Iwe unoda kubatanidza Skull Crusher Wireless Headphones kumidziyo yako? Skull inewo mahedhifoni akasiyana. Asi mahedhifoni eSkull ane mabhesi akanakisa uye emhando yepamusoro mahedhifoni uye anga achishanda pasina nyaya.. Iwo ari nyore kushandisa asi pfungwa dzekutanga dzemabatiro azvo kana kuvatora mukuita pairing mode zvinogona kunetsa kune vashandisi vatsva..
Asi munyaya ino, isu tinokupa gwara rakazara pamusoro pekuvasimbisa uye kuvatora mukuita pairing mode. Saka, ngatitangei uye tinyure mune zvakadzama!
Zvimiro zveSkull Crusher Wireless
Kana iwe uri mutsva kune Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni, zvakakosha kuti unzwisise maitiro uye zvigadzirwa zvehunyanzvi.
Iyo Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni akagadzirwa kuti ape emhando yepamusoro odhiyo ine huwandu hwezvinhu zvinowedzera ruzivo rwako pakuteerera.. Heano mamwe maitiro akakosha
Adjustable bass
Aya mahedhifoni anotendera iwe kuti ugadzirise bass kune yaunofarira neyakavakirwa-mukati bass slider..
Bluetooth kubatana
Skull crusher mahedhifoni anobatana nemidziyo yako kuburikidza neBluetooth, kukubvumira kuti uteerere mimhanzi yaunofarira pasina dambudziko rewaya
Hupenyu hurefu hwebhatiri
Iyo Crusher Wireless ine yakanakisa bhatiri hupenyu hwekusvika 40 maawa, iyo inokubvumira kuti uteerere mimhanzi yako zuva rose.
Yakavakirwa-mukati maikorofoni
Aya mahedhifoni ane maikorofoni yakavakirwa mukati, izvo zvinoita kuti zvive nyore kutora mafoni pasina kubvisa mahedhifoni ako.
Maitiro ekuchaja iyo Skull Crusher Headphones?

Kuchaja yako Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni, tevera matanho ari nyore aya zvakanyatsonaka.
- Batanidza iyo Micro USB yekupedzisira yetambo mumaheaphone.
- Zvadaro, batanidza chikamu chechipiri chetambo mune chitubu chemagetsi.
- Iwo marambi e LED pamahedhifoni anotsvuka izvo zvinoratidza kutanga kuchaja.
- Pabhatiri rakazara mwenje we LED unodzima.
Maitiro ekubatanidza Skull Crusher Wireless Headphones?
Kubatanidza iyo Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni nemidziyo yako iri nyore. Heano matanho ari nyore kutevera
Kubatanidza ne Smartphone
- Batidza yako Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni nekudzvanya uye kubata bhatani remagetsi re 3 masekondi kusvikira waona mwenje we LED uchipenya. Iyi LED inoratidza kuti mahedhifoni ave kuita pairing mode.
- Zvino, pauri smartphone, go to the Bluetooth settings and turn on Bluetooth.
- Zvadaro, find your Skull Crusher headphones on your phone devices list and select them to pair.
- Follow any prompts that appear on your phone screen to complete the pairing process.
- Once the pairing process is complete, a voice prompt will say connected.
Kubatanidza neKombuta
- Kutanga kwazvose, turn on your Crusher Wireless headphones by pressing and holding the power button for 3 masekondi kusvikira waona mwenje we LED uchipenya, which indicates the headphones are now in pairing mode.
- On your computer, go to the Bluetooth settings and turn on Bluetooth.
- Find your Skull Crusher headphones on your computer and select them to pair.
- Follow any prompts that appear on your computer screen to complete the pairing process.
- Once the pairing is complete, a voice prompt will say connected.
Note: If you have trouble pairing your headphones, you can get help from the quick start guide provided by Skull. Iwe unogona zvakare kutarisa chikamu chekugadzirisa dambudziko cheSkull rutsigiro webhusaiti kuti ubatsirwe.
Troubleshooting Tips
Kana iwe ungasangana nematambudziko mashoma ekubatanidza yako Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni kumidziyo yako. Heano mamwe matipi ekugadzirisa matambudziko anokubatsira kubvisa idzi nyaya uye simudza mahedhifoni ako uye kushanda.
Matambudziko Ekubatanidza
Nyaya yakajairika neiyi Wireless mahedhifoni ndeyekubatanidza. Saka, kana uine dambudziko rekubatanidza mahedhifoni ako kune chako kifaa, edza matanho anotevera
- Ita shuwa kuti mahedhifoni ako akachajwa zvizere.
- Ita shuwa kuti mahedhifoni ako akabatidzwa uye ari papairing mode.
- Fambisa mudziyo wako nemahedhifoni pedyo pamwe chete.
- Kana iyo nyaya ichiri kuseta zvakare mahedhifoni ako nekudzvanya uye kubata bhatani remagetsi re 10 seconds.
- Bvisa uye gadzirisa mahedhifoni ako nemudziyo wako.
Audio Issues
The second common issue with the Skull Crusher Wireless headphones is audio. Saka, if you’re having trouble with the sound quality or volume of your headphones, then try the following steps
- Ita shuwa kuti mahedhifoni ako akachajwa zvizere.
- Check the volume on your device and make sure it’s turned up.
- Adjust the bass on your headphones by using the bass slider.
- Properly positioned the headphones on your ears.
- Reset your headphones by pressing and holding down the power button for 10 seconds.
- Maintaining Your Device
Kuchenesa Mazano

To keep your Skull Crusher Wireless headphones in good condition, clean them regularly. Here we give some steps to help you keep your headphones clean and maintain.
- After each use wipe down the headphones by using a soft, dry cloth.
- Use a damp cloth with a mild cleaning solution.
- Avoid harsh chemicals, as they can damage the headphones.
Battery Care
Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni ane hupenyu hurefu hwebhatiri. Saka, zvakakosha kutarisira bhatiri. Heano mamwe matanho ari nyore ekukubatsira iwe kutarisira bhatiri
- Chaja mahedhifoni nguva dzose.
- Dzivisa kufumura mahedhifoni kune tembiricha yakanyanyisa, izvi zvinogona kukuvadza bhatiri.
- Kana usiri kushandisa mahedhifoni kwenguva yakareba, zvichengete munzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma.
- Kana hupenyu hwebhatiri hukatanga kudzikira, tsiva bhatiri kuti uwedzere hupenyu hwemahedhifoni.
Nokutevera mazano ari nyore aya, iwe unogona kuchengeta yako Skull Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni mune yakanaka mamiriro kwemakore anouya.
Kubatanidza yako Skullcandy Crusher Wireless mahedhifoni inzira iri nyore iwe unogona kuita izvi nekutevera mirairo inopihwa mune ino positi., you can easily pair Skull Crusher Wireless headphones with your device and enjoy your music.
Remember before using make sure that your headphones are fully charged before pairing the headphones with your device. You should also make sure that the device’s Bluetooth is turned on and the device is within range of your headphones.