The Best Project Management Software For Creative is designed to create unique ideas for the project and define all the goals and objectives in consultation with different departments. A project management software for creative might be so helpful for creative, Digital, design, advertising, and marketing agencies.
This software allows you to manage multiple client projects and client relationships in the form of a successful team collaboration but finding out one of the best from a huge collection of project management software might going to be wrong. So through this article, you will learn about the Best Project Management Software for creative. राम्रो, let’s get started with the juicy details!
1. is the Best project management software for creative which can help you with a sample event planning workload. It has dozens of use cases, such as creative and design work. Basically, it is Easy, visual, and intuitive software. राम्रो, it is also an award-winning software that is used by more than 70,000 teams.
राम्रो, it is customizable workload management and collaborative feedback, which can handle different platforms perfectly. This software allows the users to make a shareable form to customize design approvals. It gives a repository to store all files of projects.
Well if you want to use this service then you have to buy its pricing plan. It offers a pricing plan starting from $8 per user per month. The free plan is also available. यसबाहेक, it has so many useful features to use, some of which are given below:
Key features:
- It offers monthly and annual expense tracking.
- A recruitment tracker for HR is also available.
- This software allows easy editorial, blogging planning, and also competitor analysis.
- It also offers marketing project management, onboarding processes, and creative requests.
- It offers Integrations such as DropBox, Excel, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Integromat, Slack, Trello, Pipedrive, Jira, and Mailchimp.
- It gives you a 14-day free trial.
2. ClickUp

ClickUp is another Best project management software for creative. Through this amazing software, teams of all sizes can plan projects, assign team members, and also track progress in a perfect way. यसले डिजाइन प्रक्रियामा प्रत्येक चरणको लागि निर्मित रचनात्मक सुविधाहरू पनि प्रदान गर्दछ.
यसले प्रमाण सुविधाहरू सहित सबै प्रकारका डिजाइन परियोजनाहरूमा टोलीहरूसँग सहकार्य गर्दछ, थ्रेड गरिएका टिप्पणीहरू, च्याट, संचार, र सजिलो फाइल साझेदारी. यसले तपाइँलाई तपाइँका फाइलहरू ग्राहकहरूसँग साझेदारी गर्न र अनुमतिहरूसँग पहुँच नियन्त्रण गर्न दिन्छ.
तपाईं पनि स्वीकृति सङ्कलन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ, प्रतिक्रिया, र कस्टम-ब्रान्डेड फारमहरूको साथ ग्राहकहरूको सबै जानकारी. यसले रचनात्मक कार्यप्रवाह निर्माण र प्रबन्ध गर्नको लागि धेरै दृश्यहरू र टेम्प्लेटहरू पनि प्रदान गर्दछ. राम्रो, यदि तपाइँ यो सेवा प्रयोग गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने तपाइँले तिर्नुपर्छ $9 प्रति महिना. यसबाहेक, यो धेरै आश्चर्यजनक सुविधाहरूको साथ आउँछ, जस्तै:
Key features
- यो सफ्टवेयरले कार्य व्यवस्थापन सुविधाहरू प्रदान गर्दछ जस्तै कार्य चेकलिस्टहरू, उपकार्यहरू, र कार्य टेम्प्लेटहरू.
- यसले विभिन्न प्रकारको पनि प्रदान गर्दछ फिल्टर, क्रमबद्ध, खोज, पुन: क्रमबद्ध गर्नुहोस्, र कार्यहरू हेर्नुहोस्.
- This software also lets you make Gantt charts, calendars, and timelines.
- It allows you creation, sharing, and editing of your documents and files.
- You can also comment on documents and tasks.
- A freemium plan is also available in this software.
3. Resource Guru

