How to Connect Pentair EasyTouch to Wi-Fi?

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How to Connect Pentair EasyTouch to Wi-Fi? Are you wondering about it? We are trying to discuss almost everything that you need to know about Pentair Easy Touch and about to Connect Pentair EasyTouch to Wi-Fi. 所以, let’s start……..

Connect Pentair EasyTouch to Wi-Fi

To Connect Pentair EasyTouch to Wi-Fi follow the instructions given below

  1. 第一的, from the Home screen, you have to tap Settings > Advanced System Configuration >
    Network and then tap on Wi-Fi Setup.
  2. 現在, you have to tap Connect to a Wireless Network
    and then you have to wait for your home network to be
    displayed. It will take up to a minute
    or more to finalize.
  3. 然後, you have to choose your home network and then you have to enter the
  4. As the antenna has rebooted, you just have to tap
    Internet Connection Test to confirm the
    Internet connection from the Configure Network.
  5. As the Internet connection test
    passes, to return to the Home screen, you have to press and hold the Return arrow.
  6. 現在, you have to tap Settings >
    Pentair User Portal from the Home screen.
  7. 然後, you have to tap Enable Web & Mobile Interface.
    And then, you will continue to the next page.
  8. 下一個, you have to change the toggle to ON and then tap the Return arrow.
  9. 然後, you will tap Add New Account.
  10. 現在, you have to tap Property Name and then enter the property’s name. 然後, tap the
  11. 在那之後, you have to tap Email and enter the user’s Email address, and then you will tap the Checkmark again.
  12. 現在, you have to tap the Checkmark to go to the next screen.
  13. 現在, the user’s Email address should be shown to you on the first button. But if not displayed or shown,
    you have to tap the button and then add it as described in the steps above.
  14. You have to tap EnterPasswordand then enter a Passkey or Password, 在那之後, you will tap the checkmark. Keep in mind that your password must have at least one uppercase letter.
  15. 現在, you have to tap the Re-Enter Password button and then try to retype the password, and then you will tap the
  16. 然後, you have to tap the Checkmark to complete the procedure. 此帳戶設定完成後
    或完成, 您必須返回主畫面,然後您必須等待 Pentair 標誌出現或出現.
    隨著濱特爾標誌的出現, 您現在已連接到

Reset Pentair Easy Touch

如果您需要重設或將 Pentair EasyTouch 連接至 Wi-Fi. 第一的, 重新初始化您的戶外控制面板. 如果您嘗試重設室外控制面板, 它不會影響系統配置設定. 右鍵: 您必須按右鍵才能重置系統. 當您按下此按鈕時, the main screen will be shown and communication will be set up or established with the optional EasyTouch Indoor Control Panel if it has been installed.

Drain a Pentair Easy Touch

To drain Pentair Easy Touch, you have to Press ‘ffor the filter pump. It will unlock the pump for direct input. You have to open the pump cover, and you have to hit speed 4. 然後, you have to tap the start/stop button. 出色地, Pentair didn’t need to make it too simple to accidentally drain your spa.

FAQs To Connect Pentair EasyTouch to Wi-Fi

What is Pentair Freeze Mode?

If you are facing or experiencing freezing temperatures for a short time, then on your pool automation, you have to allow freeze protection. Having pool automation lets the pool equipment continue running till the time to normal temperatures return.

What is the Code 14 on Pentair Easy Touch?

The Error code 14 is known as aSystem Failerror condition. It shows either a failed variable speed pump, 失敗的董事會, 或連接不正確或短路.

Does Pentair have An App?

Pentair Home 應用程式是管理泳池設備的一流應用程式體驗. 其簡單的導航和直覺的設計讓您可以從任何您想要的地方監控和處理或控制您的泳池. 現在, IntelliCenter 所有者可以在 Pentair Home 應用程式上控制其自動化系統.


希望, 本文將協助您將 Pentair EasyTouch 連接到 Wi-Fi. 您必須仔細按照上述說明將 Pentair EasyTouch 連接到 Wi-Fi.
