Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama?

Trenutno gledate Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama?

Evo što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama, kao i kako ga spriječiti i liječiti. Ovisnost o video igricama je ozbiljan problem. To može imati negativan učinak na vaše fizičko zdravlje, mentalno zdravlje, i društveni život. Ovisnost o video igricama ozbiljno je stanje koje se često pogrešno shvaća.

Prema nedavnim studijama o statistici ovisnosti o videoigrama, evidentno je da se velik broj ljudi diljem svijeta bori s ovisnošću o igricama. Ovaj članak pomoći će vam razumjeti ovisnost o videoigrama, simptomi ovisnosti o video igrama, and video game addiction treatment.

Video games are a love of many and with this love, you will find that there are different types of games that you can enjoy. The game industry is worth over 100 billion dollars and is growing by the day. This blog will look at different aspects of video games and how they affect our lives. This write-up will also help you if you are looking for the answer to how to quit gaming addiction?

Što je ovisnost o video igrama?

Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama

Video game addiction, also known as gaming disorder, is a real mental health condition affecting millions of people around the world. Video game addiction is an impulse control disorder, similar to gambling addiction in many ways. Ovisnost o video igrama može se definirati kao prekomjerna upotreba videoigara ili nemogućnost kontrole nad igračkim navikama što dovodi do negativnih učinaka na vaš život. Ovisnost o video igricama može dovesti do toga da zanemarite svoju obitelj, prijatelji, i posao.

To može imati ozbiljne posljedice na vaš život. Mnogi ljudi u svijetu ovisni su o videoigrama. Ovisnost o video igricama ozbiljno je stanje koje može ozbiljno utjecati na vašu karijeru, vaši odnosi, i vaše cjelokupno mentalno zdravlje. Ovisnost o video igrama također je pravi poremećaj mentalnog zdravlja koji se može liječiti uz pomoć terapeuta za ovisnosti.

Definicija ovisnosti o video igrama:

„Ovisnost o igricama je nekontrolirano korištenje videoigara koje može utjecati na druga područja osobnog života osobe, uključujući društvene, obrazovanje, i zanimanja”. Ovisnost o video igrama naziva se i ovisnost o igrama i poremećaj igranja.

Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama:

Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama

Život je užurban, ali većina nas još uvijek ima vremena za igranje video igrica. Međutim, ima ljudi koji igraju toliko da imaju problem. Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama? Lako je pretpostaviti da je ovisnost o video igrama novi fenomen, ali istina je da je ovisnost o video igrama problem već dugo vremena.

Samo što je internet olakšao povezivanje s drugim ljudima koji vole igrati video igrice. Također je ljudima olakšano pronalaženje igara koje odgovaraju njihovim interesima. U prošlosti, morali ste otići u trgovinu i pronaći igru ​​koju želite igrati. Sada, možete jednostavno otići na internet kako biste pronašli igru ​​koju želite.

Popularnost videoigara iznimno je porasla posljednjih godina, a to je sa sobom donijelo mnoštvo novih prilika i načina za zabavu, također je dovelo do brojnih negativnih učinaka. Veliki problem je učinak koji video igre mogu imati na život osobe.

Videoigre su toliko impresivne da ih je lako igrati satima i satima, a da uopće ne primijetite koliko je vrijeme brzo prošlo. Mnogim ljudima je teško izdržati bez igranja igrica dan ili dva, pogotovo kada su izgradili naviku i navukli se na njih. Ali činjenica je da video igre mogu biti vrlo zarazan hobi.

Glavni razlog video igre su tako zarazne je zbog načina na koji su dizajnirani. Većina igara je dizajnirana na takav način da stalno dobivate nagrade za radnje koje radite unutar igre. Znaju da što više igrate igru, to ćete više biti uloženi u to. Što više postajete ulagani u to, to ćete više htjeti igrati. To je razlog zašto su ljudi toliko ovisni o igrama kao što su Farmville ili Candy Crush.

Zapravo, više od 9 posto stanovništva starijeg od 17 je ovisan o video igrama. Većina tih ljudi igra igrice za više igrača, koje su one igre koje se igraju online s velikim brojem drugih igrača. MMORPG igre, ili masovne online igre uloga za više igrača, su od ovih igara najveća ovisnost. Razlog tome je što MMPORG-ovi nude beskrajnu avanturu, što je nešto što većina drugih videoigara nema. You can go on playing an MMORPG for as long as you want, and you can never reallyfinishthe game.

