Puffin arakatzailea ordenagailurako

You are currently viewing Puffin browser for pc

After a long time Puffin arakatzailea ordenagailurako version available with a good interface. It provides a compressed webpage. It helps to load fast websites without the westing of data. Puffin browser is also available for Android and ios devices. Same time compression of a webpage is the best impressive feature of this app. all features are free.

Puffin browser for pc inbuilt with cloud computing technology. It is designed with a javascript engine to access your web pages with super speed. you can surf anything you want without any footprints using incognito mode.

All data from this app is encrypted with a secure connection. It provides the best protection from a hacker. You can access a non-secure wifi connection with 100% privacy that is not offered by other browsers. The app uses cloud servers to prevent workload that can boost your internet speed. The app can save up to 90% of your bandwidth on regular web browsing.

Deskargatu Super VPN ordenagailurako

Puffin Browser for pc Features

  • increase page speed
  • The latest adobe flash player
  • theater mode to play video
  • provide cloud storage
  • various themes and other customs tool
  • gamepad and virtual trackpad
  • superfast Javascript engine
  • responsive web browser
  • Incognito browser with encryption

Puffin blokeatu dute Txinan, Saudi Arabia, Arabiar Emirerri Batuetako konderriek. Hodeiko zerbitzariak Estatu Batuetako herrialdean soilik sartzen dira. Ezin duzu beste herrialde batean sartu.

Deskargatu puffin arakatzailea Windows-erako

Puffin arakatzailea deskargatu dezakezu honetatik esteka.

instalatu zure ordenagailuko gailuan. Puffin ez dago erabilgarri mac-erako. Baina Bluestack bidez erabil dezakezu. Bluestack Android emuladore bat da zure ordenagailuan edozein Android aplikazio exekutatzeko. Bluestack-era sartzeko errendimendu handiko sistema bat izan beharko zenuke.

Puffin arakatzailea behar bezala instalatu duzula espero dut edozein gailutan. egiten ez bada, mesedez, jakinarazi iezadazu zure arazoa. zure Android eta iPhone mugikorretarako ere deskarga dezakezu.