Goodnotes app is the most popular application used on Apple iPads. If you want to install on this Windows computer, then definitely read this post till the end. Here I am going to share step by step process about how to download and install Goodnotes for pc.
With Goodnotes, you can do free hand writing on iPad. Handwriting will look exactly like you have written on a paper. You can also add text, icons, stickers here. With the app you can make the presentation creative. Goodnotes offers pens of different colors. You can search any handwriting text by typing the word. If you want to highlight any text, then you can do it with the help of annotate tool. GoodNotes Application is a useful tool for the students. They can create and manage multiple slides from the application.
You can access Goodnotes app from Mac Book. With this application you can invite multiple users simultaneously. If you want to download it for your iPhone, you can download it from Apple App Store. Goodnotes is not available for Android users. This application supports only Apple devices. If you want to install it on Windows computer, you have to follow the steps given below.
Here we are going to install the alternate version of Goodnotes. The name of this application is Squid. This app works exactly like Goodnots and its features are also similar to Goodnot’s app.
Goodnotes Features
- Take note using Pen with your handwriting
- Different paper layout like as Graph, Lining, Plan etc.
- Easy to use and Manage
- Different colors and pen sizes
- Export notes as PDF, PNG, or JPEG
- Vector, images, stickes
- save the Notes as template
- zoom in and zoom out
Tha emuladair na inneal math a chuidicheas tu gus aplacaid Android sam bith a chuir air do choimpiutair. Bidh an inneal emuladair a’ cruthachadh àrainneachd brìgheil android. Tha an eadar-aghaidh seo a’ coimhead dìreach mar fhòn Android. Tha na h-innealan emulator mòr, mar sin bheir na h-innealan sin barrachd àite sa choimpiutair agad.
Uaireannan chan eil na h-emuladairean seo air an stàladh ann an cuid de choimpiutairean oir chan eil thu air an dràibhear no an siostam ùrachadh air a' choimpiutair agad. Tha mòran a bharrachd riatanasan ann. Bu chòir dhut am faicinn aon uair.
- Windows XP no siostam-obrachaidh ùr
- Am frèam as ùire
- Driver ùraich
- 2 RAM GB
- 20 Àite diosc cruaidh GB
Lorgaidh tu mòran emulators air an eadar-lìon, ach cha bhi fios agad cò an fheadhainn a tha math. Tha mi a’ moladh trì innealan emuladair. bu chòir dhut an cleachdadh air a’ choimpiutair agad.
- Cluicheadair airson bluestacks
- Cluicheadair nox
- Cluicheadair memu
An seo ionnsaichidh mi dhut mar a stàlaicheas tu an aplacaid a’ cleachdadh cluicheadair Bluestaks agus innealan cluicheadair Nox. Tha mi a’ dol a cho-roinn modh ceum air cheum. Feumaidh tu a h-uile ceum a leantainn gu faiceallach.
A’ chiad, we will download the Goodnotes app on a Windows computer. Às deidh seo, we will explain the second method for computer as well. Mar sin tòisichidh sinn air a’ phròiseas gun a bhith a’ caitheamh ùine.
Download and Install Goodnotes for pc(Squid) through Bluestacks Player
Bidh Bluestacks ag obair glè mhath air coimpiutairean Windows. Sin as coireach gum bu chòir dhut Bluestack dha airson seo.
- Luchdaich sìos Bluestack cluicheadair a-nuas làrach oifigeil. Faodaidh tu a luchdachadh sìos bho seo Ceangal.
- An dèidh a luchdachadh a-nuas, stàlaich e air a’ choimpiutair agad a’ cleachdadh an dòigh stàlaidh àbhaisteach. Bheir am pròiseas stàlaidh beagan ùine. Gu ruige sin, feumaidh tu feitheamh.
- Cho luath 'sa tha e air a stàladh, Feumaidh tu fosgail e bhon deasg le bhith a’ briogadh dùbailte air ìomhaigh an inneil.
- Às deidh fosgladh, log a-steach chun chunntas Google agad leis an id agad. Lorgaidh tu an roghainn logadh a-steach anns an app play store.
- Air adhart, fosgail Google Play Store, type ‘Squid app’ in the search option, agus brùth a-steach.
- Air duilleag na h-aplacaid, chì thu am putan stàlaidh. Brùth air. Tòisichidh am pròiseas luchdachadh sìos.
- Às deidh an tagradh a luchdachadh sìos, you will see theSquid icon on the desktop. Feumaidh tu fosgail e le bhith a’ briogadh dùbailte e.
- Mealaibh ur naidheachd! You have downloaded your Squid for windows.
Download and Install Squid for computer Through Nox Player
Nox Player works very well on windows computers. Cha bhith an coimpiutair agad eadhon crochte leis an emuladair seo.
- A’ chiad, Luchdaich a-nuas nox cluicheadair bho làrach oifigeil.
- An dèidh a luchdachadh a-nuas, feumaidh tu a stàladh le bhith a 'leantainn an stiùiridh air an sgrion. Tha am pròiseas an ìre mhath furasta.
- Air adhart, fosgail Nox Player, agus dèan an suidheachadh bunaiteach. Dìreach mar a bha thu air na roghainnean fòn gu lèir a thaghadh fhad ‘s a bha thu a’ gabhail fòn ùr, anns an aon dòigh, feumar na roghainnean a thaghadh an seo.
- Nise, open the google play store and search the Squid app.
- Às deidh na toraidhean rannsachaidh fhaighinn, go to the installation page of Squid video editor and press the install button. Tòisichidh am pròiseas luchdachadh sìos gu fèin-ghluasadach. Aon uair 's gu bheil e deiseil, thèid a stàladh leat.
- You have correctly downloaded the Good Notes app on a Windows computer.
So this was the method to download the Goodnotes for pc. A bharrachd air seo, chan eil roghainn eile comasach. Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis an stàladh, faodaidh tu innse dhomh anns a’ bheachd. ma tha gaol agad air a’ phost seo feuch an roinn thu e le do charaidean. faodaidh tu cuideachd a roinn air na meadhanan sòisealta.
Goodnotes saves notes in your natural writing. You can store all your notes in your device.goodnotes is only available for apple devices. If you want to install it on Windows computer then you cannot do this. to do this thing you will have to install an alternate version of Goodnotes. Squid App is a great application. This app is similar to Goodnotes. The features of both are similar and work as same. You can install with the help of Android emulator.
i hope you get an idea for this problem. if you have any quetion you can tell me in the comment. if you love this post you can share it with your friends and family. Thank you!
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