Vrh 5 Aplikacije Pronađi moj telefon za Android

You are currently viewing Top 5 Aplikacije Pronađi moj telefon za Android

Pametne telefone uvijek nosimo sa sobom po cijele dane. Telefon sadrži sve osobne podatke, podatke o bankovnom računu, Kontakt podaci, i druge račune. Nowadays there are so many cases happens related to phones theft.

In case if your phone is stolen or lost we are so worried about the misuse of our information. It’s necessary to keep your phone safe. You can keep your phone secure by installing the safety apps.

There are so many apps available to prevent stolen or lost incidents. Here I am going to share the best Find my Phone apps for android devices. Using these apps you can quickly track your phone location. So let’s begin the post.

Popis aplikacija Find My Phone za Android

1 Obitelj Locator & GPS Tracker

Život 360 aplikacija uživo prati lokaciju za članove vaše obitelji i prijatelje. You can make the group for your family and check the live location of any members. dobiti upozorenje kada je osoba stigla na odredište.

This app also helps your recover stolen lost phone. također možete razgovarati s povezanim članovima. trebate jednostavno poslati zahtjev za pridruživanje drugim članovima. kada prihvate zahtjev, možete ih vidjeti na karti. također, mogu pratiti vašu lokaciju.

Ovo je najbolji način da se brinemo o našim članovima. Live chat helps you to follow up with all person’s safety. Svi članovi vide GPS lokacije uživo za karte cesta. Once a person reached the destination other family members get a notification on their device.

2. Google Pronađi moj uređaj

Ovo je jedna od najboljih aplikacija za praćenje lokacije vašeg telefona. If your phone is lost, možete znati pravo odredište položaja vašeg telefona. Until you get your phone you can local the device. Također možete reproducirati zvuk upozorenja pri velikoj glasnoći čak i ako je vaš telefon u nečujnom načinu rada.

It is also able to track your smartwatch and laptop location. You can add multiple devices to one account. Google Find My Device je aplikacija koja je vrlo jednostavna za korištenje. You can also delete everything from the phone with a simple one click.

3. Prey protiv krađe

Prey je poboljšao sjajan sustav praćenja s 10 godine iskustva. There are so many unique features available to trace the location. Postavite granice za određena područja na karti. kada korisnik prijeđe izlaznu točku, aplikacija brzo šalje poruku upozorenja. Pomoću ovog sustava GPS praćenja možete brzo pratiti upozorenje o sumnjivom kretanju.

You can check location history to verify the movement. Možete postaviti upozorenje kada je uređaj izvan dometa određenog područja. You can play a sound or turn off the screen with a passcode, prikazati poruku upozorenja, itd.

GPS praćenje vrlo je dobra značajka za jednostavno pronalaženje telefona. The app captures all active wifi connections to track accurately. You can know the mac address and IP address for your device. The app tries to capture a surrounding picture using the camera. You can delete everything on the phone using remote access. You are able to encrypt all information until you recover the device.

4. Praćenje telefona po broju

Phone Tracker ima 50 milijuna korisnika diljem svijeta. Ova aplikacija daje vašu točnu lokaciju pomoću GPS lokacije i praćenja mobitela. This is one of the best apps to track every activity of your kids. It automatically update the current location without refreshing.

You can receive every minute updates of your family members. It works with every mobile operator. You can find the accurate locations through pinpoints on the map.

5. iSharing

ISharing app is specially designed to take care of family members through tracking live location. Know the real-time location of every member on a private map. Primite trenutno upozorenje kada osoba napusti mjesto.

Chat with every group member using the chatting option. Get the alert when your member is surrounding nearby you. Shake the phone if you have an emergency. It sends panic notifications to other members. Send voice messages through the app.

Dakle, postoje najbolje aplikacije Find My Phone za Android. Nadam se da su vam ove aplikacije korisne. If you like this post please share it with your family members.