Apa sampeyan pengin ngerti carane nyambungake headphone nirkabel 2boom menyang piranti sampeyan? Sampeyan wis tuku headphone apik tenan iki lan kudu nyambung menyang piranti. Inggih, aja kuwatir, sampeyan ana ing Panggonan tengen kanggo njaluk cara sing gampang kanggo Connect 2boom Headphone Nirkabel menyang piranti sampeyan.
Ing kene kita bakal ngrembug babagan carane nggawe sambungan antarane loro. Dadi, ayo miwiti…
2fitur utama headphone nirkabel boom

2Headphone boom yaiku headset stereo Bluetooth lan mikrofon sing dibangun kanggo panggunaan handsfree karo piranti sing aktif Bluetooth. These headphones have a Comfortable adjustable design and connect automatically to previously connected devices.
Carane nyambungake headphone nirkabel 2boom?
To Connect 2boom Wireless Headphones to your device like a phone or other music device follow the given below steps carefully without skipping any of them
- Pisanan, ensure the headphones are off before use, and then press and hold the MF button for 2-4 seconds to turn on with an indication tone and LED flash blue rapidly.
- Activate the Bluetooth function on your Bluetooth device phone or music device.
- Once you have activated Bluetooth on your device select the 2BOOM-HPBT290 from the available list of Bluetooth devices.
- Yen dijaluk sandhi, enter the password 0000 to confirm & finalize the pairing.
- Once paired successfully, you hear a beep sound, and the LED flashes blue slowly.
- Now you can use your headphones for your favorite track or other voice.
Cathetan: Unfortunately, if the pairing is unsuccessful turn off the device first and then re-pair following the above steps. Once you have paired the Bluetooth headphones with a device, the Headphone will remember this device and will pair automatically when the device’s Bluetooth is activated and in range.
You do not need to re-pair any previously connected devices. The Bluetooth Headphone will attempt to automatically connect to the last device it was paired with when switched on. Nanging, if you want to pair it with a new device, please follow the steps outlined above.
Cara ngisi headphone nirkabel 2boom?

2boom wireless Bluetooth Headphone comes with a built-in rechargeable battery. Before using it for the first time charge the battery fully. Only use the supplied USB Cord to charge the Bluetooth Headphones.
Charge for about 2-3 hours. The Red LED light turns on while the device is charging. It takes 2-3 hours for the unit to fully charge. When the battery is fully charged, the red light will turn off.
instruksi kontrol
- A long press on the l<< button once will increase the volume
- A long press on the >>l button once will decrease the volume
- A short press on the ll<button will pause the music
- A short press on the ll< button will restart the music
- A short press on the >>l button will return you to the previous track
- A short press on the l<< button will take you to the next track
- Press the ll< button once to answer an incoming call

- After your phone conversation, short press the ll< tombol.
- Long press the ll< button to reject the incoming call
- Short press the ll< button twice Redial the last number
Indikator LED
- Start charging the Red LED flash
- Charging Completed Red LED turns off
- Headphone pairing mode LED flashes to blue rapidly
- Operating distance 33 Feet
- Working time 4-5 hours
- Charging input voltage DC 5V
- Charging time 1.5 ~ 2.5hours
- Driver unit 40mm 32R
- Built-In Battery 150mAh
Cathetan: Battery life & charging time may vary based on usage & types of devices used.
Ing artikel iki, we give you complete details about 2boom wireless headphones. For how to Connect 2boom Wireless Headphones to your device and how to charge the 2boom wireless headphones, instruksi kontrol, Indikator LED, Spesifikasi, and all about it.
To Connect 2boom Wireless Headphones to your device you can follow the above-mentioned step-by-step guide. But you have to do it carefully without skipping any step, yen ora, you will not succeed in connecting 2boom wireless headphones to your device.
So that’s all the necessary things you need to know about it. We hope this article will help you a lot about this product!