How to Connect Alpha 100 to Drive Track 71?

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Connecting Alpha 100 to Drive Track 71 has become a difficult task for you because you have it but don’t know how to connect. Bine, don’t need to be worried because you are in the right place to solve your issue. Bine, fără să pierdem timpul trebuie să mergem spre soluție. Asa de, să începem.

Connect Alpha 100 to Drive Track 71

To connect your Alpha 100 to Drive Track 71, trebuie să urmați acești pași:

  • În primul rând, you have to turn off all other handhelds that are surrounding you, to ensure that your Drive Track71 will pair just with your unit and not with another.
  • După care, you have to select Setup from your home screen.
  • Apoi, you have to select Dogs.
  • Acum, you have to confirm that the Dog Broadcasting is turnedon” (if not you have to simply choosedog broadcastingthen selecton”)
  • Acum, your Garmin Alpha 100 will rightly connect with your DriveTrack71

Bine, if you face any difficulties, you have to confirm that the Drive Track has not already paired or connected to another handheld. Și pentru a face asta, trebuie să selectați “Dogsfrom the home screen, after that you have to select the menu button, which is placed in the top left corner (like three horizontal lines), and then choose theUnpair Device” opţiune, acum, your Drive Track will start checking out or searching for available devices.

Asa de, on your home screen, a green check mark will occur over your dog icon if your unit is connected to your Drive Track 71. Remember that your Drive Track will not indicate your dog list until your collars are turned on and triple flashing and the Alpha 100 is vigorously and actively tracking them.

Factory Reset Drive Track 71

If you are facing difficulty or trouble with your DriveTrack 71, then you have to try aFactory Reset”, it will fix your issue.

But keep in mind that this resetting process will put back the DriveTrack to the real or original factory settings. Any information or store locations will be misplaced. Bine, to factory reset your Drive Track 71, trebuie să urmați acești pași:

  • În primul rând, Trebuie să atingeți “Volumeicon, on the Main Menu.
  • Acum, you have to keep your finger on the circled area in the top right corner just for 10 secunde.
  • Următorul, you have to tapClear all user data”, from the diagnostic page.
  • După care, you have to tap “da” if you like to move.
  • Acum, your DriveTrack will be restored to its original factory settings perfectly.

Remove Alpha 100 And Drive Track 71_Link Issues

To get rid of link issues you must keep some things in your mind such as You can make changes from version 3.10 la 3.20: You have to mutilate or disable dog tracking when used in such countries or nations for which the radio frequencies are not approved. You have to fix the distance problem in the dog track review. Advancements and progress to map drawing speed. You have to try to fix the issue of retrieving Public Land Survey System data from specific TOPO US 24K maps.

Întrebări frecvente

How to Turn On Drive Track 71?

in primul rand, you have to press the power key, or you have to connect the device to power to turn the device on. Acum, to set your device in power saving mode, you have to press the power key while the device is on. Bit your device in power saving mode, the screen is off and your device takes up a little amount of power, but it can come to instantly for use.

How Can You Update Your Garmin Drive Track 71?

Bine, you can connect your device to a WiFi® network to update directly on the device (suggested). This possibility or option lets you update and correct the device conveniently without connecting or pairing it to your computer. You will be able to connect your device to a computer and can update it by utilizing the Garmin Express™ app (

Can It Possible to Update the Garmin Alpha 100?

With the help of Garmin Express, you can be able to install the Software updates. Garmin Express delivers the capacity and ability to check for software automatically every time your device is connected to the computer. Remember that if you are using a computer with the Alpha 100 for the first time, you have to be required to download and install Garmin Express.

Can You Use Garmin Alpha 100 as a GPS?

As it is known as an invaluable device or tool in the field, it helps and supports you to attain optimum performance and rendition from your sporting dogs. It incorporates proven Garmin GPS dog tracking with Tri-Tronics® electronic dog training technology.


Connecting Alpha 100 to Drive Track 71 is an easy task, you can easily do it just by following the above-mentioned instructions. In speranta, this article will help you a lot to fix your Alpha 100 connecting problem with your Drive Track 71!

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