Readera dasturini kompyuteringizda o'rnatishni xohlaysizmi? Bu erda biz kompyuter uchun stolda bosqichma-bosqich o'rnatish haqida maqola bilan o'rtoqlashdik.
With ReadEra application, you can read PDF files, e-books, documents. The application is available in the Google Play Store. ReadEra provides two versions free and paid. You do not even have to see any kind of ads to read the documents on this application. Here you will also get many books for free. You can download it and read it offline also. You do not have to register for an account to access this app. ReadEra app can read an e-book, kindle, Microsoft documents, text file, pdf file.
This application provides many reading settings. where you can set options like Text Highlights, Quotes Notes, Mundarija, va boshqalar. ReadEra also provides a mode for night vision so that your eyes do not suffer any kind of damage. The Reader application is only available for Android phones.
ReadEra Features
- Read all types of ebooks
- Easy to use
- No Signup Required
- Different Screen Colors are available
- Support all types of text formats
- Free Books Library
Ushbu ilova Windows va Mac kompyuterlari uchun mavjud emas. Agar siz uni kompyuterda ishlatmoqchi bo'lsangiz, to'g'ri joyga keldingiz. Bu erda biz to'liq usulni baham ko'ramiz, which you can easily download ReadEra for pc.
Emulator - bu har qanday Android ilovasini kompyuteringizga o'rnatishga yordam beradigan ajoyib vosita. Emulyator vositasi virtual android muhitini yaratadi. Ushbu interfeys aniq Android telefoniga o'xshaydi. Emulator vositalari katta, shuning uchun bu vositalar kompyuteringizda ko'proq joy egallaydi.
Ba'zida bu emulyatorlar ba'zi kompyuterlarda o'rnatilmaydi, chunki siz kompyuteringizdagi drayverni yoki tizimni yangilamagansiz. Yana ko'plab talablar mavjud. Siz ularni bir marta ko'rishingiz kerak.
- Windows XP yoki yangi operatsion tizim
- Eng so'nggi ramka
- Yangilangan haydovchi
- 2 GB RAM
- 20 GB qattiq disk maydoni
Internetda ko'plab emulyatorlarni topasiz, lekin qaysi biri yaxshi ekanini bilmay qolasiz. Men uchta emulyator vositasini tavsiya qilaman. ularni kompyuteringizda ishlatishingiz kerak.
- Bluestack o'yinchisi
- Nox o'yinchisi
- Memu o'yinchisi
Here I will teach you how to install the app using Bluestaks player and Nox player tools. Men bosqichma-bosqich usulni baham ko'raman. Barcha bosqichlarni diqqat bilan bajarishingiz kerak.
Birinchidan, we will download ReadEra on a Windows computer. Bundan keyin, biz Mac kompyuterlari uchun ham usulni tushuntiramiz. Shunday ekan, vaqtni boy bermasdan jarayonni boshlaylik.
Download and Install ReadEra for pc for pc through Bluestacks Player
Bluestacks works very well on Windows computers. Shuning uchun uni buning uchun Bluestack qilishingiz kerak.
- Yuklab oling Bluestack Player from the official site. Undan Yuklab olishingiz mumkin Havola.
- Yuklab olingandan keyin, standart o'rnatish usuli yordamida uni kompyuteringizga o'rnating. O'rnatish jarayoni biroz vaqt oladi. Ungacha, kutish kerak.
- O'rnatilishi bilanoq, you have to open it from the desktop by double-clicking on the tool’s icon.
- Ochilgandan keyin, log in to your Google account with your id. Kirish opsiyasini Play Store ilovasida topasiz.
- Keyingisi, Google Play do'konini oching, type ‘ReadEra’ in the search option, va enter tugmasini bosing.
- Ilova sahifasida, o'rnatish tugmachasini ko'rasiz. Uni bosing. Yuklab olish jarayoni boshlanadi.
- Ilovani yuklab olgandan so'ng, you will see the ReadEra icon on the desktop. Siz .. qilishingiz kerak open it by double-clicking it.
- Tabriklaymiz! You have downloaded your ReadEra for windows.
Download and Install ReadEra for Mac Through Nox Player
Nox Player Mac kompyuterlarida juda yaxshi ishlaydi. Sizning kompyuteringiz ushbu emulyator bilan hatto osib qo'ymaydi.
- Birinchidan, Nox Player-ni rasmiy saytdan yuklab oling.
- Yuklab olingandan keyin, uni ekrandagi ko'rsatmalarga rioya qilib o'rnatishingiz kerak. Jarayon nisbatan oson.
- Keyingisi, Nox Player-ni oching, va asosiy sozlashni bajaring. Xuddi siz yangi telefon olayotganda barcha telefon opsiyalarini tanlaganingizdek, Shu tarzda, variantlarni bu erda tanlash kerak.
- Hozir, open the google play store and search the ReadEra app.
- Qidiruv natijalarini olgandan so'ng, go to the installation page of ReadEra video editor and press the install button. Yuklab olish jarayoni avtomatik ravishda boshlanadi. Tugallangandan keyin, u siz tomoningizdan o'rnatiladi.
- You have correctly downloaded the ReadEra app on a Mac computer.
So this was the method to download the ReadEra for pc. Bundan tashqari, boshqa variant ham mumkin emas. O'rnatishda muammoga duch kelsangiz, izohda aytib berishingiz mumkin. if you love this post please share it with your friends. you can also share it on social media.
ReadEra is a Book reading application where you can access ebooks, Notes, word documents, pdf, etc., the app is available for android mobile. if you want to install ReadEra app on the computer then you can install it through an android emulator. i explained the complete method above to install the ReadEra for pc.
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