Cities SkylinesHow to Connect Power Lines?

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Cities Skylines- how to connect Power lines? As the water lines provide the sewage service and water wherever the players set them, power lines are harder and tuff to consider thanks to the way power functions.
The two first services players have to deliver in Cities Skylines are water and power. In Water Connections the players have to draw underground pipes across the landscape, and each of the buildings remains close enough to the pipes to get the water and remove sewage.
Yet, on the other side power works a bit differently.

By placing power lines nearby the players can be able to connect power stations and windmills, samayenera kutero nthawi zonse. Chifukwa chake ndi nyumba zomwe zili mu Cities Skylines zimapanga kulumikizana kwawo kwamphamvu, ndipo bola ngati pali nyumba zina zowonjezera magetsi pafupi ndiye kuti palibe chifukwa cha chingwe chamagetsi.

Kuthekera kumeneku kudzapatsa mphamvu mzinda mosavuta, koma pali kuthekera kobweretsa mutu ngati osewera akuyesera kumanga kuti madera atsopano.

Cities Skylines- Connect Power Lines

Osewera amakumbukira kuti gwero lililonse lamagetsi ndi nyumba yokhala ndi mphamvu imakhala ndi aura yabuluu kuti ikwaniritse malo ambiri ozungulira posankha Magetsi muzomangamanga kapena posankha njira zowonera zambiri..

Ngati nyumba ziwiri zili pafupi kwambiri kuti ma aura awo agwirizane, ndiye mphamvu ikhoza kusamutsidwa pakati pa nyumba zonsezi popanda kufunikira kwa zingwe zamagetsi. Kusintha kotereku kumatha kudutsa mipata yaying'ono komanso misewu yayikulu, ndipo osewera amatha kuyendetsa chigawo chonse cha mtawuni popanda kugwiritsa ntchito chingwe chilichonse chamagetsi pongoyika malo opangira magetsi a malasha kumapeto kwake..

The Way to Place the Power Lines

Palibe chifukwa choti osewera agwiritse ntchito zingwe zamagetsi kuti aziwonjezera magetsi m'mizinda yawo, koma pa, ali ndi zifukwa zochepa zogwiritsira ntchito zolumikizira.

  • Kuipitsa ndi chifukwa choyamba pankhaniyi. Malo ambiri opangira magetsi ndi madera akumafakitale amatulutsa kuipitsa kwambiri, ndipo osewera angafune kukhala nawo kutali ndi madera a mzinda kapena malo okhalamo momwe angathere. Pollution lowers the value of the property as well as makes people sick. Choncho, players have to place the industrial areas far away from the city to avoid all these situations and since they still require power players can connect them utilizing the power lines.
  • Noise pollution is the second reason. Compared to regular pollution, noise pollution is less dangerous, but still can be a reason to lower property values and impact taxes. Well renewable power sources don’t produce any regular pollution, but they do generate this noise pollution and so they should still be set far away from residential areas.
  • The third reason is because they are cheap. Pylons cost 20 per cell and a basic road costs 50, so if anyone tries to make such connections then it will never be expensive.
  • Momwe zingwe zamagetsi zimagwirira ntchito ndizosavuta. Muyenera kungoyika mbali imodzi m'dera lamagetsi, ndiye muyenera kuyika mbali ina ya chingwe chamagetsi pafupi ndi nyumba yopanda mphamvu. Mzerewu udzagwirizanitsa nyumba yachiwiriyi ku gridi yamagetsi, ndipo pambuyo pake, nyumbayi ikhoza kuyamba kupatsa mphamvu nyumba zina zapafupi.
  • Pali vuto kapena zovuta kuti zingwe zamagetsi sizingalepheretse chilichonse kuti zisawalepheretse. Misewu yoyambira imatha kuwoloka panthawiyo bola ngati palibe mapiloni pamsewu womwewo, ndipo kuti izi zitheke osewera angafunikire kufupikitsa kapena kutambasula mizere kuti ma pyloni akhale m'malo oyenera.. Zinthu zina, monga misewu yayikulu, nthawi zonse ali m'njira, but the players can be able to raise pylons to two full elevation units to go over them. Unlike the roads, yet, pylons can’t go underground.

FAQs To Connect Power Lines Cities Skylines

What is the Best and Right Way to Power Cities: Skylines?

Wind and solar are the best and most efficient to run and make no pollution, but have a higher initial payment or cost. Shortly, the cheapest process of increasing the power capacity of a city is coal and oil plants which produce or make a constant energy amount that is not affected by the weather.

How to Connect Outside Power in Cities Skylines 2?

Transformer stations can be used by the players to connect the high-voltage outside connection to the low-voltage lines. These low-voltage lines run under the streets and can import all their power, but if you try to do it, it will be much more expensive in the long run as compared to any other type of local power generation.

Kodi Mungayambe Bwanji Kugwira Ntchito Pazingwe Zamagetsi?

To become a power line repairer and installer, almost all employers need an apprenticeship. You as an apprentice, will be an employee who works well alongside an experienced power line installer. You can learn the important tasks and specific skills that you need for your good career just by working with them.

Momwe Mungayang'anire Mphamvu Yamzere?

You have to set up a multimeter to measure voltage. You have to insert a probe into each slot and then you will read the line voltage measurement. Tsopano, a properly functioning outlet provides a reading of 110 to 120 volts. If there you will find no reading, you have to check both the outlet and the wiring.


Mwachiyembekezo, this article will help you a lot. You will understand about cities skylines and how to connect power lines, after reading this article carefully!

Siyani Yankho