ڪيئن ڳنڍجي Turtle Beach Stealth 600 PC ڏانهن هيڊ سيٽ?

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Are you looking for a way to connect Turtle Beach Stealth 600 to a PC to improve your gaming experience? Turtle Beach Stealth 600 is the best headset for gaming purposes because of its impressive sound quality and wireless microphone for obvious voice chat. Wearing the headset is also very comfortable because of its lightweight design.
If you are a gamer then it will provide you with several comforts but it is not consistent and compatible with all smartphones unless you take up the built-in USB cable delivered. This headset is generally developed for working with PCs/Computers. اڃان تائين, it is also compatible with a few gaming consoles as well.
خير, here we are going to discuss a detailed Step-by-Step guideline on how to connect the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 headset to a PC. سو, let’s dive into detail…..

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Connect Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Headphones to PC/Laptop

To connect the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 headset to a PC or Laptop Windows 10, you have to follow these steps:

  • سپ کان پهريان, you have to connect the USB wire from your Turtle Beach Stealth 600 headphones to the USB port located on the computer.
  • هن کان پوءِ, you have to open up “سيٽنگون” and then discoverDevices”. هن کان پوءِ, you have to Click the optionAdd Bluetooth or another device”. پوءِ, you will click onTurtle Beach Stealth 600 Wireless Headphones”.
  • هاڻي, as you have connected your headphones, then you have to go back toDevicesand choose them. After selectingDevices”, you have to click on Pairing under Settings.
  • Now that you have successfully connected your headset to your PC, you can open up any audio software like iTunes or Windows Media Player and can be able to start streaming music!


How do I connect my Stealth 600 headset to my PC?

You have to power on your Stealth 600 headset, after that, you have to hold down the Connect Button until the LED starts to flash fast. Windows will discover and now add your headphones. As an option for Xbox One Compatible Wireless Devices seems in a list placed under the “Other Devices” option, پوءِ, it is set to use.

Does Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Function Well With PC?

Yes, its buyers have noted success utilizing the Turtle Beach headset as an ideal USB headphone on their PCs or laptops. And To do this, you have to power your headset off, پوءِ, you have to lower its Game Audio dial. هاڻي, you have to connect its USB transmitter to an open USB port which is placed on your PC.

ڪيئن ڳنڍجي Turtle Beach Stealth 600 to PC With Wire?

سپ کان پهريان, you have to connect the USB wire from your Turtle Beach Stealth 600 headset to the USB that is placed on your computer. هن کان پوءِ, you have to open up the “سيٽنگون” option and then findDevices”. هاڻي, you have to clickAdd Bluetooth or other deviceand then you have to click on the optionTurtle Beach Stealth 600 Wireless Headphones”.

Why is Your Stealth 600 Headset Not Connecting?

If you have to face this issue, firstly, you have to disconnect the Power Cable from your Xbox One, then you have to wait 20 سيڪنڊ. هن کان پوءِ, you have to reconnect the Power Cable to your Xbox One. هاڻي, you have to Power On the Xbox One by using the Power Button which is placed on the Console’s front. پوءِ, you have to re-pair the headset console, by utilizing the Connect Button located on your Headphone and also the Enroll Button that is located on your Xbox One Console.

Can the Stealth 600 Function Perfectly Without an Adapter?

A few computers do have Xbox Wireless built in. For such computers, an Xbox Wireless Adapter is not necessary and is required to utilize the headphones. Heretofore, those PC built-inbox Wireless built-in already, you simply have to be required to pair your headset with your PC. Keep in mind that not all PCs have built-in Xbox Wireless.


To connect Turtle Beach Stealth 600 headphones to PC is just straightforward. You just have to follow the above-mentioned instructions carefully. اميد آهي, these instructions will help you a lot!

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