Flipaclip for pc use to creating any type of cartoon animation video. this app is inbuilt with so many awesome tools to draw any type of shape. you can create both images and videos easily. flipaclip helps you to show your talent and art to the world. you can increase your creativity and skill by practice using this app.
Create cartoon animation frame by frame just like flipbook but modern style. flipaclip helps to perform your idea with the unique presentation in a better way. the app comes with different types of brushes, erasers. you can select the brush thickness that you want to use. the app has 100 color variations. it suggests your mistakes to improve your art.
flipaclip is available for Android and IOS versions. the app is available in google play store and iTunes.
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flipaclip for pc features
- Frames manage
- Text and drawing tool
- Timeline management
- sketching pen
- audio recording import and library
- ghost image before and after
the awesome thing is that you can directly upload an image and video directly on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin through flipclip.
The app’s official version is not available for pc. but you can use it with step by step method that is explained here. but you need an android emulator to install this flipclip app. Bluestack is the best android emulator to easily access this app.
Download and Install flipaclip for pc windows 7/8/10 and mac
- Download and install the Bluestack app player
- sign in with your Gmail account
- Open Google play store in Bluestack
- Search for Flipaclip app
- Click on install
- that’s enough
you can also use the Nox android emulator. but you should have the latest framework installed on your pc. if you like my blog please share it with your friends and family. it very good for needy people if you share it on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In, agus mòran eile.