Download Unacademy app for pc (Windows and Mac)

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In today’s article, we will know How to Download Unacademy App for PC? And how to use it on the computer? Let’s begin the lesson.

Unacademy is an online learning centre to prepare for JEE, NEET, CAT, CBSE Board exams. Unacademy provides live classes where you can also ask questions to tutors and clear your doubts. Here you will also get the option of live chat to get a chance to talk to your teacher.

You will feel as if you are sitting in a class. Unacademy provides you with weekly mock tests for exam preparation. You will also get an assignment here.

The app allows you to study in groups to determine what other members are reading. Here you can also invite your friend to the group. After giving the mock test, you will get the result immediately. Unacademy provides you with course planning, which helps you for schedule. If you have missed the live sessions, you can watch its recording later.


Unacademy Features

  • Live Classes for daily
  • Unlimited access for every course
  • Instant download study Notes
  • Weekly Mock Test, Quizzes
  • Live chat and Raise Hand Features to communicate with teaches
  • Scholarships

You can access Unacademy through the website and app. There is no official version released for Windows and Mac. If you want to install an Android app on a computer, you can not install it directly. Ji bo vê, you have to use the emulator. An Android emulator creates a virtual operating system on the computer. Paş vê, you can install any Android app on your computer.

Before starting the method, we have to check some requirements in our computer so that you do not face any further problems.


  • Windows XP or Later Versions
  • Microsoft 4.5 Framework
  • Latest Drivers
  • 2 GB RAM Recommended
  • 4 GB Free Space (20 GB Space for Better Performance)

Like I told you. Further, we have to install an Android emulator first to install the Unacademy app. There are many Android emulators available today. But we do not know which emulator is good. I recommend you Bluesteak Player, Knox Player, û Memu Player. These three are popular tools that support most Android apps and easy-to-use tools.

We will talk about the Unacademy app for pc windows and Mac methods. Pêdivî ye ku hûn hemî gavan bi baldarî bişopînin.

Download and Install Unacademy app for PC (Windows) Using Bluestack Player

  1. Download Bluestakes Player ji malpera orîjînal. Hûn dikarin ji vê yekê jî dakêşin girêk.
  2. Piştî daxistinê, lêkirin ew li ser komputera xwe. Sazkirin jî pêvajoyek pir hêsan e. Li ser ekranê talîmata sazkirinê bişopînin.
  3. Carekê saz kirin, hûn dikarin vekirî Lîstikvanê Bluestakes bi du-klîk li ser wê.
  4. Naha têkevinê bi Hesabê Google. Her weha hûn dikarin ji Google Play Store-ê bi çûna Mîhengan têkevinê.
  5. Piştî, Google Play Store vekin. Hûn ê Google Play Store-ê li ser rûpelê malê bixwe bibînin.
  6. Divê hûn sepana Unacademy binivîsin di vebijarka lêgerînê de û çapemeniyê derbasbûn.
  7. Piştî bidestxistina encaman, divê hûn wê bi seredana rûpela sepana Unacademy saz bikin. Pêvajoya dakêşana sepanê dê bixweber dest pê bike.
  8. Serlêdan yekser piştî dakêşandinê tê saz kirin.
  9. Paşan, we Unacademy App saz kiriye. Niha hûn dikarin wê li ser komputera xwe bikar bînin.

Download and Install Unacademy app for Mac

Ji bo bikarhênerên Mac, em ê emulatora Nox bikar bînin. Nox Player di heman demê de dikare sepanên asta bilind bi bandor bimeşîne. Serlêdanek jî amûrek ewledar e. Ji ber vê yekê em bi rêbaza sazkirinê dest pê bikin.

  1. Nox Player ji vê yekê dakêşin girêk.
  2. Piştî daxistinê, Nox Player saz bikin bi rêbaza sazkirinê ya standard. Rêbaza sazkirinê hêsan e.
  3. Piştî sazkirinê, Nox Player vekin û hemî vebijarkan saz bikin.
  4. Piştî, bi hesabek Google re têkevinê. Hûn dikarin bibînin login vebijark bi şopandinê Settings > Konto.
  5. Niha google play store veke û li sepana Unacademy bigerin.
  6. Piştî wergirtina sepanê, Bişkojka sazkirinê bitikîne. Ev pêvajo dê hinek dem bigire.
  7. Pîrozbahî! We bi serketî Serlêdana Unacademy li ser komputerê dakêşand.

Paşan, hûn fêr bûne ku hûn sepana Unacademy li ser komputera xwe dakêşin. Ger hûn bi rêbaza sazkirinê re pirsgirêkek rû bidin, hûn dikarin di şîroveyê de bibêjin.


Ma ez dikarim sepana Unacademy li ser laptopa xwe dakêşim?

You can’t install the android version on a laptop. The emulator tool will help you to get the Unacademy app on pc.

Is Unacademy free learning app?

No, Unacademy Available with Various Plans. You have to pay fees to access the course content. The plans are affordable.

Which is best, Unacademy or BYJU’s?

Unacademy is best at the price level. You can get many things in a free account, while Byjus does not provide any free content.

Similar apps


This app provides online classes to students of 4 standards to 12 standards. You can prepare for competitive exams like JEE, NEET. Byju’s provide online course so that you can study well. It is a good platform for students. You can also use this for Revision.


You can learn online for free with the Vedantu app. here; you can watch online classes from 1st to 12th standard by sitting at home and also give practice tests for the exam. Top experts have created the content for this app.


With Unacademy, you can attend live classes by sitting at home. You can use this app from mobile and access it from the website. Unacademy does not provide any tool for Windows and Mac. If you want to install the Android app on your PC, you can use it from the emulator. To do the installation, we have shared the complete method that helps you download the app on your PC

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