How To Delete Connect Network GTL Account

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It is super easy to Delete Connect Network GTL Account. Well if you are facing an issue with canceling Connect Network by GTL, then you are in the right place because here is a complete guide for you to cancel Connect Network by GTL in this article. Więc, let us go to start learning.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Cancel Connect Network by GTL

There are a few important things that you must keep in mind before canceling Connect Network by GTL and these few things are mentioned in the following:

  • Global TelLink Corporation is the ConnectNetwork’s developer and all investigations must go to them.
  • It is possible to lose a free trial account if you try to cancel a subscription during a free trial.
  • You must always delete a subscription at least 24 hours before the trial time or period ends.

Delete Connect Network GTL Account On Android Device

To Delete Connect Network GTL Account on an Android device, musisz wykonać następujące kroki:

  • Pierwszy, you have to Open your Google Play Store app.
  • Następnie, you have to Click on Menu »Subscriptions”.
  • Po tym, you have to Tap on ConnectNetwork by GTL (subscription you need to cancel)
  • Teraz, you just have to Click onCancel Subscription”. And it’s done!

Delete Connect Network GTL Account on iPad or iPhone

Dla tego, musisz wykonać poniższe kroki:

  • Przede wszystkim, you have to open Settings » ~Your name~ » and then clickSubscriptions”.
  • Po tym, you have to Click the ConnectNetwork (subscription) that you wish to review.
  • Teraz, you have to Click Cancel.

Delete Connect Network GTL Account Subscription on Paypal

In order to Delete Connect Network GTL Account on PayPal, you have to do the following process:

  • Pierwszy, you have to log in to
  • Po zalogowaniu, you have to Click “Ustawienia” »Payments”.
  • Teraz, you have to click on theManage Automatic Paymentsoption that is in the Automatic Payments dashboard.
  • Następny, you’ll see a merchant’s list you’ve subscribed to. Więc, you have to click onConnectNetwork by GTL” Lub “Global Tel*Link Corporationto cancel and that’s it!

Delete Connect Network GTL Account on a Mac Computer

Following is the guide to Delete Connect Network GTL Account on a Mac Computer:

  • Przede wszystkim, you have to go to your Mac AppStore.
  • Następnie, you have to Click ~Your name~ (bottom sidebar).
  • Po tym, you have to ClickView Informationand then sign in if asked to.
  • Teraz, you have to scroll down on the next page indicated to you until you notice theSubscriptionstab then you have to click onManage”.
  • Następny, you have to click “Edytować” beside the Connect Network by GTL app, i potem, you will click onCancel Subscription”.

Remove the Card from ConnectNetwork

Removing your card details from Connect Network is very tough if you subscribed directly. There are a few websites that allow you to remove your card details. So because of this reason, you will have to make do with a few tricks and techniques before and after subscribing to websites in the future.

Before Subscribing or Signing Up:

  • Po pierwsze, you have to create an account on Justuseapp.
  • You have to create up to 4 Virtual Debit Cards – doing so will work as a VPN for your account of bank and prevent apps such as ConnectNetwork from billing you to epoch.
  • You have to fund your Justuseapp Cards utilizing your real card.
  • You have to sign up on ConnectNetwork by GTL or sign up on any other website using your Justuseapp card.
  • Teraz, you can cancel the ConnectNetwork subscription directly from your Justuseapp dashboard.

Delete ConnectNetwork Account

Dla tego, you have to come out directly to Connect Network via Justuseapp. You have to send an email to And you have to request that they delete your ConnectNetwork account.

Delete Connect Network GTL Account from iPhone

In order to Delete Connect Network GTL Account, musisz wykonać następujące kroki:

  • Po pierwsze, on your home screen, you have to tap and hold ConnectNetwork by GTL until it begins trembling or shaking.
  • As it begins to shake, you’ll observe an X Mark at the app icon’s top.
  • Teraz, you have to click on that X in order to delete the ConnectNetwork by GTL app.

Delete Connect Network GTL Account From Your Android

In order to delete ConnectNetwork by GTL from Android, musisz wykonać następujące kroki:

  1. Open your Google app and go to the menu.
  2. Kliknij “My Apps and Games» and thenInstalled”.
  3. Choose ConnectNetwork by GTL, » then clickUninstall”.

FAQs Of Delete Connect Network GTL Account

What Is the Meaning of ConnectNetwork by GTL?

ConnectNetwork is a range of services and products that help to boost productivity for disciplinary facilities or skills and family members and inmate friends.

Can GTL Refund Your Money?

GTL aspires to process repayments within 30 dni (and after confirming the initial payment method), and generally within 60 dni, at the tardily.

Is the ConnectNetwork Mobile App free?

Tak, you can download and use this app for free as the ConnectNetwork Mobile App is fully free.

Where Can You Load Your GTL Account?

You can build a telephone account. You can create deposits and can be able to view balances with the help of the ConnectNetwork website. Buyers can also use the automated telephone system of GTL in order to create an account and can make deposits with the use of a credit card. The system is totally automated and it can be easily accessed just by calling 800-483-8314.

Does GTL Have an Application?

You have to open up Google Play on your Android device or the App Store on your Apple device. Then you have to type in GTL e-App in the search bar. Następny, you have to tap the Download Icon that is placed near the top of the screen. And it’s done!


Don’t need to be worried about canceling ConnectNetwork By GTL as here in this article thing is available that you need to know to cancel ConnectNetwork by GTL. Miejmy nadzieję, you have to get the best solutions after reading this article!

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