How to check ram

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You should check ram capacity before installing any operating system so that your computer runs smoothly. ram becomes your temporary storage to restore your operating system and other programs. sometimes happens your computer may be going slow. it becomes because you have crossed your ram limit. you must always check your ram space to run any software perfectly. if you want to know how to check ram within a second then follow this article.

Before you know how to check the ram, you should have proper knowledge about RAM. RAM stands for ‘Random Access Memory. As per the name, RAM saved sort information while a program is running. it only stored information while your device is on. when you turn off your device, RAM will lose all information that restores recently.

There are two types of RAM available in the market. முதல், Dynamic Random Access Memory and Static Random Access Memory. Your computer performance depends on RAM capacity. if your RAM space is more then your computer runs fastly. you can boost up your computer speed by increasing RAM.

Method available below how to check RAM. check out now


முறை 1: Check RAM using Microsoft System information


  1. Press விண்டோஸ் and R your keyboard to open Run Dialog Box
  2. Type msinfo32.exe and press Enter

how to check ram

3. you can get all information about RAM and other information.

Ram Information

முறை 2: Check RAM using Task Manager

1) Press the Ctrl key, Shift key, and Esc key at the same time to open Task Manager.

2) Click Performance then Memory tab and you will see how much ram is used and how much left.

check ram using Task Manager

முறை 3: Check RAM in Control Panel

  1. Open Start Menu and Go to Search Option
  2. Type Control Panel after got it, open it.
  3. Open System and Security from Category.

Check ram using control panel

3. Open View amount of RAM and processor speed in the System section.

how to check ram 1 using control panel 1

4. you can check RAM Information in the Installed Memory in the system section.

how to check ram 1

you can see information about RAM that you want.

those are all possibles methods to check ram. if you think you have enough RAM for computer performance but your pc is still slow then you should update your drivers. corrupted drivers may be slow your performance. it is necessary to have the latest drivers installed on your computer.