
本文将帮助您了解“如何校准 游戏鼠标“. 如何正确校准游戏鼠标确实令人困惑? 这是一个分步指南,可帮助您充分利用游戏硬件.

游戏鼠标正在成为每个玩家(无论您是新手还是专业玩家)的必需品,因为它是在台式机或笔记本电脑上玩游戏时最重要的武器. 游戏鼠标具备多项功能,让您在玩游戏时倍感舒适. 无论您玩的游戏时间长短都没有关系.

您应该知道,每只鼠标都有自己的校准方式, 但你可以用一种方法来对付很多老鼠. 让我们开始了解如何校准鼠标. 首先你需要一个好的鼠标. 在开始在 Windows 中调整鼠标设置之前, 您必须首先校准鼠标. 这是您开始玩长或短游戏之前需要做的第一件事,也是最重要的事情. Without that, your mouse will not be able to function properly and you won’t be able to adjust its settings.

If you have recently started playing video games, or have just recently bought a new mouse for your computer, you’ll probably be interested in calibrating it. Calibrating your mouse is an essential task is determining the accuracy of your cursor and your mouse movements within the game. 例如, in a FPS (First Person Shooter game), (ie: Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, and Battlefield), there are tiny details on the map that you need to be able to aim at and shoot. In order to aim at them, you must be able to control your movements to the finest accuracy.

1. 如何校准鼠标?

The first and most important thing is that you must have a good mouse before you start calibrating your mouse. Calibrating a mouse 是调整计算机上的按钮和滚轮的过程,以帮助提高计算机系统导航的准确性和效率. 大多数计算机系统都带有内置鼠标驱动程序,可让您校准鼠标. 以下是校准鼠标的两种方法:

在 Windows 中校准鼠标:

  • 单击屏幕左下角的“开始”按钮.
  • 在搜索框中输入“鼠标”, 并从搜索结果中选择“鼠标”.
  • 单击“校准”按钮.
  • 再次点击“鼠标左键”结束鼠标校准.

人们最常犯的错误是购买鼠标而不知道如何校准它. 你有没有想过为什么有的人的鼠标那么灵敏而有的人却不灵敏? It’s simply because they don’t know how to calibrate the mouse. Calibrating a mouse is a very simple task and it takes less than 2 minutes to accomplish the task. 第一的, the mouse should be connected to the system. The best way to do this is to connect it to the USB port. Once the mouse is connected, you can start calibrating it. So when you are going to get a new mouse, it is making sure to follow the below-given detail:



There are varieties of gaming mice that are easily available in the market and each mouse comes with different features and advantages to gamers. When choosing or buying a gaming mouse keep in mind what kind of game you play or want to play with your 游戏鼠标.

If you are an FPS (First person shooting)/shooting game fan, 选择带有两到三个可编程按钮的简单游戏鼠标,因为您在游戏过程中需要速度和灵活性,所以简单就是优越. 但, 如果您喜欢玩 MOBA 或 MMO, 你需要有一个带有多个可编程按钮的鼠标,因为它们可以帮助你执行助手和物品的组合并帮助征服竞技场.



购买鼠标时, 确保您购买的鼠标握感良好,因为它会在您手中花费很多时间. 您还必须确认您的手指是否可以轻松触及所有可编程按钮, 并且有足够的空间来区分每一个. 使用校准鼠标时,您最不想考虑的事情是在进行近战时单击失误.


如果您确实想像职业玩家一样玩游戏, 投资正确的游戏工具以获得最大的满意度并没有什么错. 选择购买常规和知名品牌而不是无品牌 游戏鼠标 因为这些久经考验的品牌拥有可以校准鼠标的软件. 现在, 当您拥有适合您的工作的合适工具时, 让我们讨论如何像职业玩家一样校准鼠标, 所以赢得更多比赛并赢得战斗的概率更高.