Resource Guru is also one of the Best project management software for creative. This software offers Project plans which are developed on the capacity of team members. Its resources are well-managed. It helps the agencies manage time, projects, and resources on one platform.
This software offers resource management features that provide you with employee information such as skill sets, location, and availability. It also lets you set custom schedules, assign projects and tasks directly, and track all the progress. You can also manage the Equipment by using this amazing software.
तपाइँ तपाइँको परियोजनाहरु को सबै स्रोतहरु को एक सिंहावलोकन पनि सिर्जना गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ. राम्रो, यदि तपाइँ यो सेवा चाहानुहुन्छ भने तपाइँ पहिले यसलाई किन्नु पर्छ. तिर्नुपर्छ $3 प्रति महिना प्रति एकल प्रयोगकर्ता. प्लस, यो सफ्टवेयरले तपाईंलाई अभ्यासको लागि 30-दिनको निःशुल्क परीक्षण पनि दिन्छ. ठीक छ, यसमा केहि सबैभन्दा मूल्यवान सुविधाहरू छन्, जस्तै:
Key features:
- तपाईं यस सफ्टवेयरको साथ उच्च-स्तरको चित्र बनाउन सक्नुहुन्छ.
- तपाईले कर्मचारी क्षमता र स्रोतको उपयोगको लागि सही तरिकामा पूर्वानुमान पनि सिर्जना गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ.
- यो सफ्टवेयर कर्मचारी तालिका प्रदान गर्दछ, र कर्मचारी र स्रोत पात्रोहरू.
- यो बिल योग्य र गैर-बिल योग्य समय ट्र्याकिङ को लागी पनि उपयोगी थियो, रिपोर्टिङ, र विश्लेषण.
- यो सफ्टवेयरले तपाईंलाई परियोजना व्यवस्थापन र स्रोत आवंटन गर्न अनुमति दिन्छ.
4. Height App

उचाइ एप पनि रचनात्मकताको लागि उत्तम परियोजना व्यवस्थापन सफ्टवेयर हो. यो सफ्टवेयर ग्राहक पहुँच र सजिलो सहयोग को लागी सबै भन्दा राम्रो छ. This software offers set due dates, assigns tasks, and receives reminders features which can help the creative teams to maintain accountability and project timelines in a perfect way.
It also helps creative agencies in making a plan, managing, and tracking tasks and projects. It is a good way of collaboration between internal departments and external contributors. The height app lets you set project budgets, develop timelines, and also prioritize tasks easily. It also lets you manage the projects through multiple views such as Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and calendars.
It has also amazing guest collaboration capabilities which help you to get access to specified projects. राम्रो, you can use this amazing software by purchasing the premium plan at a cost of $6.99 प्रति महिना. It also offers a 30-day free trial. यसबाहेक, it has so amazing features, some of which are given below:
Key features:
- This software allows creative agencies to collaborate directly with clients.
- This software keeps you up-to-date on progress.
- Its reporting and analytics tools help you to understand productivity.
- It offers many Features such as Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and spreadsheet and calendar views.
5. Nifty

Last but not least, Nifty is also the best project management software for creativity. This software is the Best solution for cross-organizational reporting. It allows you to focus on specific tasks without distractions. This amazing software also provides creative teams and organizations to collaborate and manage their projects easily.
This software gives organizational clarity, and task progress automatically. One of the amazing facts of this software is that it provides automated project status reporting, and also a time tracker.
Nifty also helps you to manage development sprints and gives flexibility to your workflows. This software can be used after buying for $9 per month per user. यसबाहेक, it has so many amazing features, some of which are given below:
Key features:
- This software allows you discussions, forms, time tracking, and milestones.
- It also offers file management, project portfolios, and reporting.
- It allows you to import your data from Asana, Basecamp, and ClickUp.
- This software also allows you to make quickly establish your workflow.
- It also offers native integrations with Slack, Google Drive, G Suite, Google Calendar, and also zoom.
- It offers a 14-day free trial for practice.
राम्रो, project management software for creative is an essential part of all types of agencies. But you have to choose one of the best. राम्रो, finding out the best from a ton of project management software for creativity is not an easy task. You just need to choose one of the best who can fulfill your task requirements.
We have mentioned the best project management software for creativity in detail. Now you can choose one of them. So that’s all you need to know about the best project management software for creativity. हामी आशा गर्छौं कि यो लेखले तपाईंलाई धेरै मद्दत गर्नेछ!