Bluetooth earbuds are needed by every person these days. They offer to move around and perform tasks since they don’t have any external wires. These Wireless earbuds also have a case you can carry everywhere, case keeps them from being damaged. Сепак, for a better listening experience, you need to ensure that both earbuds are connected to your device.
Значи, here we give you a quick guide on how to connect to Tws earbuds.
How to Connect Both TWS Earbuds?
The Tws earbuds are a great pair of wireless gadgets, you can use them with any device that has Bluetooth capabilities.
Use both earbuds when listening to audio. Listening on both earbuds balances the sound. There is a main reason that you should use both earbuds when listening to audio. Listening on one earbud increases the risk of ear fatigue and this may affect your hearing.
If you are looking at how to connect your TWS earbuds, следете ги овие чекори.
1: Turn on your Tws earbuds by pressing and holding the power button for 3 секунди, or until the blue light is on and also prompted by the POWER ON voice.
2: Сега, start the pairing process by pressing the pairing button on the charging case.
3: After that press the pairing button on the individual earbuds. During these steps, the earbuds will give a blinking light, indicating the pairing process is successful.
How to Connect TWS Earbuds to Your Device?
Connecting TWS earbuds to your device differs slightly for different devices. Сепак, how to connect TWS earbuds to a laptop, android, or iPhone, here are the steps.
Connect TWS Earbuds to Android
Како да connect TWS Bluetooth earbuds to Android devices. Следете ги овие чекори.
- Turn on the Bluetooth. You can do this by going to Поставки>Network> Bluetooth.
- КликнетеPair, and select your desired device.
- После тоа, the device will move to the top, and you are now ready to enjoy the audio.
Connect TWS Earbuds to iPhone
As with the iOS device, connecting TWS earbuds to iPhone devices is different but not hectic, especially if you follow these simple steps carefully.
- Прво, go to Settings and then click the Bluetooth toggle bar when it is green the Bluetooth will turn on.
- When it is on, your device automatically scans nearby devices.
- Потоа, tap Pair when the TWS earbuds are located.
- После тоа, a successful pairing moves the earbuds to the devices section.
Connect TWS earbuds to Laptop.
Here are the steps on how to connect TWS earbuds to a laptop
- On your device, click the Starticon.
- Go to Поставки, then Click Add Bluetooth и други уреди, then Bluetooth.
- Click your desired device and then Done. If there are other instructions on the screen, follow them.
What Are the Reasons Why Earbuds Only Work in One Ear?
Earbuds are a great way to listen to music, but when you have a pair of earbuds and only one work, it can be frustrating. If you encounter such a problem, there are several reasons.
Here are some common reasons why only one earbud works and the solutions.
1: Problem with audio settings
Many people do not know how to fix TWS wireless earbuds when only one works. They don’t know, the cause may be the audio settings.
- To diagnose this problem, you should try another pair or another device. This helps you to know whether the problem is with your device or the TWS earbuds. If the new pair plays from one side, check the device and restart your device. This is a simple fix and is necessary, but if still, the earbud still plays from one side, it is time to check the audio settings.
- Check the audio settings. Audio settings may cause this problem.
- To do this, click Sounds>Levels> Balance, and make sure the levels are equal on both sides and the Mono option is off.
2: Problem with your earbuds’ settings
If the above steps do not provide a solution to the problem with your earbuds settings, reset your earbuds manually by following these steps.
- Go to your device’s Поставки, then Find the earbud’s name and click Forget.
- Place the earbuds on their charging case but let the lid remain open.
- Tap one of the earbuds 4 times and then the other one until the solid color is visible.
- Remove the earbuds and pair them with your device.
3: Internal damage
If all the above steps fail, it may be internal damage. This damage may be due to falling, water damage, crashing, or extreme temperatures.
FAQ about How to Connect TWS Earbuds
How do I connect TWS Bluetooth earbuds simultaneously?
To simultaneously connect your TWS Bluetooth earbuds, press their On buttons and release them.
How do you use and connect TWS wireless earbuds?
Turn on the TWS wireless earbuds and then search and pair as per their respective names using your phone or laptop.
Can you connect a wireless TWS earbud to any laptop?
Connecting a TWS wireless earbud to any laptop is possible, provided you follow the required steps.
After reading this article you will be able how to connect TWS earbuds. This guide gives you what you need to properly connect your TWS wireless earbuds so that you can listen to music on your device freely.
дополнително, this guide has provided handy tips on how to connect TWS earbuds to Android devices, iPhones, and laptops. Се надеваме дека оваа статија ќе ви помогне многу!