Како носити слушалице Афтерсхокз?

You are currently viewing How to Wear Aftershokz Headphones?

Are you wondering how to How to Wear Aftershokz Headphones? Because AfterShokz is practically weightless and insanely comfortable during wear. Wear them can be tricky if you’re a first-timer.

Don’t fret this article discovers how to Wear Aftershokz Headphones. Тако, Хајде да почнемо!

Како носити слушалице Афтерсхокз?

Follow the below steps to wear Aftershokz Слушалице.

  1. Први, hold your AfterShokz upright in front of you with, the power/volume+ and volume- buttons should be face down.
  2. Онда, hold your AfterShokz, and bring your device around the back of the base of your neck.
  3. Сада, at the base of your neck, raise your AfterShokz to your ears and position the ear hooks around your ears so the transducers sit comfortably outside of your ear and just above your temple bones.
  4. After confirming the device is secure, turn on your AfterShokz headphones and enjoy the listening experience!

How to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with Face Mask?

To Wear Aftershokz Headphones with Face Mask follow these steps carefully.

  1. Најпре, put on your face mask and make sure that your ear loops are properly secure and, the mask snugly fits on your face and nose.
  2. Следећи, hold the AfterShokz upright in front of you with, the power/volume+ and volume- buttons should be face down.
  3. While holding the headphones bring them around the back of the base of your neck.
  4. Онда, at the base of your neck, raise the AfterShokz Headphones to your ears and position the ear hooks around your ears so the transducers sit comfortably outside of your ear and just above your temple bones.
  5. After confirming the device is securely sitting outside of your temples, turn on your AfterShokz and enjoy the listening experience!

How to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with Sunglasses OR Eyeglasses

The following steps guide us on how to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with Sunglasses OR Eyeglasses.

  1. Put on your eyeglasses or sunglasses and make sure that they are properly positioned on your face.
  2. Следећи, hold your AfterShokz headphones upright in front of you and face down the power/volume+ and volume- дугмад.
  3. Након тога, hold your AfterShokzv headphones and, bring your device around the back of the base of your neck.
  4. Once at the base of your neck, raise your AfterShokz Headphones to your ears and position the ear hooks around your ears, so ensure that they sit comfortably outside of your ear and just above your temple bones.
  5. After confirming the device is securely sitting outside of your temples, turn on your AfterShokz and enjoy the listening experience!

How to Wear AfterShokz Headphones with a Helmet?

Follow the given steps carefully to do this.

  1. Први, hold your AfterShokz Headphones upright in front of you. The power/volume+ and volume- buttons should be face down.
  2. Онда, holding your AfterShokz Headphones, bring your device around the back of the base of your neck.
  3. Once at the base of your neck, raise your AfterShokz Headphones to your ears and position the ear hooks around your ears so, that the transducers sit comfortably outside of your ear and just above your temple bones.
  4. After confirming the device is securely sitting outside of your temples, turn on your AfterShokz and enjoy your favorite track!
  5. Коначно, put on your helmet and make sure it is securely and properly positioned on your head.


У закључку, Wearing Aftershokz Headphones is a simple process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enjoy a hassle-free audio experience. We hope this article, will help you a lot!

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