Are you a Windows 10 user? If the mouse cursor moves too fast on your Windows 10 desktop, it might be because of a feature known as mouse acceleration. The fix is to disable mouse acceleration. Here’s we will help you to learn how to disable mouse acceleration in Windows 10.
Windows 10 includes a feature called mouse acceleration that can make your cursor appear to move faster than it actually does. If you’ve tried to disable mouse acceleration in Windows 10 and can’t, here’s the reason why.
For professional workers, the main trait to be fast and efficient is to use acceleration in the mouse settings. If you have a mouse with adjustable DPI then you can do it manually, but otherwise, this is not an option.
As we all know that the speed of the mouse pointer is actually a little bit lesser than that of the normal speed if it is actually directly moved on the screen. As the distance between the mouse and the target increases, the speed of the mouse pointer decreases, and as the distance between the mouse and the target decreases, the speed of the mouse pointer increases.
What Is Acceleration?
Microsoft introduced a feature in Windows 10 that greatly increases the speed at which the cursor moves across the screen in response to the speed at which you move your mouse. This feature is called mouse acceleration, and it can make it significantly more difficult to play games that rely on mouse control.
Mouse acceleration is a feature designed for people who have difficulty controlling the cursor. This can result from a variety of sources, including using a touchscreen, using a trackball instead of a mouse, or a disability that makes it hard to use a mouse.
If you are using a computer for the first time, you might have noticed that the mouse pointer is not moving very fast. That is because it is not accelerated. When you move the mouse, the speed at which the pointer moves across the screen is automatically adjusted by the mouse acceleration feature.
How To Disable Mouse Acceleration Windows 10?
One of the most common and popular uses of computers is gaming. Gamers have been complaining about mouse acceleration since the technology was introduced. The fact is, mouse acceleration is a rather strange feature — it makes the cursor move faster when you move the mouse faster.
Mouse acceleration is a setting that can be found in most versions of Windows. It can be helpful for some users, but for others, it can be a nuisance. אין דעם פּאָסטן, we will show you how to disable mouse acceleration in Windows 10.
It is not at all helpful in games, as it may be in other applications. Some gamers even feel that the feature needs to be disabled in order to play well. If you are one of those gamers, you can disable mouse acceleration in Windows by following the steps below. Windows 10 Mouse Acceleration Fix: If you are experiencing issues with the cursor moving too slow or too fast (אַקסעלעריישאַן), you can turn off the mouse acceleration with a few simple steps.
טרעפּל 1: עפענען די Control Panel.
טרעפּל 2: איצט אויסקלייַבן Hardware and Sound from the control panel.

טרעפּל 3: Then open Mouse from Hardware and Sound.

טרעפּל 4: Now select the Pointer Options tab from Mouse Properties.
טרעפּל 5: Now uncheck the Enhance Pointer Precision from the motion group.

טרעפּל 6: Click Apply and OK to save changes that you have made.
Maybe this ought to help you further precisely land on your targets. But if you are a gamer and still having difficulties, it could be time to get knowledge on mouse DPI and polling rates and spend on a mouse that’s designed for gaming. We hope this post was helpful in showing you how to disable mouse acceleration in Windows 10. If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments below!