Како повезати Мацалли Блуетоотх тастатуру на Мац?

You are currently viewing How to Connect Macally Bluetooth Keyboard to Mac?

Да ли се мучите да повежете Мацалли Блуетоотх тастатуру са Мац-ом, али узалуд? Don’t need to be worried because here we are going to mention a complete step-by-step guideline on how to Connect Macally Bluetooth Keyboard to Мац. Тако, Хајде да почнемо

Step-by-step Guideline to Connect Macally Keyboard to Mac

Повезати Macally Bluetooth Keyboard to Mac, морате пратити ове кораке

  • Connecting is required if you’re using the first time. Најпре, you have to Press the Fn and P keys at the same time to set your keyboard in pairing mode,
  • the Pair LED light will flash green.
  • Сада, you have to click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar of your computer which is located in the right upper corner of
  • your screen. Након тога, you have to ensure that Bluetooth is turned On. Now in the drop-down menu, you have to choose Open Bluetooth Preferences.
  • Сада, the Bluetooth window will show a found Macally Bluetooth keyboard, so you have to click on the Pair button that is next to it.
  • As the pairing is completed, your Bluetooth keyboard displays Connected status.
  • If your Mac prompts you a notification or message, The keyboard can not be identified then you have to follow the Keyboard Setup Assistant guide to identify your keyboard.
  • Након тога, you have to select the option ANSI, and then, you have to click on the Done button.

FAQs to Connect Macally Bluetooth Keyboard to Mac

Why Can’t Your Macbook Find Your Bluetooth Keyboard?

Прво, you have to ensure that Bluetooth is turned on. By using a USB mouse or your Mac laptop’s built-in trackpad, морате да изаберете Аппле мени > Подешавања система (or System Preferences), then you have to tap on Bluetooth. You have to ensure that Bluetooth is turned on.

How Do You Turn On Your Macally Bluetooth Keyboard?

Најпре, на вашем Мац-у, you have to Go to System Preferences. Након тога, you have to click on Bluetooth. Онда, you have to Switch the keyboard on. Сада, the thunderbolt/ battery LED must turn on then it turns off.

What is the Command Key on a Macally Keyboard?

Mac keyboards and menus sometimes use signs or symbols for certain keys, modifier keys are included: Цомманд (or Cmd) Смена.

How do You Know if Your Macally Keyboard is Charged?

In the menu bar, you have to click the Bluetooth icon and then you have to click on the mouse, trackpad, or keyboard. Онда, a box should occur that displays the charge status (in gray).

Where is the Enter Key on a Mac Keyboard?

Just like most laptops, the MacBook Air also features a compact keyboard layout. The Enter key is placed on the main keyboard area’s top right corner, adjacent to the right Shift key. It normally occurs as a horizontally elongated key with the sign of an arrow icon that is pointing downward and to the left.


Connect Macally Bluetooth Keyboard to Mac is just simple. You can easily do it just by following the above-mentioned step-by-step guidelines on how to Connect Macally Bluetooth Keyboard to Mac.

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