How To Turn Your Game Controller Into A Computer Mouse

How to turn your game controller into a computer mouse? We will show you how to use the game controller to control your computer as an alternative to using a mouse including how to set it up. InputMapper will let you map the buttons on your game controller to mouse clicks.

Do you really want to use your game controller as a computer mouse? It’s pretty easy to do. Here’s a guide on how to do it using Steam, Gopher360, InputMapper, and Controller Companion to make it work with all games. Want to play your favorite games on your big screen but don’t want to use a computer mouse? You can use your game controller as a mouse, これにより、ナビゲートが容易になり、プロセス全体がより快適になります。.

古いゲーム機のコントローラを使用してコンピュータのキーボードとマウスを制御するゲームエミュレータ. 新しいコントローラーで古いゲームをプレイできる. ゲームコントローラーをコンピューターのキーボードやマウスとして使用することもできます. このようなタスクのためにゲーム コントローラーを設定する方法を説明します。.

Xboxを使用しています 360 コントローラ. これは、このゲーム コントローラーのみに特化したガイドではありません. 有線 USB ゲーム コントローラーと Windows コンピューターが必要です.

仮想キーボードは、あらゆるタッチスクリーン PC システムで便利です. 外付けキーボードを購入せずにコンピュータに入力できるオンスクリーン キーボードです。. 場合によっては, you can’t use an external keyboard directly with your touchscreen notebook or tablet but you have to use a virtual keyboard instead.

One reason quick apps are important is to create a test environment that is not time-consuming. また, you can create your program quickly and have it work on Android, ウィンドウズ, そしてマック. You can also have a hardware product final version anytime by using a wireless PS3 controller. Or have music player software work on android, ウィンドウズ, マック, and Linux. The one thing you need is a wired USB game controller and a Windows computer. Here’s the guide on how to set up a controller to use the mouse to move the cursor or as a button on the keyboard.

Current virtual reality games are controlled by a keyboard, ねずみ, or gamepad. That is not optimal since the human body is not made to move fast enough to move the small cursor or hold a button while moving the mouse. An alternative is to use a game controller. Most PC games are made to be played on a game controller so this is a viable option and game controllers with enough buttons can be used to act as keyboards.

How To Turn Your Game Controller Into A Computer Mouse

How To Turn Your Game Controller Into A Computer Mouse
  • Step-1: Plug Into a USB Port: Plugin the controller into your PC via a USB port in your PC.
  • ステップ 2: Download and Install Software: Go to to download and install the software. Then open and run the executable and follow the directions to get the program properly installed on your PC.
  • ステップ 3: Go to Settings Menu: Open the JoyToKey program on your screen and then go toconfigure joysticksfrom the “設定” tab menu.
  • ステップ 4: Choose Controller: Then go to the Advanced Setting tab and select your device from thePlease select a devicemenu.
  • ステップ 5: Assign Stick1: Now close the dialog box and right-click on the “Stick1: <- . And then click on theedit button assignment”.
  • ステップ 6: Go to the Mouse Tab: Now next step is to click on the “mouse” from all categories.
  • ステップ 7: Choose whatstick1: <-” Does: We can now allocate“stick1: <- “a function. Set the cursor movement’s slider to a negative number for left and on the horizontal slider and a positive number for right. Repeat steps for the rest of stick 1 and remember to use the identical magnitude for all directions.
  • ステップ 8: Optional: It’s an optional step and that is you can now repeat all steps forstick2with different values for more or less sensitivity of the cursor movements.
  • ステップ 9: Setup a Mouse Click Button: Lastly, add a mouse click button by going toedit button assignmenton the button you need to use as a mouse click. (例えば, ボタン 3 for right-click and button 4 for left clicks).
  • ステップ 10: Add Left or Right Click: From the keyboard group tab, right-click on the 1st box labeled as disabled and assign it a mouse click button.
  • ステップ 11: Check That All Button Are Set-Up: For a good start, you can mention the picture above and confirm that your settings are similar. If all is good that how you want it, you can reduce the JoyToKey program and use your controller as your ねずみ.
How To Turn Your Game Controller Into A Computer Mouse
