Někdy se může stát, že uživatel Windows čelí problému s telemetrií s vysokým diskem společnosti Microsoft. Díky tomu je váš počítač velmi pomalý. Your task is not done quickly. But you don’t need to worry about this problem. It can be easily solved with some steps. you have to read this article to solve this issue.
What is Microsoft compatibility telemetry
Microsoft compatibility telemetry read and collect your data and send it to the Microsoft Development team. This service is available in Windows 10. This data helps to improve the system by bug fixing.
If your pc is going very slow while this process is running then you can stop this process using the below methods. These all methods for Microsoft compatibility telemetry high disk.
solution for service host superfetch high disk
Metoda 1: Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry high disk using Using Registry Editor
- lis Klíč s logem Windows + R to open Run Box
- Typ gpedit.msc and click OK.
3. Follow this path Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Data Collection and Preview Builds.
4.Double-click Allow Telemetry.
5. Click on Disabled, then click OK.
After all the process has been done., you can check that its works or not using task manager. Task Manager open through Ctrl+Shift+Delete
- Press Windows and R Button to open the Run box.
- Typ ‘cmd‘ in Run Box
- We need to Open Cmd as an administrator. To Open in Administrative mode press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER, najednou
4. Now Copy and paste the below command line in cmd box and press Enter after each command.
sc delete DiagTrack sc delete dmwappushservice echo “” >
C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Diagnosis\\ETLLogs\\AutoLogger\\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl reg add
“HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DataCollection” /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Metoda 3: Using Registry Editor to Fix Microsoft compatibility telemetry high disk
- Press Windows+R button to Open Run Box
- Typ Regedit and hit Enter
3. Klikněte ANO na výzvu Řízení uživatelských účtů.
4.Now Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Okna >DataCollection.
5.Right-click on DataCollection and choose Nový > DWORD (32-bit) Value Then name the new value Allow Telemetry.
6.Set Value date na 0 (zero) a klikněte OK.
Method 4.Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry through Deleting Compattellrunner.exe with Owner Rights
- Press Windows Key + R to open Run dialogue box.
- Typ C:Windows\System32 and Press Enter.
3. A directory menu will open and fine CompatTelRunner. Že jo, click on CompatTelRunner and select properties.
4. After properties dialogue box opens. Click on the Security tab
5. Open the Advanced setting that is located at the bottom, click on it.
6. New windows will pop up. Click on the Owner tab. Click on Edit.
7. When Edit windows open select Administrators and click Apply. Now click on OK
8. Now close all the Properties windows
9. Before you delete Capattelrunner.exe file. you need to change the permission of this file. Že jo, Click on Capattelrunner.exe from System32 folder.
10. Open Properties and go to Advanced tab.
11.Select the Permissions tab and choose your administrator
12. Now click the Allow column next to Full Control.
13. Back to System32 folder and delete the CompatTelRunner.exe
Done. you have successfully disabled Microsoft compatibility telemetry high disk. here all method is explained in detail. if you have still faced an issue. please let me know. I will try to solve this problem. if a post does not work for you simply give me a suggestion to improve it.