Are you wondering how to How to Wear Aftershokz Headphones? Because AfterShokz is practically weightless and insanely comfortable during wear. Wear them can be tricky if you’re a first-timer.
Don’t fret this article discovers how to Wear Aftershokz Headphones. Sic, lets incipias!
How to Wear Aftershokz Headphones?
Follow the below steps to wear Aftershokz Headphones.
- Primis, hold your AfterShokz upright in front of you with, the power/volume+ and volume- buttons should be face down.
- deinde, hold your AfterShokz, and bring your device around the back of the base of your neck.
- Nunc, ad basis collum tuum, leva ad aures tuas AfterShokz et pone uncinos aurium circa aures tuas ut transductores commodius sedeant extra aurem tuam et sicut supra ossa templi tui.
- Confirmata fabrica est secure, conversus in AfterShokz headphones et frui marialis experientia!
How to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with Face Mask?
Ad gere Aftershokz Headphones with Face larva sequere hos gradus diligenter.
- Primo, faciem tuam indue larvam et fac ut ansulae auriculae recte securae sint, in persona snugly congruat super faciem et nasum.
- deinde, tenent AfterShokz recti vides, the power/volume+ and volume- buttons should be face down.
- Circum headphones tenentes ad basim colli tui.
- deinde, ad basis collum tuum, Leva ad aures tuas Headphones AfterShokz et positionem aurium circa aures tuas ut transductores commodius sedeant extra aurem tuam et sicut supra ossa templi tui..
- Post confirmata fabrica secure sedere extra templa tua, conversus in AfterShokz et frui audire experientiam!
How to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with Sunglasses OR Eyeglasses
Sequentes gradus nos ducunt in quam gere, AfterShokz Headphones with Sunglasses VEL Eyeglasses.
- Ocularia vel ocularia tua indue et fac ut in facie tua recte collocata sint.
- deinde, habe tuum AfterShokz headphones rectum coram te et os potestatem / volumen + et volumen- bullarum.
- deinde, tene AfterShokzv varius ac, tuom circa tergum basi colli tui.
- Cum basi collum tuum, AfterShokz Headphones to your ears and position the auricularum circa aures tuas elevare, ita ut commodius sedeant extra aurem tuam et sicut supra templum tuum ossa tua.
- Post confirmata fabrica secure sedere extra templa tua, conversus in AfterShokz et frui audire experientiam!
How to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with a Helmet?
Gradus positos diligenter sequere hoc facere.
- Primis, Habeas AfterShokz Music rectis coram te. Vis/volumen+ et volumen- buttons should be face down.
- deinde, tenens tuum AfterShokz Headphones, tuom circa tergum basi colli tui.
- Cum basi collum tuum, AfterShokz Headphones to your ears and position to the ear uncinis circa aures vestras, ut, ut transductores commode sedeant extra aurem tuam et sicut super templum tuum ossa tua.
- Post confirmata fabrica secure sedere extra templa tua, conversus in AfterShokz et frui vestri ventus track!
- denique, galeam tuam indue et fac firmiter et decenter in capite tuo collocatam.
Finitione, Gerens Aftershokz Headphones est simplex processus. Sequentes vestigia in hoc articulo, potes frui hassle-liberum experientiam audio. Speramus hoc articulum, auxiliatus sum tibi multum!