2. 修复您的 Windows 默认设置:

在开始使用鼠标之前,您需要做的第一件事是校准鼠标默认 Windows 设置的鼠标更改. This is because your PC default settings are for routine browsing. 所以, as good as they are when you are using it to scan over text on your regular browser, it is not ideal for gaming purposes. Where to change your Windows mouse default settings:

  1. Open your Control Panel
  2. Click on Mouse
  3. Go to Pointer Options

设置-1: Pointer’s Speed:

In the motion category, you will find a slider option named “Select pointer speed”. These settings permit you to control how far your mouse pointer moves when you move your mouse. By default, this option is on the 6th number and that is the best setting because it puts your mouse on 100% 准确性. Increasing this would enhance your cursor’s speed and as well as decrease your mouse’s pixel accuracy –something that we don’t want.

设置2: 提高指针精确度:

Below the slider, you will find a tick box named “enhance pointer precision”. This can also be known as “Mouse Acceleration”. This function relates the movement of your pointer to the speed of your hand’s movement. 简而言之, by moving your mouse sharply, your pointer would move faster and cover a large distance. This setting would create a lot of difference in your purpose because it tracks with your hand’s speed.

This means that in intense conditions when you are required to react rapidly and hit exactly, your mouse would not have the ability to correctly aim your cursor at your enemy. 另一方面, having this setting unchecked would give you more particular actions because your pointer would match your hand’s movement point to point. 手和指针之间的这种同步和一致性将确保游戏中瞄准的准确性更高.

这为您带来了好处,因为当您长时间玩时 游戏环节 你将得到更多的训练,这也将帮助你获得最大的准确性,以准确的时间和准确的位置瞄准你的敌人. 此外, 您的定位不会有任何差异,因为它遵循您手的机制. 所以, 如果你失败了, 你不能责怪你的鼠标. 现在我们已经修复了您的默认 Windows 设置, 是时候校准您的鼠标软件了.


确认您的 Windows 默认鼠标设置不会影响您的游戏后, 现在是时候校准您的鼠标软件了. 除了基本的校准之外, Windows settings have your mouse software would give you more advanced calibration options that would help you to play games better and more efficiently. The two major settings that we will tackle in this article are the dots per inch (深度PI) and the polling rate. Both setting have the most vital impact on your games, that’s why it is really important to discuss them in-depth.

3. 什么是DPI?


In short DPI (Dots per inches) is the volume of your mouse sensitivity. It reflects how far your cursor moves each time whenever your mouse moves. If your mouse has a higher DPI, it means your mouse would move faster. If you remember, we had already briefed the mouse pointer’s speed when we detailed you about your Windows default settings. There, we educated you to keep the pointer speed in the mid of the scale, 以便您可以采用其准确性.

通过使用鼠标软件而不是 Windows 默认设置来保持鼠标的 DPI,可以确保您在瞄准敌人时不会损失像素精度. 使用鼠标的 DPI 而不是鼠标指针速度进行跟踪可能就像 赢得比赛 爆头和令人沮丧的失误.

我应该选择什么 DPI?

没有单一的 DPI 设置可以让您像专业人士一样发挥作用,因为在选择 DPI 时您需要采用很多分析. 下面给出了选择 DPI 时的一些常规要点::


每次移动鼠标时,您的手都会指示指针移动的距离. 如果你处于弱势一方, you might be more successful from a higher DPI so you won’t have to move your hands a bit to cover more surface.


If you are a new gamer and you are still training with your hand-eye, it’s quite better to start with a lower DPI setting. This would help you have good control over your mouse pointer. Likely, the slower movement of your mouse would help you get used to aiming for your enemies perfectly. Once your procedure and coordination improve, increase your DPI as per your need. This would surely help you react faster and efficiently once you are playing at a higher level.


Some people are gifted with fast reactions, while others are not. Adjusting your DPI would help you to use less natural skills. If you find yourself slower to react and aim, 拥有较高的 DPI 可能会奖励您的缓慢动作,因为它将帮助您的指针在短时间内覆盖更多表面.


您需要考虑的另一件事是您的显示器或屏幕有多大. 如果您正在玩 15 英寸笔记本电脑, 最好将 DPI 保持在较低水平. 这肯定会帮助您在较小的屏幕上失去鼠标的踪迹.


