VN software is a video editing and video maker tool that helps you compose a good video. This tool is very famous for video editing. VN is available for all operating systems. You can download it by visiting the official site of VN. The Android version of this tool is made very well. If you want to install the Android version on your Windows computer, this post has been made for you. Here I will share the VN Video editor for pc with you.
Before downloading VN Tool, let us talk about its features. VN App is a professional video editing tool that you can use on Desktop, Android, and Mac devices. Ez az alkalmazás egyszerűen használható; bármilyen videót szerkeszthet és kiváló minőségben exportálhat.
Lehet vágni, vágott, videók összevonása. És zenét is hozzáadhat a videóhoz. Sokkal több eszköz áll rendelkezésre, mint például a nagyítás, hasított, húzza, zöld képernyő, kulcsképkocka animáció, többrétegű idővonal, maszk, stb. Az alábbi részletekben megosztom az összes eszköz listáját, amelynek könnyen érthetőnek kell lennie.
VN video editor Features
- Vágott, Vágás és összevonás
- Egyesítse videót hanggal
- Sebesség időtartama
- Zöld képernyő hatás
- Kulcskeret hozzáadása
- Animációs effektus hozzáadása, Szöveg
- Csúszka animáció
Most beszéljünk arról, hogyan használhatjuk a VM videószerkesztő androidos verzióját PC-re? Az Android verziót nem telepítheti közvetlenül a számítógépre. A számítógép nem támogatja az Android nyelvet. Ezt a dolgot megtenni, telepítenie kell az Android emulátort. Után, Gyorsan futtathat bármilyen Android-alkalmazást a számítógépen.
There will be a dilemma in your mind: which Android emulator will be the best. So let me tell you that you can use Bluesteak Player, Nox Player and Memu Player. These three emulators work very well and also provide many advanced features.
Before installing the emulator, you have to check some requirements to avoid trouble installing it later.
- Must have 20 GB free Space on Hard-disk
- Windows XP or later version
- Latest Framework and Drivers
If your PC has all these requirements, you can start the process. Először is, we will install it on a Windows computer after installing Mac.
Download and install VN video editor For Pc Windows
- Először is, Letöltés Bluestack lejátszó. You can download it from their official website.
- Letöltés után, install it on your computer. The installation method is straightforward. All you have to do is follow the instruction given on the screen. The installation method will take some time.
- Következő, open Bluestreak by double-clicking on the icon and sign in with your Google account. You can also log in by going to Settings.
- You have to open Google Play Store és search for VN Video Editor.
- After Getting Results, Install the app. usually, it takes some time for the installation process.
- After Downloading, you can run the VN video editor app on pc.
Download and Install the Vn video editor for Mac
Nox Player is a useful software to install Android games on the computer. You can install many apps on your computer and use them. Let begin the installation process.
- Download Nox Android Emulator From Official Website. The downloading process will take some time. Addig, you have to wait a bit.
- Letöltés után, nyissa meg a Nox Playert. And set the basic settings.
- Következő, you have to open the search option from the homepage of Nox Player. Google Play Store itself has provided this search option.
- You have to search for VN Player here and download it on the emulator.
- Letöltés után, you can use it on your computer.
Now you know the download method for Windows and Mac devices. You can also use another Android emulator. If there is any problem, then you have to update the drivers. If there is less Hard disk space on your computer, then the computer will become a bit slow.
Alternate apps
Kinemaster -The app is a popular mobile editing app. You can edit this video in a good way. This application provides many tools that help you to make a good video. Vannak 2500 effects available that you can apply to the video. kinemaster is available on Google Play Store.
FilmoraGo – Filmora will help you in editing HD videos. You can apply text, animation, zene, and transition effects to video. A computer version of the Filmora software is also available on the internet.
Is the VN app completely free?
The app provides free and Pro versions for mobile and computer. You can use it according to your needs.
Is VN Video Editor without a watermark?
VN Video Editor Export the video without watermark in free and paid versions. But in the free version, you will give limited features to edit video.
Is VN free for PC?
VN is available for Windows and Mac computers. You can download it free for both. You can get it from their official site.
Vn Video Editor is software used for video editing, which you can run on both mobile and computer. If you want to run an Android version on a computer, you can use it through an emulator. We have shared the complete installation method for vn video editor for pc in this post. If you cannot download it, kommentben elmondhatod.
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