Touch VPN for PC Windows 7/8/10 | Mac- Free Download [Latest]

Touch VPN provides a free unlimited VPN service for smartphones. This is the most awesome point to like this app. Currently, touch VPN is only available for android smartphones. There is no official version available for Pc. if you want to download the Touch Vpn for pc? then you don’t need to go anywhere. I am going to share this app totally free for pc. Before Sharing a trick I want to discuss something about this app. let me share with you great features and information for Touch VPN.


The app completed the 10M+ Downloads with a 4.3+ Rating. waad awoodaa download it from the Google Play store for your android smartphones. the app provides a VPN server to secure your data while connecting to public wifi. These are the most dangerous things for our privacy. but touch VPN provides full protection with a Secure VPN connection. All your information is encrypted when you are connected through a VPN app. Touch VPN Provides a different virtual private server for all countries. You can simply connect with one click.

You can also change your location by connecting different country servers. If You live in India and you connect United States Server then your location will see in the USA instead of India. The app also helps you to access restricted sites and Apps. You can also bypass the firewall of school wifi. VPN is really useful than Proxy because all browsers can’t support Proxy.

Touch VPN Features

  • Shield ProtectionThe VPN provides End to end encryption on the public internet. Your Message, Photos, and Videos are fully protected from Hackers.
  • Access Geo RestrictedIf you want to access a site or app that prevent by the firewall, you can open all the restricted sites through a VPN.
  • Fast Cloud-based TechnologyYour internet speed can’t slow when you access the site through a VPN app.
  • Easy NavigationThe app is designed with a really simple interface. You can connect with one button.
  • No Signup RequiredYou don’t need to create an account in this app. Just download and use it.
  • Surf anonymouslyTouch Vpn Spoof Your IP address to another location so that you can enjoy the internet service without any tension.
  • Free to UseThere are no subscription fees required to use a VPN service. You can use it totally free.

There are so many VPN apps available but you can’t find the app that provides free service with unlimited bandwidth. Touch VPN provides Unlimited bandwidth on any server. you can’t get slow internet speed while using this app.

As I already said the touch VPN only designed for android smartphones. You can’t able to install the android version on pc. the company creates an extension for chrome users. but some people can’t able to use the Chrome browser. I am going to share a trick, which helps you to get the touch VPN for pc. You can read the below method to download and install the app on a computer step by step.

You are only able to use this app through an android emulator. this tool helps you to install the touch VPN on windows and mac computers. There are so many android emulators available to do this thing. Bluestack Player, Nox player, Ciyaartoyga Memu, and Ld Player are the most popular tools right now. You can also use another emulator that provides the same service. you can also use existing emulators if you already have them on your computer. haddii kale, you can continue with the new tool. Before Jump to the Installation Method let me share you with some requirements that actually compulsory to pass out.

  • 4GB RAM
  • 5 GB Hard disk Space
  • Latest Framework
  • Latest Driver
  • 2 cores x86/x86_64 Processor (Intel or AMD CPU)
  • WinXP SP3 / Daaqadaha 7 / Daaqadaha 8 / Daaqadaha 10

I am going to share methods for windows and Mac Both. We will use Bluestack player and Ld Player for Windows computers. for Mac, We will use Nox player.

Touch VPN for PC – Daaqadaha 7/8/10

Bluestack player and Ld Player are similar tools. you can use it free for a lifetime. almost all android apps are supported on this emulator.

A) Soo deji oo ku dheji Bluestack Player

  1. Download Bluestack Player from the Official site ( Bluestack for touch vpn (1)
  2. After downloading the tool, Double click to install it. the installation process is quiet and ready forward. Follow the instruction and install the emulator.
  3. Once Installed, Open Bluestack Player. it will load for a couple of seconds and open automatically.
  4. Xiga, You should have a Google account to sign-in on the Bluestack emulator. Open google play store and log in with your Google account username and password.
  5. Now Find the Search Tab at the Top and Type ‘Touch VPNdownload touch vpn
  6. Click on the Install button and Download the app.
  7. You have successfully install touch VPN on your pc.

B) Download and install through Ld Player

  1. Download Ld Player From the
  2. Install the emulator with the basic installation method. you don’t need to do anything. the emulator will auto-install after some time.
  3. Once the installation is complete, open the Ldplayer from the desktop with a double click
  4. Xiga, Navigate to the google play store. which is already inbuilt in your emulator.
  5. Search for the ‘Touch VPNapp on pc. find the best-matched result from the list and press the install button
  6. Waxaan rajeynayaa, you have downloaded touch VPN for pc

Touch VPN for Mac

I recommend using Nox Player for Mac Users. Because it’s an easy and fast emulator. Nox player supports the android 7.0 nooca. you can easily install the touch VPN app.

  1. First Get Nox Player from the original site (
  2. Xiga, Right Click on the downloaded file and select the install button. the installation method is similar to other tools. you have to follow some basic instructions and complete the installation process.
  3. Ka dib markii la rakibo, open the google play store and log in with your username and password.
  4. Now Type ‘Touch VPNin the search option and Hit Enter Button.
  5. select the first best-matched result from the list and download it.
  6. Hola! You have successfully download the Touch VPN for mac.
  7. Now connect to the VPN server and enjoy the service.

so this is the only method available to use touch VPN for pc. If you still have any doubts you can refer to FAQs for more information.


Which is the best VPN for PC?

There are so many apps available that provide VPN services. some of them are paid. Touch VPN is a completely free VPN. also you use a similar VPN for pc. you can check out my other VPN post.

Which is the best free VPN for PC?

Most VPN apps are freemium. You can use some free servers from the list. but if you want to connect with a specific company then you can use the premium version


I recommend using the HMA VPN tool. this VPN app available for both mobile and computer. You can download the tool from their official site and purchase a premium plan. This tool provides a large number of Cloud Server with High Internet speed. sidoo kale, Indicate the best performing VPN list.

Pros and Cons


  • Bilaash in la isticmaalo
  • No account Required to signup
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Easy To Use


  • Connection Lost for Connected VPN
  • Slow Internet speed
  • Sometimes Unable to Connect when so many people connect with the same VPN
  • Not available for every Country VPN
