Blink app for pc | Windows 7/8/10/11 & Mac – Luchdaich sìos a-nis

You are currently viewing Blink app for pc | Windows 7/8/10/11 & Mac – Luchdaich sìos a-nis

Blink app is a CCTV camera management application. You can monitor your home from anywhere with your mobile. Blink App is available for Android phones. Faodaidh tu a luchdachadh sìos bho Google Play Store. If you want to install the blink app on the computer then read this post till the end. By following this article you will be able to download the Blink app for PC.

Blink app is designed to monitor CCTV cameras. You can watch live streaming by configuring the Blink device with the app. Blink App also supports Alexa devices. You can control the camera by giving voice commands. Blink camera device has come with AA batteries, you can put it anywhere. Even if the power goes out, you can still do video recording.

The battery life of the Blink device is two years. With the help of the blink app, you can record video in HD quality. This app supports motion detection. If any unusual activity is detected, the Blink device immediately sends an alert to your mobile. Blink app also records night vision in good quality. All recordings are stored on your device. You can watch it later also. If you have to go out for some work, then you can keep an eye on your home from anywhere.

You can also take screenshots from the video with the blink app. If your camera is movable, you can control it directly from the phone.

Blink app features

  • Smart ways to secure your home
  • Control with Voice command
  • Live streaming in HD quality
  • Motion detection sensor
  • Save video recording in local storage
  • Configure with Alexa

Blink app is available for android mobile. Faodaidh tu a luchdachadh sìos bho Google Play Store. If you want to install it on Windows and Mac computers, then you cannot install the Android version.

Chan eil an aplacaid seo ri fhaighinn airson coimpiutairean Windows agus Mac. Ma tha thu airson a chleachdadh air a’ choimpiutair, tha thu air tighinn dhan àite cheart. An seo bidh sinn a 'roinn an dòigh iomlan, which you can easily download the Blink app for pc.

Tha emuladair na inneal math a chuidicheas tu gus aplacaid Android sam bith a chuir air do choimpiutair. Bidh an inneal emuladair a’ cruthachadh àrainneachd brìgheil android. Tha an eadar-aghaidh seo a’ coimhead dìreach mar fhòn Android. Tha na h-innealan emulator mòr, mar sin bheir na h-innealan sin barrachd àite sa choimpiutair agad.

Uaireannan chan eil na h-emuladairean seo air an stàladh ann an cuid de choimpiutairean oir chan eil thu air an dràibhear no an siostam ùrachadh air a' choimpiutair agad. Tha mòran a bharrachd riatanasan ann. Bu chòir dhut am faicinn aon uair.


  • Windows XP no siostam-obrachaidh ùr
  • Am frèam as ùire
  • Driver ùraich
  • 2 RAM GB
  • 20 Àite diosc cruaidh GB

Lorgaidh tu mòran emulators air an eadar-lìon, ach cha bhi fios agad cò an fheadhainn a tha math. Tha mi a’ moladh trì innealan emuladair. bu chòir dhut an cleachdadh air a’ choimpiutair agad.

  1. Cluicheadair airson bluestacks
  2. Cluicheadair nox
  3. Cluicheadair memu

An seo ionnsaichidh mi dhut mar a stàlaicheas tu an aplacaid a’ cleachdadh cluicheadair Bluestaks agus innealan cluicheadair Nox. Tha mi a’ dol a cho-roinn modh ceum air cheum. Feumaidh tu a h-uile ceum a leantainn gu faiceallach.

A’ chiad, we will download the Blink app on a Windows computer. Às deidh seo, mìnichidh sinn an dòigh airson coimpiutairean Mac cuideachd. Mar sin tòisichidh sinn air a’ phròiseas gun a bhith a’ caitheamh ùine.

Download and Install Blink for pc for pc through Bluestacks Player

Bidh Bluestacks ag obair glè mhath air coimpiutairean Windows. Sin as coireach gum bu chòir dhut Bluestack dha airson seo.

  1. Luchdaich sìos Bluestack cluicheadair a-nuas làrach oifigeil. Faodaidh tu a luchdachadh sìos bho seo Ceangal.
    Download Bluestacks
  2. An dèidh a luchdachadh a-nuas, stàlaich e air a’ choimpiutair agad a’ cleachdadh an dòigh stàlaidh àbhaisteach. Bheir am pròiseas stàlaidh beagan ùine. Gu ruige sin, feumaidh tu feitheamh.
  3. Cho luath 'sa tha e air a stàladh, Feumaidh tu fosgail e bhon deasg le bhith a’ briogadh dùbailte air ìomhaigh an inneil.
  4. Às deidh fosgladh, log a-steach chun chunntas Google agad leis an id agad. Lorgaidh tu an roghainn logadh a-steach anns an app play store.
    Open google play store
  5. Air adhart, fosgail Google Play Store, type ‘Blink app’ in the search option, agus brùth a-steach.
  6. Air duilleag na h-aplacaid, chì thu am putan stàlaidh. Brùth air. Tòisichidh am pròiseas luchdachadh sìos.
    Blink app for pc
  7. Às deidh an tagradh a luchdachadh sìos, you will see the Blink icon on the desktop. Feumaidh tu fosgail e le bhith a’ briogadh dùbailte e.
    Blink app for pc
  8. Mealaibh ur naidheachd! You have downloaded your Blink for windows.

Download and Install Blink for Mac Through Nox Player

Bidh Nox Player ag obair gu math air coimpiutairean Mac. Cha bhith an coimpiutair agad eadhon crochte leis an emuladair seo.

  1. A’ chiad, Luchdaich a-nuas nox cluicheadair bho làrach oifigeil.
  2. An dèidh a luchdachadh a-nuas, feumaidh tu a stàladh le bhith a 'leantainn an stiùiridh air an sgrion. Tha am pròiseas an ìre mhath furasta.
  3. Air adhart, fosgail Nox Player, agus dèan an suidheachadh bunaiteach. Dìreach mar a bha thu air na roghainnean fòn gu lèir a thaghadh fhad ‘s a bha thu a’ gabhail fòn ùr, anns an aon dòigh, feumar na roghainnean a thaghadh an seo.
  4. Nise, open the google play store and search the Blink app.
  5. Às deidh na toraidhean rannsachaidh fhaighinn, go to the installation page of Blink video editor and press the install button. Tòisichidh am pròiseas luchdachadh sìos gu fèin-ghluasadach. Aon uair 's gu bheil e deiseil, thèid a stàladh leat.
  6. You have correctly downloaded the Blink app on a Mac computer.

So this was the method to download the Blink for pc. A bharrachd air seo, chan eil roghainn eile comasach. Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis an stàladh, faodaidh tu innse dhomh anns a’ bheachd. ma tha gaol agad air a’ phost seo feuch an roinn thu e le do charaidean. faodaidh tu cuideachd a roinn air na meadhanan sòisealta.


The blink app is used to control the CCTV camera. If you want to connect Blink company’s camera device to your mobile, then you can do it with the help of the Blink app. Blink app is not available for computers, if you want to download it on the computer then you can easily do it with the help of an android emulator. We have shared the complete information step by step above. This is the only way to download the blink app on a PC.

I hope you got the idea to install the blink app on your computer. if this post is helpful to you then you can share it with your family and friends.

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