PLAYit for pc (窗戶 7/8/10 & 蘋果電腦 ) – 免費下載

PLAYit is the best video player app to play any video from your smartphone. Which supports any type of video format. You can download this app from the google play store. the software is not available for Windows and Mac computers. but if you are finding PLAYit for pc then you have read this post.

該應用程序不僅提供本地視頻,而且你可以由任何社交媒體平台觀看在線視頻. 只需要喺搜索欄中搜索視頻標題. 你仲可以由YouTube下載視頻, 臉書, 唽, Instagram, 等. 該應用程序能夠喺手機上播放4K視頻.

PLAYit由存儲中檢測任何視頻並喺設備上播放. 你可以觀看高清嘅所有視頻. 也, 你可以直接由應用程序共享任何視頻. 該應用程序具有非常簡單嘅界面,易於使用. PLAYit唔收取任何使用費用. 佢係完全免費嘅,可以無限制使用. 該應用程序支持AVI, MKV, 3全科醫生, ..MP4, 硬盤, 4K, 同其他視頻格式. 你可以流暢地欣賞視頻,冇任何故障. it also plays mp3 audio files on your also usable in the background while using other apps. there are a lot of features you can find below.


PLAYit Features

  • All type of video format supports
  • Download video from the internet
  • Watch any video online
  • Free to use
  • The really simple navigation system
  • Save video from Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Other video sites
  • Multi audio supports
  • Online Subtitle function
  • Video to audio converter
  • Floating Play window while using other application
  • Background Music Player

Download and Install PLAYit for pc – 窗戶 7/8/10

The player application is only designed for Android smartphones. you can’t use it on your Windows or 蘋果電腦 computer. the developer has not created an app for computers. they said we are continuously working on the user requests. 我哋將盡快推出適用於電腦嘅PLAYit工具. 如果你真的想要 PLAYit for pc 然後你必須關注篇文直到最後.

第一, 我哋需要喺電腦上創建一個安卓虛擬操作系統. 呢件事只能透過安卓模擬器嚟實現. 互聯網上有好多安卓模擬器. 我建議使用Bluestack播放器, 諾克斯播放器, 同梅姆播放器. 在安裝此模擬器之前,我哋必須檢查一些要點才能成功. 以下係使用安卓模擬器的一些建議. 查看以下要求.

  • 4GB硬盤空間
  • 2千兆字節內存
  • 最新框架
  • 最新驅動程序


一個) 透過Bluestack Player安裝

Bluestack播放器非常簡單,最先進的模擬器. 您可以在Windows電腦上安裝幾乎所有Android應用程序. Bluestack有 1 十億次下載.

  1. 從官方網站下載Bluestack Player
  2. 成功下載後, 使用工具說明指南進行安裝. 需要一些時間才能繼續.
    安裝藍光堆棧 - 窗戶聖誕在PC上播放
  3. 安裝後, 雙擊由桌面打開Bluestack播放器.
  4. 打開Bluestack播放器並使用您的Google帳戶登錄. 也, 你可以註冊一個新帳戶.
  5. 而家打開穀謌Play舖頭並搜索'PLAYit’ ,然後按回車鍵
  6. 獲得申請後, 單擊安裝按鈕並等待下載過程完成
  7. 在這裡,您已成功在PC上安裝該應用程序

我希望您已經成功完成了該過程. 如果您對這種方法感到困難,您可以嘗試另一種方法透過Nox Player安裝PLAYit.

B) 透過Nox播放器安裝

  1. 從官方下載Nox播放器 網站
  2. 使用基本安裝過程安裝模擬器. 安裝過程將花費一點時間. 等待幾分鐘,直到該過程完成.
  3. 接下來打開模擬器並使用您的Google帳戶登錄. 您也可以申請一個新帳戶.
  4. 一旦一切準備就緒! 打開Google Play舖頭並搜索“PLAYit’ ,然後按前往按鈕
  5. 安裝過程將自動開始. 而家係時候掛起幾秒鐘了.
  6. 一旦你喺Nox播放器上搵到呢個應用程序. 打開它,享受最好嘅視頻播放平台.

最佳視頻編輯應用程序 電腦巧影

PLAYit for Mac

We are going to use Memu player or LD Player for Mac. these emulators are the best android emulator to run any apps on Mac. so let’s begin the method without wasting your time.

  1. Download Memu Player from the official site.
  2. Install the emulator with the standard installation method. there is no technical knowledge needed for the installation process. follow on the screen to complete the method.
  3. Open Memu Player and Sign with your Google account. if you skip this step you can’t download the app from the google play store.
  4. Next Open the Google Play store and search for PLAYit, press enter button
  5. the installation process take some time. you have successfully installed the PLAYit for Mac.
  6. Congratulations! you have successfully installed the app.

希望, 你安裝了適用於PC的PLAYit,沒有任何麻煩. 我希望它對你有用. 如果您仍然遇到問題,請對您的查詢發表評論,我們將盡力解決您的問題. 如果得到您的答案,請在社交媒體上分享. 它會鼓勵我為你寫更多嘅帖子.



播放它不適用於電腦. 你可以透過Bluestack Player使用此應用程序, 諾克斯播放器, LD播放器, 梅姆播放器, 等. 此模擬器喺PC上安裝該應用程序. 你可以按照上述方法中嘅步驟.


該應用程序可喺穀謌播放商店中搵到. 你可以由智能手機下載.


透過穀謌驗證嘅Playit應用程序. 你可以毫無緊張地下載此應用程序. 該應用程序對您的設備完全安全. the navigation system is really simple to use.

PLAYit alternative?

There are so many android applications available similar to PLAYit. you can download Mx Player, the VLC player


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