Simptomi ovisnosti o igricama:

It’s not unusual for parents to be concerned about their children’s video gaming habits. But some kids become so obsessed with gaming that it can become a serious problem. Parents should know the warning signs of gaming addiction, and what they can do if they suspect their child is struggling with a gaming disorder. The Symptoms of gaming addiction are:

  • Become Isolated from family and friends.
  • Playing the game in secrets and lying with others that how often they are playing games.
  • Becoming upset and irritable when not playing game.
  • Ignoring school and work to play video games.
  • Avoiding pervious hobbies.
  • Not taking meals on time to focus on the video games.
  • Fatigue and eye strain.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Not getting proper sleep to play video games.

Učinci ovisnosti o video igrama:

Što uzrokuje ovisnost o video igrama

Video game addiction, also known as gaming addiction, is a compulsive mental health disorder that has harmful effects on a person’s life and relationships. Video game addiction is commonly found in gamers of all ages, which includes children, adolescents, and adults. Video game addiction is a serious condition that needs to be treated.

The effects of video game addiction can be devastating, causing a person to become isolated from friends, family, and society. As with most addictions, video game addiction is more than just a physical dependency. It is both mental and emotional in nature. The mental effects of video game addiction are similar to those found in other addictions.

At first, video game addiction is a seemingly harmless habit. Međutim, as time progresses, the addiction takes on a life of its own, and the video gamer becomes less able to control his or her use of video games. A video game addict will often feel guilt and shame after playing video games, but will then rationalize his or her behavior and continue playing.

Addiction also leads to problems with relationships and in the workplace. Because of the addict’s preoccupation with video games, he or she will find it difficult to communicate effectively with others or to fulfill responsibilities at work or school.

You may have often seen people playing video games at night for long hours. The fact is that video game addiction has a major impact on the sleeping routine of a person. Video game addicts are unable to sleep peacefully due to the stress that video games cause. Zapravo, the effects of video game addiction are sleep deprivation and depression. Sleep deprivation makes a person unable to think clearly and thus he/she is unable to control his/her emotions.

The effects of video game addiction are not just limited to psychological effects but have also shown physical effects. Studies have shown that many gamers are malnourished because they are so immersed in their experience that they forget to eat. They often consume energy drinks and other stimulants to keep going for hours. They are dehydrated and are not getting all the nutrients they need. Video game addiction can lead to poor diet and dehydration, according to a new study.

Liječenje ovisnosti o video igrama:

If you recognize yourself as a video game addict, možda ćete morati potražiti pomoć profesionalnog terapeuta ili liječnika. Ne dopustite da vam ovisnost o video igrama uništi život. Prvi korak u prevladavanju ovisnosti o video igrama je prepoznati da imate problem. Sljedeći korak je potražiti stručnu pomoć. Ako tražite terapeuta ili liječnika koji se specijalizirao za ovisnost o video igrama, onda vjerojatno imate sreće. Mnogi stručnjaci sada rade s ovisnicima o videoigrama kako bi ih vratili na pravi put. Ako niste sigurni odakle početi, možete nazvati lokalnu bolnicu i zatražiti uputnicu za terapeuta ili liječnika koji vam može pomoći.

Video game addiction može dovesti do depresije i drugih ozbiljnih zdravstvenih problema, a može dovesti i do samoubojstva. Zato što je industrija igara danas tako velika, we are seeing more and more people become addicted to video games. Many people who play video games don’t realize that they have a problem, and they need help to overcome it. One therapy which can help is called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This is mental health therapy that explains to you how to change thoughts about gaming to help change behavior.

Sprječavanje problema s igranjem:

If a child spends too much time playing games she or he will start to feel stressed out and anxious. There are some simple things you can do to prevent this from happening. Set time limits for play, and stick to that time limit. Do not play video games every day to avoid gaming problems.

The popularity of smartphone and tablet games, and the ability to play them in your bed, have probably led to an increase in gaming problems. Tako, what’s the solution? Get the gaming gadgets out of your bedroom.

Gaming is becoming a more widespread hobby, but it’s also easy to develop a gaming problem that can cause a lot of harm to your life. A study from the University of Buffalo found that gaming led to a loss of productivity, lower grades, and an increase in weight. The study found that for some gamers, it’s hard to stop playing and often leads to a lack of sleep and physical health problems.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent this. One of the most important is to not sit and play for long stretches of time. Instead, get up, go outside, do some exercise, and have a good time. This will lower your health risks and make your hobby a lot more fun.

Završne riječi:

Video game addiction is a real issue that needs to be dealt with. The sooner, the better. If you are a video game addict, you will need to seek professional help. Video game addiction is a topic that is widely debated for many years. Many people express their concern over the amount of time children spend playing video games and the effect that it can have on their mental health. Nadajmo se, this post has given you useful knowledge about how to stop gaming addiction.

We have tried to explain some video game addiction facts. We hope that you have found this article helpful and if you have any questions or concerns in regards to video game addiction please feel free to contact us anytime. Thank you for reading and we hope that you continue to find more helpful information on our website.

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