ఒక ఇయర్బడ్ మరొకటి కంటే బిగ్గరగా ఉందని మీరు గుర్తించినప్పుడు ఏమి చేయాలి అది చాలా బాధించేది. కానీ ఈ పోస్ట్లో చింతించకండి, ఒక ఇయర్బడ్ మరొకదాని కంటే ఎందుకు బిగ్గరగా ఉంటుంది మరియు దాన్ని ఎలా పరిష్కరించాలో మేము కవర్ చేస్తాము. ప్రారంభిద్దాం మరియు వివరాలలోకి ప్రవేశిద్దాం!
ఒక ఇయర్బడ్ మరొకటి కంటే ఎందుకు బిగ్గరగా ఉంటుంది?
ఒకటి అని అనేక కారణాలు ఉన్నాయి ఇయర్బడ్ ఇతర కంటే బిగ్గరగా. ఇక్కడ మేము ప్రధాన కారణాల ద్వారా మిమ్మల్ని నడిపిస్తాము.
ధూళి మరియు చెవిలో గులిమి
One reason for an audio imbalance is that dirt and earwax buildup. These things can get into the earphone mesh and disrupt the volume flow, In this case, one earbud sounds louder than the other.
Another common reason for imbalanced audio in one earbud is moisture. If you’ve been in a humid or rainy area and
suddenly, your earbud starts being quieter. This is likely the cause. The same can happen if you’ve been exercising with your earbuds and sweat blocks the sound flow.
విరిగిన వైర్
Physically connected earbuds and headphones may cause sound quality and volume issues if one of the wires is broken or frayed.
తక్కువ బ్యాటరీ
If you use wireless earbuds or battery-powered earbuds, ensure that your earbuds battery is fully charged. Sometimes a low battery causes one earbud to sound louder than the other.
ఒక ఇయర్బడ్ని మరొకదాని కంటే బిగ్గరగా ఎలా పరిష్కరించాలి?
It is extremely annoying when you want to listen to your favorite music, and One Earbud Louder Than the Other. Who wants to listen to this music where one side sounds fine, and the other sounds tinny and quiet? Don’t worry here is a step-by-step guide on how to fix them.
ఆడియో బ్యాలెన్స్ కోసం ఆడియో సెట్టింగ్ని తనిఖీ చేయండి
The first thing you can try if you hear that one earbud sound is louder than the other. At that time make sure your audio setting, such as Balance, is not set to make one side louder than another. If the setting is imbalanced you can quick and easy way to correct this in the settings of your device.
ఐఫోన్ కోసం
To check this on ఐఫోన్, go into the following menus from the Settings app
- General
- Accessibility
- Audio/visual
From there you should see a sub-menu labeled Balance with a slider labeled left and right and a button in the middle. Make sure that that button is in the middle for a balanced sound between each left and right earbud.
Android ఫోన్ కోసం
To check the sound levels on an Android phone, go into the following menus
- Settings
- Device
- Accessibility
- Under the Hearing header, tap Sound Balance
Here you should find a slider similar to the one detailed above this will help to make sure that your earbuds are well-balanced.
ఇయర్బడ్స్ను శుభ్రపరచడం
Another reason that one earbud is louder than the other is due to a build-up of dirt and earwax inside the mesh of the earbud. You can fix this by cleaning the earbuds.
To clean the earbuds follow the steps
- ప్రధమ, take a paper towel and lightly spray it with a general-purpose cleaner.
- తరువాత, take a Q-tip and use it to absorb the general-purpose cleaner.
- ఇప్పుడు, use the Q-tip to wipe the mesh of the earbud gently.
- అప్పుడు, take a dry paper towel and Q-tip and dry the components.
ఇయర్బడ్స్ను చెవుల్లో సరిగ్గా అమర్చారు
There are many earbuds that some would consider odd to listen to when it comes to setting them in their ears due to their shape and size. You can properly place your earbuds in your ears choose the earbud tip according to your ear and set it properly.
బ్లూటూత్ రేంజ్
For both Android and iOS, you may want to check the distance from the device that you are listening to. Bluetooth 5.0 has a range about four times greater than 4.2, meaning that the range you use on your device may be causing this problem.
The guide on How to Fix One Earbud Louder Than the Other? has provided you with the information.
You have to follow all the steps carefully but if you face any issues then it is better to follow the above-mentioned fixes. So that’s all you need to know about How to Fix One Earbud Louder Than the Other. ఈ సందర్భంలో ఈ వ్యాసం మీకు చాలా సహాయపడుతుందని మేము ఆశిస్తున్నాము!