Kia Bluetooth ကိုဘယ်လိုချိတ်ဆက်မလဲ။?

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Often people are confused about to connect to Kia Bluetooth, they don’t know how to operate the Kia’s Bluetooth solution. But don’t need to be worried because we are here with tips and tricks to give you the ultimate solution!

Kia almost all models are more technologically advanced than ever, but surprisingly still, the popular Kia continues to add new technology in vehicles to new heights day by day.

If you are facing the challenge to connect to Kia Bluetooth, then you will be surprised after reading this article about how simple it is to connect to Kia Bluetooth. ဒါကြောင့်, let’s go towards a step-by-step process for a solution.

The Process to Connect to Kia Bluetooth

It is relatively very easy and simple to connect a device to Kia’s Bluetooth system. ဒီအတွက်, you’ll just have to follow these easy steps, and after following these steps you’ll be able to start wirelessly streaming music, making and also answering your calls, and also more all without turning your eyes from the road and even your hands stay on the wheel.

  1. ပထမဦးဆုံး,  On your smartphone, you have to turn Bluetooth on
  2. It depends on what type of phone you have and use, after turning Bluetooth on you will need to choose “Discover,” “Search,” or “Find Connection”
  3. ပြီးနောက်, you have to Press the “Setup” button on the radio unit of your Kia, and then you will select “Phone”
  4. ပြီးတော့, you will Select “Pair”
  5. If at this step, it asks you to tell your phone’s name, then do so, and afterward you have to say “Yes”
  6. ဒီမှာ, you’ll get your car’s name and a passkey on the radio unit. ဒါကြောင့်, you will enter the passkey into your smartphone after selecting your vehicle’s name
  7. ပြီးတော့ ဒါပဲ။, connecting to Kia Bluetooth is complete!

What Is the Mean By Kia UVO?

Kia Bluetooth သို့ ချိတ်ဆက်ပါ။

It’s good for you that you can employ or use UVO app of Kia in order to connect to the vehicle using a smartphone. You can be able to do a number of things remotely because this connection will allow you many functions to do so. A few of them are as follows:

  • (POI) My Points of Interest: You can plan your trips on the road much more effectively by using this function. You would be able to save your navigation instructions for your later use, during the drive you can find a local restaurant, mark stops along your way and so much more.
  • My Car Zone: This amazing my car zone feature allows everyone to customize their driver settings for particular drivers. By using this feature you will be able to set alerts for specific boundaries, speed limits, and curfews, and of course, it will help you monitor your Kia and driver at the time when you aren’t in your vehicle. This feature is popular among parents because they find the My Car Zone feature a valuable tool in order to teach their teen drivers. Through it all your alerts go to the smartphone directly and allow you to reach out if it is important to inquire about the situation.
  • Parking Minder: You can be able to find your Kia by using this app, even if you will be able to do so in those mammoth parking garages. ဒီအတွက်, you just need to activate the location tracker and then you can get walking directions right to the vehicle. You can set parking meter reminders with the help of this feature and by doing this you’ll never ask to pay a parking ticket even on an expired meter.

How to Activate UVO in Kia?

It’s also simple to activate UVO in Kia just like the process to connect to Bluetooth Kia. For the activation of your UVO services on Kia, you do not need an engineering degree. You just have to follow these simple steps:

  1. ပထမဦးစွာ, you have to select the [Mode] button from your steering wheel controls. A few models employ the [Information] button.
  2. ပြီးနောက်, you have to select the [Set-Up] button from the touchscreen.
  3. ကဲ, you will select [UVO eServices] on your touchscreen.
  4. ဒီမှာ, from the touchscreen menu, you need to select [UVO eServices Activation].
  5. And at last, you have to select [Activate] on the touchscreen, and it’s done. ဒါကြောင့်, now you have access to all services of UVO.

FAQs Of Connect to Kia Bluetooth

Why Is Bluetooth Not Working on Kia?

When because of the error of vehicle-Bluetooth device communication, the system remained not stable then you should delete the paired devices and then reconnect the Bluetooth devices. If after doing that the Bluetooth connection is still not stable, then you have to deactivate Bluetooth and reactivate Bluetooth on the device. And connect the device again.

How Do You Reset Your Kia Bluetooth?

To do this you have to press Setup > Phone Connection > ဘလူးတုသ် > Default > Yes on your Kia’s infotainment screen. This process will reset your Kia Bluetooth perfectly.

How Do You Reset Your Kia Connect?

ဒီအတွက်, firstly you have to enter your current PIN, then set a new PIN, confirm this Pin, and lastly submit. But if you have forgotten your PIN code, then don’t worry you can still reset the PIN code under the My Account section which you can find in the Kia Connect App. It will request you to log in again to the Kia Connect App so that you can set a new PIN code.


ဆရာကောင်း, this article provided you with a complete solution to your problem and now after reading this article, you will be able to connect to Kia Bluetooth without any difficulty. It’s important for you to know about Kia’s technologically advanced models, as it will be beneficial for you.
