How To Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds?

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Do you want to Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds? The Altec Lansing NanoPods have 4 hours of battery life and 16 tuntia latauskoteloa käyttäen. They have Bluetooth 5.0, IPX5 hiki- ja pölytiivis sertifikaatti, 50ft of work range, ja enemmän. Here you learn how to use them with these new Altec Lansing NanoPods with your devices.

How To Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds?

If you want to pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds to your devices follow the below-mentioned steps carefully without skipping any step.

How To Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds With iOS and Android Phones?

Vaihe 1: Take out the earbuds from the charging case. Sen jälkeen, they will turn ON automatically, and a light will light up on them.

Vaihe 2: Then turn on Bluetooth on your device and go to the Bluetooth settings.

Vaihe 3: Nyt, select NanoPods. Jos pyydetään salasanaa, tyyppi 0000.

Sen jälkeen, pariliitosprosessi suoritetaan, the earbuds will be paired to your device and ready for use.

How To Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds With PC (Windows)

Vaihe 1: Ensinnäkin, go to the search bar on your PC Click here type Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth.

Vaihe 2: Nyt, go to the settings.

Vaihe 3: Siirry kohtaan Bluetooth ja muut laitteet.

Vaihe 4: Click on Add device.

Vaihe 5: After that take out the earbuds from the case, they will turn on automatically and you see a light on them.

Vaihe 6: Sitten, select NanoPods. If needed a password, tyyppi 0000.

After all these steps, pariliitosprosessi suoritetaan, the earbuds pair with your device, and now you can use them.

How To Wear Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds?

Here we describe a few steps on how to wear the Altec Lansing NanoPods Kuulokkeet.

Vaihe 1: Ensimmäinen, take out both earbuds from the charging case.

Vaihe 2: Sitten, identify the left and right earbuds.

Vaihe 3: Choose the ear tips that best fit your ears.

Vaihe 4: After these steps insert the headphones into the inner canal of the ears, rotate them for the best possible comfort and best fit, ja varmista, että mikrofoni osoittaa suuhun.

How To Turn On And Off Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds?

Turn on

Take out the earbuds from the charging case. Sen jälkeen, you see a light will light up on the earbuds, ja ne käynnistyvät automaattisesti.

Turn off

To turn Off the Earbuds place them into the charging case. They will turn off automatically.

Kuinka hallita? / How to Operate? – Instructions

HUOMAUTUS: The multifunction touch sensor is placed on the top part of the earbuds.

  • Paina oikeanpuoleisen kuulokkeen monitoimikosketuspainiketta ja pidä sitä painettuna noin 2 seconds to play or pause music.
  • Press the multifunction touch button on the right earbud two times to play the next song.
  • Press the multifunction touch button on the left earbud two times to play the previous song.
  • Press the multifunction touch button on the right earbud one time to turn the volume up.
  • Press the multifunction touch button on the left earbud one time to turn the volume down.
  • Vastaa saapuvaan puheluun painamalla minkä tahansa kuulokkeen monitoimikosketuspainiketta kerran.
  • Press and hold the multifunction touch button on any of the earbuds for about 2 seconds to end a current call.
  • Press the multifunction touch button on any of the earbuds two times to reject an incoming call.
  • Paina ja pidä painettuna vasemman kuulokkeen monitoimikosketuspainiketta noin 2 seconds to Activate the voice assistant.

How To Activate The Mono Mode?

To activate or deactivate the mono mode in these earbuds, pair the earbuds to the device and take out one of the earbuds from the charging case that you want to use. Se alkaa toimia itsestään.

Kuinka ladata kuulokkeet?


Kuulokkeiden lataamiseen, place them into the charging case and close the lid properly. Kuulokkeet alkavat latautua automaattisesti.


Latauskotelon lataamiseen, connect the case to a USB charger or charging port with the included USB-A to C cable. Se alkaa latautua automaattisesti.

What Do The Lights Mean?


  • A light turns on when you take them out from the charging case. It means the earbuds turn on.
  • A red light turns ON, on the charging case. Kun kuulokkeet latautuvat.
  • A red light turns off on the charging case. Kun kuulokkeet on ladattu täyteen.
  • A blue light flashed three times. When the earbuds are resetting mode.
  • A red light turns blue. When the earbuds are reset.


  • One light flashing while charging is less than 25% of the battery.
  • One light on and one flashing while charging is less than 50% of the battery.
  • Two lights on and one flashing while charging the case has less than 75% of the battery.
  • Three lights on and one flashing while charging is less than 100% of the battery.
  • All lights are on while the charging case is fully charged.

How To Reset Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds?

Vaihe 1: Delete all pairing records of the NanoPods from the connected device.

Vaihe 2: Then take out both earbuds from the case. Sen jälkeen, ne käynnistyvät automaattisesti.

Vaihe 3: Nyt, press and hold the multifunction touch button on both earbuds for about 9 sekuntia. Sen jälkeen, a blue light will flash three times, to then turn red and back to blue.

Vaihe 4: Place the earphones back in the charging case. Sen jälkeen, nollaus tehdään.


Left/Right/One side of the earbuds has stopped working

If this issue happens, it may be because it is low on battery or it did not connect correctly with the device. Korjataksesi tämän, voit tehdä seuraavaa:

1. Charge the earbud that is not working or, place both earbuds in the charging case.

2. Factory reset the earbuds.

3. Check if the earbuds are operating within a normal working range

Jos se ei toimi, the earbud is probably faulty.

Left/Right/One side of the earbuds has a low volume

If this happens, it may be because the earbud is dirty or the volume is set low. Korjataksesi tämän, you can do the following steps.

1. Clean the earbud using a cotton swab or carefully clean the mesh with a pin.

2. Try factory resetting the earbuds.

The microphone is not working

If this happens, it can be because the microphone is muted, tai kuulokkeet ovat huonosti paikoillaan. Korjataksesi tämän, voit tehdä seuraavaa:

Check the device microphone volume. Jos se ei toimi, that means there might be a defect in the earbuds, joten yritä vaihtaa ne tai saada rahat takaisin.

FAQs to Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds

Are the Altec Lansing NanoPods waterproof?

Ei, the Altec Lansing NanoPods are not waterproof (IPX6 and up). Niiden luokitus on IPX5, mikä tarkoittaa, että ne on suojattu suuttimesta tulevalta vedeltä.

Do the Altec Lansing NanoPods have a microphone?

Joo, the earbuds come with integrated microphones.

Do the Altec Lansing NanoPods have a low latency/gaming mode?

Ei, these earbuds don’t have a low latency/gaming mode.

How to know when the Altec Lansing NanoPods are fully charged?

Kun kuulokkeet latautuvat, some lights turn on the charging case. Kun se on ladattu täyteen, all lights turn off.

Can the Altec Lansing NanoPods connect to a PC and Laptop?

Joo, these earbuds can connect to PCs, laptops, and even tablets.

Are the Altec Lansing NanoPods noise canceling?

Ei! These earbuds don’t come with noise-cancellation technology.


We hope you now know how to Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds with your desired device. Niin, that all you need to know is how to Pair Altec Lansing NanoPods Earbuds to your device. Toivomme, että tämä artikkeli auttaa sinua paljon!

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