How to Use Tozo NC9 Earbuds? Agora mesmo

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Are you wondering to know how to use Tozo NC9 Earbuds? Tozo brand has several versions of NC9 basic, pro, plus but in this article we discussed how to use Tozo NC9 Earbuds. If you purchased a couple of Tozo NC9 fones de ouvido and you don’t know how to use them, Como usá -los, how to pair them to your device, and how to troubleshoot the issues.

Don’t worry in this article we give you a complete guide in easy and step-by-step steps. Então, vamos para mais detalhes.

How to Wear Tozo NC9 Earbuds?

  • Primeiro, certifique-se de que a tampa do fone de ouvido esteja melhor fixada ao seu ouvido.
  • Agora, coloque fones de ouvido em seu ouvido.
  • Então, gire os fones de ouvido de volta para o lado da orelha para encaixar de maneira adequada e confortável.

How to Pair Tozo NC9 Earbuds?

  • Para emparelhar os fones de ouvido Tozo NC9 com seu telefone ou outro dispositivo Bluetooth, siga as etapas.
  • Retire os fones de ouvido do estojo de carregamento, eles serão ligados automaticamente e conectados entre si.
  • Se eles não entrarem automaticamente no modo de emparelhamento, pressione e segure o botão liga/desliga por alguns segundos ou até que uma luz azul pisque por 5 segundos.
  • Então, vá para as configurações do seu dispositivo e ative o Bluetooth, procure por Tozo NC9, e selecione-os para concluir o processo de emparelhamento.

How to Reset the Tozo NC9 Earbuds?

  • Para redefinir os fones de ouvido, exclua todos os registros dos fones de ouvido Tozo NC9 do seu dispositivo e desligue o Bluetooth.
  • Take out the earbuds from the case and turn them off by pressing and holding the power button for 5 segundos.
  • Then click the multi-function button on each of the earbuds twice quickly.
  • When the purple light is on for 1 segundo, then both earbuds flash red and blue alternately and the reset process is complete.

Function of Both Earbuds

  • To turn on the earbuds automatically press and hold the multi-function button of the earbuds for 3 segundos.
  • To power off the earbuds press and hold the same button for 5 seconds or put them back into the case.
  • This multi-function is also used to adjust the volume, previous track, and next track, to accept calls, rejeitar chamadas, end calls, and activate a voice assistant.

FAQS to Use Tozo NC9 Earbuds

How to activate Tozo NC9 noise canceling?

To activate the noise canceling click the left earbud. But this function is not available when you use a single earbud.

What do if my Tozo NC9 does not work?

Reset both earbuds at the same time. Reset them by pressing the multi-function for 5 seconds to turn off. Then again press both earbuds buttons at the same time and hold for 15 Seconds until the purple light flashes twice, the reset is done.

Why Earbuds Stop Working?

The low battery causes the earbuds to stop working. Charge them completely before use.


If you have Tozo NC9 and you have no idea how to use them don’t worry follow the above-mentioned guide carefully without skipping any step otherwise you will not be able to use NC9 Earbuds.

Então, that is all you need to know how to use NC9 Earbuds We hope this article will help you a lot to use Tozo NC9 Earbuds.

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