InShot para PC | Windows 7/8/10/11 & Mac- Descargar gratis

You are currently viewing InShot For PC | Windows 7/8/10/11 & Mac- Descargar gratis

Queres descargar Inshot para PC para o teu ordenador? Aquí compartimos o método paso a paso para descargar Inshot.

Inshot é unha aplicación de edición de vídeo. here you can make great videos for slideshows, reels, and YouTube, etc. Inshot offers you cool new effects, glitch, cut, copy, colleita, slideshow template, texto, music, etc. With Video Cutter and Video Splitter application, you can split multiple videos on-screen simultaneously. These applications can compress files by merging multiple videos together. The quality of the video also does not lose once it is compressed.

Inshot also provides a music library. Here you will also be provided with a free music library. You can add any music to the video for free. Con esta aplicación, you can also add your own song. There are many features of Inshot application that I am going to share with you below.


Inshot Features :

Crop ToolYou can crop the video in custom size. You can also crop any watermark icon and resize the video. this will help you to zoom in and zoom out the video.

Video MergeYou can merge multiple videos together to make a single video. You can also create a slideshow by merging multi photos.

Video Cutter & Move -move any part by cutting video. You can also remove the waste part of the video.

Music Libraryadd your own cuddly voice to the video. Inshot also provides a free music collection.

Video Filters and Effectsapply many video filters to the video like Old Movies, Black and White, Gulch, Nature, etc.

Video transitionsThe app allows video transitions between two video clips. Which you can make the video like a cinematic look. Inshot provides 55+ video transitions.

Texto & EmojisIf you want to add text to the video, then you can also add text in different formats. there are also so many emojis stickers available.

Check out a similar app for video editing

You can access Inshot through the website and app. Non hai ningunha versión oficial publicada para Windows e Mac. Se queres instalar unha aplicación de Android nun ordenador, non podes instalalo directamente. Para isto, tes que usar o emulador. Un emulador de Android crea un sistema operativo virtual no ordenador. Despois diso, podes instalar calquera aplicación de Android no teu ordenador.

Antes de comezar o método, temos que comprobar algúns requisitos no noso ordenador para que non teñas máis problemas.


  • Windows XP ou versións posteriores
  • Microsoft 4.5 Marco
  • Últimos controladores
  • 2 GB RAM recomendado
  • 4 GB Espazo Libre (20 Espazo GB para un mellor rendemento)

Como che dixen. Ademais, we have to install an Android emulator first to install the Inshot app. Hoxe hai moitos emuladores de Android dispoñibles. Pero non sabemos que emulador é bo. Recomendoche Bluesteak Player, Xogador Knox, e Memu Player. Estas tres son ferramentas populares que admiten a maioría das aplicacións de Android e ferramentas fáciles de usar.

We will talk about the Inshot app for pc windows and Mac methods. Ten que seguir todos os pasos con coidado.

Download and Install Inshot app for PC -Windows 7/8/10 Usando Bluestack Player

  1. Descargar Xogador de Bluestakes dende o sitio orixinal. Tamén podes descargalo desde este ligazón.
  2. Despois da descarga, instalar no teu ordenador. A instalación tamén é un proceso bastante sinxelo. Siga as instrucións de instalación na pantalla.
    descargar bluestack
  3. Unha vez instalado, podes aberto Xogador de Bluestakes facendo dobre clic nel.
  4. Agora inicia sesión con Conta de Google. Tamén podes iniciar sesión desde Google Play Store indo a Configuración.
  5. A continuación, abra Google Play Store. Atoparás Google Play Store na propia páxina de inicio.
    Open Google play store
  6. Tes que facelo type Inshot app na opción de busca e prema entrar.
  7. Despois de obter resultados, you have to install it by visiting the page of the Inshot app. O proceso de descarga da aplicación comezará automaticamente.
  8. A aplicación instálase inmediatamente despois da descarga.
  9. Finalmente, you have installed Inshot for pc. Agora podes usalo no teu ordenador.

Download and Install Inshot app for Mac

Para usuarios de Mac, utilizaremos o emulador Nox. Nox Player tamén pode executar aplicacións de alto nivel de forma eficiente. Unha aplicación tamén é unha ferramenta segura. Entón, imos comezar o método de instalación.

  1. Descarga Nox Player desde isto ligazón.
  2. Despois da descarga, instalar Nox Player co método de instalación estándar. O método de instalación é sinxelo.
  3. Despois da instalación, open Nox Player and set up all the options.
  4. A continuación, log in with a Google account. You can find the login option by following Configuración > Account.
  5. Agora open the google play store and search the Inshot app.
  6. After getting the app, Press the install button. This process will take some time.
  7. Parabéns! You have successfully Downloaded the Inshot for pc.

Finalmente, you have learned to download the Inshot on your computer. If you face any problem with the installation method, you can tell in the comment.


Aplicacións similares


Kinemaster is a very popular application for editing videos. You can edit videos with the advanced method. Kinemaster also supports the effect of the green screen available to change the background. You can fully customize the video. You can also edit 4k videos with this application.

You cut

This application is a video editor and movie maker application. You can make a professional video using this application. It provides you with many features like cut, colleita, compress, video splitter, animación, efectos, transitions, slideshow templates, etc. This application is available absolutely for free.


Preguntas frecuentes

Can I download the Inshot app to my laptop?

You can’t install the Inshot app on a laptop. The emulator tool will help you to get the Inshot app on pc.

Is Inshot a free app?

Si, Inshot is available for free on the google play store. there are limited features for free usage.


Inshot is a video editing application. the app is available on the google play store, you can download it free for your android mobile. if you want to install Inshot on the computer then you need an emulator to do this stuff. we explained the step-by-step process to download inshot on pc. you can read the above method.

