sometimes happens you forgot to save a document and close it unexpectedly. you feel oh-shit! all hard works are a loss. you don’t have a solution to recover unsaved word documents. so many questions are hanging in your mind. but don’t worry your files can recover with some methods. sit relax I’m going to tell you about all the possible methods to recover your important documents. all methods explain in step by step method about recover unsaved word documents.
1. How to recover unsaved Word documents in Microsoft
Even if you don’t enable restore features still it can recover from the temporary section in Office. this method only happens when you are working on only one document.
When you create a word document it is duplicated to a temporary document. it is stored in the Temp folder. you can find the Temp folder below the following path
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Microsoft (Word temp file location by default)
the document includes a few letters with a tilde(~). It is a good sign when you are searching for a lost document.
2. How to recover an unsaved word document using Microsoft word 2010, ord 2013, and word 2016.
1. Click manage documents under the file tab
2. click on the manage document button.
3. click to recover the unsaved documents from the drop-down list.
4. open a recover unsaved word document tab. select a word document that you want to recover.
5. The recovered word document is open. Save as button banned button popup header.
6. click on Save As Button and save your document. this is the best way to recover unsaved word documents.
3. Recover accidentally Closing an existing word document without saving it.
sometimes happens your document is closed by accident. Microsoft office saves you 10 minutes of work by default. you can recover up to the last 10-minute work. you can change this time
1. click the File tab/ Manage documents
2. find the latest autosave version to recover the document.
Configure autosave information
- Click File tab/options
- In the options find the save button.
- In save document change time that you want to set for recover document.
- after a finished click on OK
4. Using word to find a backup
- Go to the File menu and select open
- go to browse
- navigate the path where you saved any format of a document.
- find the name of a file name that you want an extension with “.wbk.”
- open that file after you got it. you finally recover the unsaved word document.
How to Recover a Word Document in word online
if you create your document online then don’t worry. you don’t need to save this document. your document will automatically be saved.
How to recover a document in a word for mac
Auto recover is enabled by default in a word for mac. if your computer shut down accidentally before you saved your document, you will be prompted to open the recovered file. ellers, you can find the recovery folder.
In a word for Mac 2016, you will need to show hidden files.
now open finder, click the Home icon in the left column, then navigate to “Library/Containers/”Any documents saved by the AutoRecover will be listed here.
In a word for mac 2011, you can find your file within the word:
- Choose a file from the menu and click open.
- Type “AutoRecover” in the search box.
- Double-click on the recently saved AutoRecover file.
- Click a file and open it. If the file is grayed-out, choose All Files in the Enable menu, then click the file.
you can also recover the unsaved document from 3rd party software. but there is not 100% sure to recover it successfully. Microsoft doesn’t support for reliability and performance of this application.