Да ли се питате како да упарите Болтуне слушалице са својим уређајем? Не брините, овде имамо комплетан водич о процесу упаривања и свему томе. У продавници, there are thousands of Bluetooth wireless earbuds.
But the Boltune earbuds are that earbuds are the directly copy-designed style of Airpods. They have two different versions. One has a longer stem like the original Airpods and the second version has a short stem like the Airpods Pro.
The Boltune earbuds come with IPX8 waterproof certification, ANC technology, 7 hours of listening on a full charge, 4 mics (2 per earbud) to enhance voice pick up, and much more in the box, there are the following accessories, a Charging case, User manual, USB cable, Ear tips, and Quick start guide.
Међутим, most people do not know how to Pair Boltune Earbuds to their devices. Не брините, this post will walk you through the easy process of Pair Boltune Earbuds. Тако, let´s have a close look at how to Pair Boltune Earbuds to your devices.
Difference BT-BH023 and BT-BH024
Both the BT-BH023 and BT-BH024 are wireless Bluetooth earbuds. Each has a few features, and the other does not.

- Earbuds case inside the earbuds
- Micro USB charging cable
- Two alternate sizes of earbud tips (2 per earbud)
- User manual
- Quick Start Guide
- One support card that offers 30 months warranty instead of 12.
- Amazon Gift Card if you review their product

- Earbuds case inside the earbuds
- Micro USB charging cable
- Two alternate sizes of earbud tips (2 per earbud)
- User manual
- Quick Start Guide
- One support card that offers 30 months warranty instead of 12
Хow to pair Boltune earbuds with Andriod’s phone
To Pair Boltune Earbuds with Andriod phone follow the following steps
- Најпре, take the earbuds out of the charging case. They will turn on and pair with each other automatically, the LED indicators on both earbuds will flash white and the earbuds are in pairing mode.
- Turn on the Bluetooth on your Andriod’s phone.
- Go to the Bluetooth settings.
- Select Boltune BT-BH023. If a password is needed, тип 0000.
- After this process, the LED indicators on both earbuds will flash white slowly and the pairing will be done.
Pair with PC
Pair Boltune Earbuds with PC follow the given steps
- Turn on the PC Bluetooth.
- Go to the settings.
- Go to Bluetooth and other devices.
- Click on Add Device and click on Bluetooth.
- Take the earbuds out of the charging case. They will turn on and pair with each other automatically
- Select BoltuneBT-BH023. If prompted for a password, тип 0000.
- После овога, the LED indicators on both earbuds will flash white slowly and the pairing will be done.
How to activate the Single earbuds?
- Pair both earbuds with the device by following the above steps.
- Take out one earbud from the charging case and make sure the other is placed in the charging case with the lid covered.
- Након тога, you can freely use the single (left or right) earbud.
How to Control Track and Calls
- Двапут додирните дугме на додир на било којој од слушалица да бисте репродуковали и паузирали музику.
- Додирните додирно дугме десне слушалице да бисте повећали јачину звука.
- Додирните дугме на додир на левој слушалици да бисте смањили јачину звука.
- Додирните дугме на додир на десној слушалици три пута да бисте пустили следећу нумеру.
- Додирните дугме на додир на левој слушалици три пута да бисте пустили претходну нумеру.
- Додирните дугме на додир на било којој од слушалица једном да бисте одговорили на позив.
- Додирните и држите додирно дугме на било којој од слушалица за 2 секунди да завршите позив.
- Додирните и држите додирно дугме на било којој од слушалица за 2 секунди да одбијете долазни позив.
- Додирните и држите дугме на додир на десној слушалици за 2 секунди да активирате гласовног асистента.
How do you charge the earbuds and the charging case?
To charge the earbuds, place both earbuds in the right position in the charging case. The earbuds will start charging automatically.
Charging Case
To charge the charging case, plug a Micro USB charging cable into the port on the charging case. It will start charging automatically.
How to reset the Boltune earbuds?
Press and hold any earbuds touch button for 10 seconds until the LED indicator flashes white three times. The pairing history is then cleared with the earbud off. Then place both earbuds back into the charging case, close the lid for a few seconds, and then uncover it to pair with any Bluetooth device.
To Pair Boltune Earbuds with your device follow the instructions as mentioned above carefully without skipping any step.
Савети за решавање проблема
Suppose you have any trouble in the pairing of Boltune earbuds with the device. There are a few things that you can try to troubleshoot the issue. Први, make sure the earbuds are fully charged. Check the earbuds are working in the normal range.
Try factory resetting the earbuds. But if the volume is set low, to fix this clean the earbuds using a cotton swab or clean them with a pin carefully. If the microphone is not working or if the microphone is muted, check the device microphone volume.
If it does not work it means there is a defect in the earbuds. Тако, the earbuds are not paired with any device. Први, disable the other Bluetooth from the nearby devices, then activate the earbuds and put them into pairing mode, and repeat the above-mentioned guide to pair Boltune earbuds with your device.
FAQS to pair Boltune earbuds
Are the Boltune BH023 earbuds waterproof?
да, the Boltune BH023 earbuds are waterproof. They have a rating of IPX8, which keeps them protected against heavy rain and heavy sweat.
Does Boltune BH023 have a microphone?
да, the Boltune BH023 has 4 integrated microphones.
Can Boltune BH023 connect to a PC and Laptop?
да, the Boltune BH023 can connect to PCs and laptops. To connect them to your devices. Turn on the Bluetooth on your device. Go to Bluetooth and other devices. Click on Add Device and click on Bluetooth. Take the earbuds out of the charging case. They will turn on and pair with each other automatically selecting BoltuneBT-BH023. If prompted for a password, тип 0000.
You can get a hassle-free and wireless audio experience by pair Boltune earbuds with your device. You can pair Boltune earbuds to your device easily just by following the steps mentioned above. The way to pair Boltune earbuds to your device is just straightforward!