Connecting the PXN V9 Steering Wheel to the PS4 has become disturbing for you because you don’t know how to connect. 良い, 心配しないでください. You are in the perfect place.
PXN V9 steering wheel is compatible with PS4. 良い, without wasting time we go towards the way to connect the pxn v9 steer g wheel to the ps4. それで, let’s get started…..
Connect PXN V9 Steering Wheel to PS4
To connect the PXN v9 steering wheel to ps4, これらの指示に従わなければなりません:
- 初めに, you have to power off the original controller of your PS4.
- その後, you have to connect the Racing Wheel to your PS4 controller with the help of a Micro USB cable.
- 今, you have to plug the USB of Racing Wheel into the USB interface of PS4.
- 次, you have to press the button “MODE”.
- As you have done the Racing Wheel can come to be to play game and setting.
Method to Turn On Bluetooth On PXN V9
To turn on Bluetooth on PXN V9, 次の手順に従う必要があります:
- 初めに, you have to press the power button of the controller just for three seconds to turn on the controller
- その後, you have to long-press the Bluetooth button of the controller just for three seconds to bring in the LED indicator flash fast.
- 今, you have to enter the device Bluetooth page to search and connect to the Speedy Gaming Controller device.
Reasons For Steering Wheel Not Working
There are several reasons why your steering wheel is not working properly. One of the most ordinary reasons may be that the vehicle which you’re driving has been affected in a casualty or accident. まだ, there are also a few different issues that can be a reason for this to occur. 良い, to get rid of the issues you may need to keep some things in mind:
- You must make sure that both your PXN steering wheel & driving game are compatible and consistent.
- You have to check if the connection Between the console and the PXN steering wheel is broken or faulty
- You have to check if the PXN USB cord has been damaged
- You have to review your choices for fetching your gaming racing car back on the track
Factory Reset PXN V9
To reset your pxn v9, これらの指示に従わなければなりません.
If your pin v9 didn’t function, then what do you need to do? はい, you have to try to reset it. このために, を押す必要があります [PROG] button just for 3s and then release the button when you see that the red indicator light blinks, その後, を押す必要があります [OPTION] button just for 8 seconds to restore the factory default settings.
Calibrate PXN V9
To calibrate PXN V9, 次の手順に従う必要があります:
- 初めに, you have to press down the gas pedal completely.
- その後, you have to press down the clutch pedal fully.
- 今, you have to press down the brake pedal fully.
- 次, on the wheel, you have to press the Options button again to finalize the calibration of the wheel and pedals, as well as the firmware update.
Can PXN V9 Work Properly on PS4?
PXN V9 is a good Gaming Racing Wheel with a shifter and Pedals, a Steering Wheel for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch.
What Games Can a User Play With PXN V9 PS4?
Most of the Racing Games
PXN V9 xbXboxttextboxheel can deliver PC platforms with games like Truck Life, iRacing, Forza Horizon 4/5, Shenli Corsa, European Truck Simulation, Maxthon China, and other many games; Xbox announcer can be adjusted to Forza Horizon 4/5, Forza Motorsport series, Dust 2.0, Racing Project 2 and other games.
Why Won’t Your PXN Steering Wheel Connect to Your PS4?
If you have to face this issue, then you have to confirm whether the original controller is turned off or not, and you have to connect it when it is turned off. そうでない場合, then you have to try to change your data cable.
Is the PXN V9 Bluetooth?
まず最初に, you have to put the steering wheel into your computer, you have to open the “V9 Tool”. Then you will allow permission and approval after a pop-up window. 今, you have to wait for a pop-up window that adjusts to the steering wheel’s Bluetooth automatically. 次, you have to click the option “Yes” to connect successfully.
うまくいけば, この記事はとても役に立ちます. You have learned completely the process of connecting the pxn v9 steering wheel to the PS4. This connection process is just straightforward. それで, keep connected with us to get more solutions!