successu Downloaded the Inshot for pc.

Infine, you have learned to download the Inshot on your computer. Sè vo affruntà ogni prublema cù u metudu di stallazione, pudete dì in u cumentu.


Apps simili


Kinemaster is a very popular application for editing videos. You can edit videos with the advanced method. Kinemaster also supports the effect of the green screen available to change the background. You can fully customize the video. You can also edit 4k videos with this application.

You cut

This application is a video editor and movie maker application. You can make a professional video using this application. It provides you with many features like cut, cultura, compress, video splitter, animazione, effetti, transizioni, slideshow templates, ecc. This application is available absolutely for free.



Can I download the Inshot app to my laptop?

You can’t install the Inshot app on a laptop. The emulator tool will help you to get the Inshot app on pc.

Is Inshot a free app?

Iè, Inshot is available for free on the google play store. there are limited features for free usage.


Inshot is a video editing application. the app is available on the google play store, you can download it free for your android mobile. if you want to install Inshot on the computer then you need an emulator to do this stuff. we explained the step-by-step process to download inshot on pc. you can read the above method.

