how To Connect To 4Moms Bluetooth? [Iphone & Android]

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If you don’t know how to Connect To 4Moms Bluetooth? Mar sin, na gabh dragh, here is everything for you to connect it to Bluetooth, whether you are using 4mooms on an iPhone or an Android phone. But remember, you can’t use or connect 4mooms to your laptop.

The feature of Bluetooth has made it extraordinarily convenient for users to control all features of swing employing their smartphone-enabled appliance just as a smartphone. Through this, you can regulate the music, speed, and movement of your swing. This feature will be equally helpful and work on both an iPhone as well as an Android smartphone.

Mar sin, Anns an artaigil seo, here is an easy step-by-step guide to Connect To 4Moms Bluetooth. Mar sin, let’s go for details.

Important Note: An toiseach, You must need to install the Mamaroo app on your smartphone. This app is functional on both IOS of Apple and Android’s Play Store.

Procedure for iPhone Users

This procedure will help you to Connect To 4Moms Bluetooth if you are an iPhone user:

  • An toiseach, you have to go to the app store on your phone.
  • Then you have to Search “4moms app” in the search bar.
  • Uill, you won’t have to face any difficulty finding the right app because there is just a 4moms app in the app store.
  • Às deidh sin, you have to click on the Get button. An uair sin, after completing the installation, you have to open the application.
  •  Seo, the app will permit to use Bluetooth. Mar sin, you have to Click “ok”
  • Air adhart, you will sign up using a few details such as your first name, last name, post-d, password, and date of birth. Then you have to press the “create account” button after filling up the details.
  • Seo, the application will indicate various mama roo products such as bassinets, swings, and tubs. Nise, you have to choose your desired product, the mama roo infant seat.
  • Às deidh sin, you have to click “Connect.”
  • Then the app will offer you an optional form on which you can be able to register the optional product. But if you don’t need to add any additional product you have to press the skip button if you.
  • The app will attempt to discover the nearest mama roo device, so you have to make sure that your mama roo is turned on.
  • It will indicate that the mamaroo is found. An uair sin, you will pair the swing with your iPhone.
  • Às deidh sin, you have to hold the music button on the swing just for 5 diog, and then after 5 seconds let it go. But keep in mind that, if you don’t leave the button after 5 seconds and keep continuing the button pressed, then it will not connect. Mar sin, you must let it go after 5 diog.
  • After happening this, the application will exhibit the word “success.” If you see this word then it means your device is successfully paired with Mamaroo. Nise, you will be able to control all the features of a swing by utilizing your iPhone.

Procedure for the Android Users

You have to follow this process to connect 4moms mamaRoo to Bluetooth if you are a user of an Android.

  • An toiseach, you have to open your Android phone’s play store.
  • Às deidh sin, you have to search the keyword “4moms” on the search bar.
  • Nise, you have to open the app with the 4moms icon, and then click on the install button.
  • After completing g the installation, you have to open the app and then will click on the signup button.
  • Air adhart, you have to fill up the information just as your password, post-d, first name, last name, and date of birth. Then you have to Click on the “create account” icon.
  • Às deidh sin, you have to click on the go-to-app button and then you will select your product, mamaroo swing.
  • Nise, on the icon, you have to Press the “connect” button.
  • When you have to press this button the app will take just a few seconds to discover the nearby mamaroo device. But remember that the swing is turned on. Uill, the application will indicate “found.”, after a few seconds.
  • Mu dheireadh thall, you will pair your Android phone with the 4moms mama roo. Mar sin, on your phone swing, you have to hold the music button for 5 seconds and then you will leave the button. The app will indicate “pairing in progress” and then show “success.”

FAQs Of Connect To 4Moms Bluetooth

Is MamaRoo Wireless?

The amazing Smart-home features like Bluetooth and voice control compatibility, along with Google Home (currently in the Beta phase) and Amazon Alexa, let the MamaRoo incorporate into the home. Safety and protection are the top priority. This product is not designed and marketed for unsupervised or sleep use.

Does MamaRoo Require Batteries?

Chan eil, MamaRoo does not need batteries because it comes with a plug. And it’s enough for it.

Why is Your MamaRoo Bluetooth not Pairing?

When MamaRoo Swing Won’t have to Connect or not pairing to Bluetooth, you have to try the following: An toiseach, you have to turn off and unplug the swing, after that, you have to plug in and retry. Then turn off the Bluetooth of your phone, so, turn on and retry.


Mar sin, an dòchas, this article helped you a lot in order to Connect To 4Moms Bluetooth. To connect it perfectly should carefully follow each step and don’t miss any step because missing a step will destroy the process. Here is the perfect solution for both iPhone and Android users!

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