Πώς να αντιστοιχίσετε τα ακουστικά Tozo NC2 με τη συσκευή σας? Αυτή η ανάρτηση θα σας καθοδηγήσει στα βήματα για την επιτυχή σύζευξη των ακουστικών Tozo NC2 με τη συσκευή που επιθυμείτε. Before diving into the pairing process, ensure that your buds are fully charged and ready for use.
How to Put Tozo NC2 Earbuds in Pairing Mode?
- Πρώτα, ensure that the Tozo NC2 earbuds are charged and powered on. Before taking them out of the charging case, make sure that they are not paired with any other device. Otherwise, the earbuds will pair up with it.
- Open the case and remove both earbuds from it.
- One of the earbuds will start flashing blue and red indicating that they are entering a pairing mode.
- Open the Bluetooth menu on your device. Find your Tozo NC2 earbuds in the list of available devices.
- Once the earbuds have entered pairing mode, they will stop flashing light.
How to Pair Tozo NC2 Earbuds to iPhone?

To pair Tozo NC2 earbuds with an iPhone, follow these steps carefully.
- Πρωτα απο ολα, ensure that your Tozo NC2 earbuds are charged and turned on.
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Tap Bluetooth to access the Bluetooth settings and turn it on.
- Τώρα, put your earbuds into pairing mode. Typically, this is done by holding a specific button on a case for a few seconds. Or just take both earbuds out until you see one of them flashing blue and red indicating the successful pairing mode.
- On your iPhone, you should see your earbuds listed as available devices. Tap on their name to initiate the pairing process.
- Enter a PIN code 0000 if required to complete the pairing process.
How to Pair Tozo NC2 Earbuds to Android?

To pair Tozo NC2 earbuds with an Android device, follow these quick steps
- Make sure that your Tozoz NC2 earbuds are charged and turned on.
- Open the Settings app on your Android device.
- Tap on the Connections or Bluetooth option in the Settings.
- Put your earbuds into pairing mode.
- Τώρα, on your Android device, tap on the Scan or Pair New Device option to start scanning for available Bluetooth devices.
- Your earbuds should appear in the list of available devices. Tap on them to start the pairing process.
- Enter a password 0000 if required to complete the pairing process.
How to Pair Tozo NC2 Earbuds to Mac?

To pair Tozo NC2 earbuds with a Mac, follow these steps
- Ensure that your Tozo NC2 earbuds are charged and turned on.
- Click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your Mac screen > System Preferences > Bluetooth > On.
- Put your earbuds into pairing mode.
- On your Mac, under the Bluetooth settings, you should see your Tozo NC2 earbuds listed as available devices. Click on them.
- Enter a PIN code if required to complete the pairing process.
- Once the pairing is successful, your earbuds will be connected to your Mac.
How to Pair Tozo NC2 Earbuds to Windows?

To pair Tozo NC2 earbuds with Windows, follow these steps
- Ensure that your Tozo NC2 earbuds are charged and turned on.
- Click on the Start menu > Ρυθμίσεις > Devices > Bluetooth & Other devices. Click the option Bluetooth to turn it On.
- Put your earbuds into pairing mode.
- On your laptop, click on the Add a Device or Pair button within the Bluetooth settings.
- Your buds should appear in the list of available devices. Click on them.
- Enter a password if required to complete the pairing process.
- Once the pairing is successful, your earbuds will be connected to windows
How to Reset Tozo NC2 Earbuds?
Open the charging case and keep the earbuds in the case. Long press the button of the charging case for 10 seconds until the charging case LED lights flash 5 times at the same time, the earbuds will restart automatically after clearing the pairing, then enter the pairing mode with your device.
Open the charging case and keep the earbuds in the case. Long press the button of the charging case for 3 seconds until the first and fourth charging case LED lights flash 3 times at the same time, the earbuds Bluetooth will disconnect, then enter the pairing mode with your device.
Open the charging case and keep the earbuds in the case. Long press the button of the charging case for 15 δευτερόλεπτα, and the left and right earbuds are interconnected with each other and enter into connection or pairing mode.
Pairing Tozo NC2 Earbuds with your device is a straightforward process. Just follow the above instructions to pair them to different devices. Ελπίζουμε ότι αυτό το άρθρο θα σας βοηθήσει πολύ!