Are you experiencing problems with your мышь wheel? Is the mouse wheel not scrolling properly? It’s a common problem, and it can be a little tricky to solve. When the mouse wheel not scrolling properly, it can be very frustrating. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and get it working again.
In the mouse, a scroll wheel is round free-moving plastic or rubber disc that is used on a computer mouse to scroll through documents, computer listings, and text. A mouse wheel is an important feature of a mouse. Most people use it on a daily basis without realizing how versatile it can be. A mouse wheel not only has the ability to scroll up or down but can also be used to zoom in or out.
Causes of Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly:
The mouse wheel is a component that is commonly overlooked when it comes to troubleshooting. But when it does not work as expected, it can be quite frustrating. When you use the scroll wheel on your computer’s mouse, you expect it to work as you expect it to work. But why does the мышь wheel not scrolling properly?
There are two issues that commonly cause the wheel to not scroll. The first is dust and dirt. If there is any on the wheel, it will not turn as easily, causing the wheel not to scroll. The second issue is low batteries. If the mouse has low batteries, it may not have enough power to scroll. This can be solved by changing or charging the battery. These aren’t always the root cause. Other issues include incorrect mouse settings in the system, corrupt system files, или использование мыши, несовместимой с вашей операционной системой. Это причина, по которой колесо мыши не прокручивается должным образом..
Колесо мыши не прокручивается должным образом, How To Fix IT?

Множество разных факторов могут привести к нерабочему колесику мыши, но эта статья покажет вам, как это исправить независимо от причины.. Когда вы используете мышь и он не прокручивается вверх и вниз, вашей первой реакцией может быть мысль, что вам нужна новая мышь. Следующие шаги могут помочь вам решить проблему с неправильной прокруткой колеса мыши..
- Я обнаружил, что самый простой способ решить проблему — перезапустить драйвер мыши.. Это можно сделать, отсоединив мышь от USB-порта, а затем снова подключив ее.. Это перезапустит драйвер мыши и иногда может решить проблему.. If that doesn’t work then you might want to try using a different USB port on your computer as sometimes using a different port can resolve the issue.
- When you’re using a wireless mouse, you need to make sure that the connection is well-established and the mouse is configured properly so that you will be able to use it without any problems.
- If you’re using a беспроводная мышь and the mouse wheel isn’t scrolling, it’s most likely because the batteries are low. Replace batteries or use rechargeable batteries to resolve the issue of the scroll wheel. Swapping batteries is quick and inexpensive way to solve this problem.
- The scroll wheel might need cleaning. While it’s easy to fix a mouse wheel that doesn’t scroll, some mouse scroll wheels are hard to clean. The scroll wheel might get gummed up with food and dust particles. To clean the mouse wheel, use a little bit of compressed air or a cotton swab and gently clean around the wheel. Don’t press too hard, or you might damage the wheel.
- Check mouse settings, each operating system has unique settings to control the mouse wheel. Now in window 10 or Mac settings, make sure that wheel scrolling is enabled and configured properly.
- Updating your mouse driver might be the easiest and most effective way to fix a mouse wheel that isn’t scrolling. It’s important to update your mouse drivers to ensure that your mouse is working as it should. In windows 10 open file manager to make sure that mouse drivers are updated.
- Mouse wheel scroll issue can be due to corrupt system files in windows. Чтобы решить эту проблему, необходим процесс восстановления Windows для замены поврежденных системных файлов.. Сделайте резервную копию данных перед запуском восстановления Windows, чтобы не потерять данные..
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