Connecting Muze Bluetooth Headphones is just straightforward. Bluetooth is a wireless technology, that utilizes a radio frequency to communicate data over short lengths. It’s normally utilized to wirelesly connect to headphones and to transmit your files. All Bluetooth devices require to be paired before they can be utilized.
Here we are going to discuss how to connect Muze Bluetooth Headphones. Taigi, let’s get started..……
Connect Muze Bluetooth Headphones
Before starting the process, you must ensure that both your phone and headphones are switched on. To connect your Bluetooth headphones, turite atlikti šiuos veiksmus:
- Pirmiausia, you have to open the Settings app
- Po to, you have to tap on ”Connections”.
- Tada, you have to tap on ”Bluetooth”. This screen will show any device you have connected to formerly and the Available devices.
- Dabar, you have to tap on the device you need to connect.
- Kitas, a pop-up will appear with a Bluetooth pairing recommended device tap the option ‘pop-up’ to verify you need to connect.
- It is counted then the device you’re connecting to, now devices will be connected, or you’ll be required to enter a password or a PIN code to verify the connection.
Keep in mind that if you have to enter a Password or PIN Code, it will normally be shown on your device or the screen of your phone. If there is no PIN, you should enter 0 will usually function. If not work, you have to direct to the instructions that arrived with the device.
Using Your Muze Bluetooth Headphones
To power on and Power off your Muze Headphones, you have to Press and hold the power button. To play a track you have to press the Play/Pause Button. To pause a track you have to Press this button again.
You have to press the button to pay back to the last track in a playlist. You have to Press the button to advance to the following track in a playlist. You have to press and hold the Button to raise the volume and then press and hold the Button to decrease the volume.
How to Put Bluetooth Headphones in Pairing Mode?
After powering off your headphones, you have to press and hold the power button just for 10 sekundžių. Doing this will set your headphones into “pairing mode.” Po to, on your phone, you have to open the settings menu or on another device and then search for the “Bluetooth” variantas. Kitas, you have to select it and also choose your headphones from the available devices list.
What are Bluetooth Headphones Not Pairing Reasons?
If you do not succeed in connecting your Bluetooth devices, it’s likely because of the reason that your devices are not in range, or they aren’t in pairing mode. If you’re experiencing continuous Bluetooth connection difficulties, then, you have to try resetting your devices, or retaining your phone or tablet “pamiršti” the connection in such a situation.
Does Bluetooth Pairing Work Well?
Bonds are developed through one-time a procedure called pairing. When the devices pair up, they stake their names, adresus, ir profiliai, ir paprastai saugo juos atmintyje. Taip pat dalijamasi bendru slaptu raktu, kuris leidžia jiems užmegzti ryšius, kai jie bus kartu ateityje.
Where is the Pairing Button Located On Headphones?
Jei nežinote, kuris mygtukas yra, tada vadovas jums padės ir pasakys, ar yra specialus „Bluetooth“ mygtukas, ar maitinimo mygtukas panašus į „Bluetooth“ mygtuką. Kai kurios ausinės automatiškai persijungia į susiejimo režimą, kai ausinės įjungiamos.
How to Charge Your Muze Bluetooth Headphones?
Pirmiausia, turite įkišti USB įkrovimo laido mikro USB kištuką į įkrovimo prievadą, esantį ant ausinių. Tada, turite įkišti standartinį USB įkrovimo laido USB kištuką į kompiuterio USB prievadą arba pagrįstą USB įkrovimo adapterį. Jei jūsų ausinės kraunamos, LED indikatoriaus lemputė užsidega raudonai ir išsijungia, kai įkrovimas bus baigtas arba baigtas..
Galite lengvai prijungti „Muze Bluetooth“ ausines prie savo įrenginio. Tai nėra labai sunki užduotis, jums tereikia laikytis aukščiau pateiktų nurodymų. Taigi, Gaukite pagalbos iš šio straipsnio ir mėgaukitės mėgstamu grojaraščiu naudodami „Bluetooth“ ausines!