MOBA 和射击以及许多其他游戏需要不同的鼠标设置. 自然, MOBA 需要您的鼠标移动得越来越快,因为您正在使用它来跟踪角色的移动. 此外, 因为你有更大的打击区域来瞄准敌人, 您将需要较小的精度.

除此之外,射击游戏需要较慢的 DPI,因为您需要更精确的射击. 较慢的 DPI 可以让您更好地跟踪目标. 这就是为什么一些新 游戏鼠标 有狙击模式设置, 极大降低鼠标 DPI,帮助您更准确地瞄准目标.

选择 DPI 时, 我们的指导是让您继续测试最适合的 DPI. 您可以随时根据您的心情和游戏风格更改 DPI. 找到适合自己的舒适度更重要.

4. 投票率:

鼠标的轮询率是发送到计算机的数据速度和数据量. 您的投票率越高, 动作之间的延迟越少, 行动, and the corresponding reactions of your mouse pointer. There is not much modification to this setting. The rule of thumb is to use the maximum polling rate available to your device.

The only reason you should try to trial your polling rate is when you have an out-of-date computer. This is because your computer processor might not be able to handle the data being communicated to it, causing your computer to lag. Now that you have configured your mouse’s software, you are in a phase to jump into the game to squeeze it. But before you jump into the lobby and look for a match to try your new setting, start with a practice game first and then do some final calibrations and testing for your 游戏鼠标.

5. 如何校准游戏鼠标?

As we described earlier, every game would have its own different calibration requirements. This is because of the different dynamics, mechanisms, and interconnections inside the game. 所以, before you start playing, make sure to calibrate your in-game settings appropriately. In spite the fact of that there are a lot of in-game calibrate options to b configured, here below we have described some of the most common and important ones and how can you configure them.

鼠标加速 (离开):

As we already discussed in the Windows default settings, your mouse acceleration should at turned off mode at all times because it would create a lot of variance in your aiming, hitting, and cursor movement.

原始输入 (在):

Most of the games come with an option to enable/disable the raw input setting. Enabled option means your game would be carried your mouse’s default movements. If your mouse acceleration is enabled on Windows mouse settings, 它将撤销它. 此设置可以让您更好地瞄准, 行动, 和控制,因为游戏将光标的移动与手的移动完美匹配.


鼠标灵敏度是指鼠标每移动一英寸,光标移动的距离. 鼠标灵敏度越高意味着移动速度越快. 适用于 FPS/射击游戏, 你的鼠标灵敏度将表明你的角色的视野移动的速度以及你瞄准敌人的速度. 当您的鼠标灵敏度较高时, 你的角色行动也更快. 如果你是初学者, 这会使瞄准敌人成为一项非常艰巨的任务.

我们的建议是将游戏中的鼠标灵敏度保持在较低水平,因为您已经根据需要调整了鼠标的 DPI. 这将使游戏变得不那么困难,同时给你更多的控制权. 自从MOBA & RPG 是一款备受好评的游戏, 如果您需要不断检查其他车道上的队友,那么拥有更高的灵敏度将非常有帮助. 尽管, 仍然建议不要将游戏中的灵敏度设置为最高级别,因为这样很容易失去对屏幕的控制.


有些游戏还允许您更改瞄准镜灵敏度. 这使您可以更重要地控制范围的大小 & 当你在游戏中处于狙击模式时十字准线会转动. 更改此设置可以让您成为游戏中的优秀狙击手. 我们的指导是降低您的敏感度,特别是如果您喜欢露营. This enables you to perfectly target your shots well since you have the courage of surprised by your side.


We are hoping that this would help make the changes not too devastating for you. Because based on knowledge, jumping to pro settings instantly would cause you to lose a lot of games. The first prior thing you required before starting calibrating your 游戏鼠标 is to have a perfect mouse. To summarize, here is what you should keep in mind when calibrating your mouse. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact us anytime. Thank you for reading this article; we are always enthusiastic when one of our posts is able to provide valuable information on a topic like this! The best bit about having a gaming mouse is that it will work for different games.
